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View Full Version : Let's hunt us down a traitor!

Riordan dar Faile
01-05-14, 05:02 PM
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a couple of people to join me in hunting down the traitor known as Erion dar Saben. I picked up the quest from The Bounty Board in Dheathain and think with the help of some other good writers we could make this really interesting.

The prize is 1000 GP and if we score a 65 or above, we also get to pick one of Erion's weapons as a spoil.

I started the quest already, you can read my opening post here! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26615-Erion-dar-Saben&p=221447#post221447)

01-05-14, 05:07 PM
Dawn would love to get some of that 1,000 credits, and a new weapon... ... And of course, that "Erion dar Saben" too, given it would be nice for this young bounty hunter to see some blood on her arrow tips.

01-05-14, 05:30 PM
I'm up for this. Wonder what draconian blood tastes like?

Riordan dar Faile
01-06-14, 05:10 PM
I've never written with you, Ghost, so I'd definitely love the opportunity!

Monster, Draconian blood tastes like awesome. :p Are you new, or an alt?

Riordan dar Faile
01-06-14, 06:22 PM
Well, now that I know who Monster is, you're both in!

You can fight to the death to decide who gets to post next, we'll try to keep posting order unless circumstances prevent it for whatever reasons. Both of you would have seen the public postings for dar Saben's Bounty and would have had to approach Cahir in order to make a bid for the bounty. Through him, you would have been directed to meet Riordan at Suthainn Proper (which is Upper Suthainn, and basically the square in the market, Lower Suthainn in on the water and is considered the slums). You don't have to include your meeting with Cahir in your opening post, just have to elude to the fact that it happened for Continuity's sake.

I already have a rough idea as to where the quest is going to go, but am open to some brainstorming.

Let's get this show on the road!

01-06-14, 06:24 PM
You go first, Monster. (BlueEvilGhost is my alternate, so I'll be posting some OOCs through my main account I'm using here)

Riordan dar Faile
01-11-14, 09:25 AM

How's your post coming along?

*large, puppy dog eyes*

01-11-14, 11:03 AM
I told Monster to go first :/

01-13-14, 05:08 PM
I know...

Dan, ETA? Even a post to say you've been busy would be nice... >.>

01-14-14, 05:05 PM
I have, sorry. We're behind on an order of sixty thousand some peices at work which means I work from mondays to sundays. You may want to go ahead with your story or call in someone else cause I'm going to be exhausted and swamped for the next two weeks. I'll make it up to you two for another thread, one day.

01-14-14, 05:26 PM
All right, thanks for letting me know, Dan.

Ghost, you can go ahead and post your intro and I'll see if I can find a third person interested in joining us.

Fox Owen Xavier
01-14-14, 05:46 PM
I might be willing to join. Still been trying to think of a reason to use Fox.

01-15-14, 07:05 AM
I posted my first post with Dawn

01-15-14, 08:47 PM
Yeah, it definitely needs some setting. Also, the judge in me read that and noticed how many times you used the word money; 8. XD I hate to be picky, but it stands out a lot.

Suthainn is a city built into the huge trees that dominant the swamps of Fiorair. The city itself has two levels. Lower Suthainn would be considered the slums and sits down int he swamp on the water. Think houses on wooden platforms resting just above of a fetid soup. It's not nice down there. Upper Suthainn is where most of the citizens live. It's build into and around the trees with wooden platforms, rope bridges...etc. It sounds primitive, but it's quite the feat of engineering. It would also be normal to see houses and buildings coming out of the sides of the gigantic trees, built right into them. Upper Suthainn also has a region of even higher prominence, this would be where people like The Ceann Cath and the Treorai an Ti would live.

If you need further information, let me know.

01-16-14, 08:57 AM
Yeah, it definitely needs some setting. Also, the judge in me read that and noticed how many times you used the word money; 8. XD I hate to be picky, but it stands out a lot.

Suthainn is a city built into the huge trees that dominant the swamps of Fiorair. The city itself has two levels. Lower Suthainn would be considered the slums and sits down int he swamp on the water. Think houses on wooden platforms resting just above of a fetid soup. It's not nice down there. Upper Suthainn is where most of the citizens live. It's build into and around the trees with wooden platforms, rope bridges...etc. It sounds primitive, but it's quite the feat of engineering. It would also be normal to see houses and buildings coming out of the sides of the gigantic trees, built right into them. Upper Suthainn also has a region of even higher prominence, this would be where people like The Ceann Cath and the Treorai an Ti would live.

If you need further information, let me know.

I mean to use the word "money" a lot. Dawn's obsessed with money! Even I, the author, doesn't know how, I'll have to come up with something soon though...

And okay, I'll edit the setting when I get the time.

01-16-14, 02:54 PM

Psh, and since I'll be jumping in to cover your overworked and exhausted ass, you owe me some of that writing too! You better not disappear again, or I'm going to (insert elaborate method of seeking you out with threatening undertone). Kapeesh?


Need an assassin to join in? I like killing things.

01-16-14, 03:24 PM
Hey, what part of the city is everybody meeting up at? I wrote that Dawn got lost in the upper part of the city, so maybe leaving her like that until another player finds her and gives her more details would be interesting? If now, what's the specific location, please?

01-16-14, 04:56 PM
Oh, sorry, I told you guys that the meeting place was Suthainn Proper but didn't explain further. Suthainn Proper would be like the Square/Bazaar/Large open area where people congregate to shop, talk and hang out. It's quite an extensive area. You guys would have been given instructions By Cahir dar Laighin to meet at the entrance to the forum, which is just a large 'hangout' zone. Think like nice gardens, with little coffee shops kind of only, only fantasy style, lol. :p

Lye: Of course I need an assassin! The guy's like the equivalent of level 10!

01-16-14, 05:06 PM
Oh, sorry, I told you guys that the meeting place was Suthainn Proper but didn't explain further. Suthainn Proper would be like the Square/Bazaar/Large open area where people congregate to shop, talk and hang out. It's quite an extensive area. You guys would have been given instructions By Cahir dar Laighin to meet at the entrance to the forum, which is just a large 'hangout' zone. Think like nice gardens, with little coffee shops kind of only, only fantasy style, lol. :p

Thank you! :)

01-16-14, 05:16 PM
Also keep in mind that Suthainn is mainly populated by Draconians!

01-18-14, 03:09 PM
I really hate not to be picky, but I made it rather clear that both of you would have had to get in touch with Cahir dar Laighin in order to accept this bounty, and he would have given you directions to the meeting place. I said you didn't need to include this meeting in your post, but just elude to it.

Lye, I don't know what your plan is, or if you're just going to show up in Dheathain (with the 'h' there, Jack!) in your next post, even though it's like a month's journey from Salvar by boat, or what your plan is. Need to talk to you.

01-18-14, 04:10 PM
I'll rewrite the post entirely. I could also do a time break and have Lye meet with the quest giver as an add on. Text me.

01-18-14, 07:33 PM
I've been thinking of redoing my post entirely as well. So whenever I have the energy that's been sucked up from school return to me I'll get to that...

01-18-14, 07:51 PM
All right, this quest has gotten off to a rough start, but we can redo it, make it better, stronger, faster!

01-19-14, 06:46 PM
I re-wrote the post now. How does it look?

01-19-14, 08:45 PM
That's better, thanks for editing, Ghost. ^_^

Once, Lye gets his post up, we can get moving!

01-20-14, 12:48 PM
Post has been revised and man is it a lengthy bastard. Hopefully it helps to paint the scene and isn't too drab. So long as it fits the story, I'll keep it as is. I'd like to avoid another rewrite if possible. X.x

01-21-14, 06:01 AM
I'm going to try and get my post up sometime soon, but I'm not very good at writing when I'm stressed up to my eyeballs. So...if you don't see something for a few days, I apologize.

01-26-14, 09:08 AM
Apologies about the wait, I got caught up with life.

Now, In your two next posts, Ghost you can have them move down to the docks. They're in Lower Suthainn, which is the other half of the city that sits just above the water line of the swamps. The docks that they'll be using will be in one of the more well kept areas of Lower Suthainn as it is the main docking ground for the city itself. Go as far with your post as you want, it will take them a few hours to get to Aird. Then Lye can take over from there and get us into the Village. I'll catch you in chat, Lye, and give you whatever info you want on Aird.

02-03-14, 07:26 AM
Hey, guys, I'll try to get to my next post soon! The weekend was busy with me having to finish up a school course and by the time I was done all I wanted to do was sit back and watch YouTube. I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting, once again, I'll try to get to writing that post really soon!

02-06-14, 09:02 AM
Finished my post.

02-10-14, 06:06 PM
All right, the setting help you requested. Upper Suthainn, which is where they are now, slowly degrades in quality the lower they get to Lower Suthainn and the swamp itself. They'll take a large set of stairs that are forms around the massive truck of a tree and slowly spiral down until they hit the lower part. The buildings down here are pretty shabby. Think wooden shacks and lean-tos, if you've seen The Hunger Games, just kind of picture that except on the water and a hell of a lot more crammed with people and buildings. Lower Suthainn has a large populace.

The Docks will be bustling with a lot of activity. Because of the kind of city Suthainn is, not much can really be grown there, though there are some small vegetable gardens higher up. So, the docks will have a lot of vessels and Draconians moving around a lot of goods. The boats are shallow bottomed because of all the vines and roots and vegetation that is hidden below the water's surface. They're wide and don't usually have a cabin. They're just meant to quickly transport goods and people to and from Suthainn, they're not exactly built for comfort.

I think that should be enough for you to edit your post and then Lye can get moving on his.

02-10-14, 06:57 PM
Okay, thank you! I'll edit it as soon

02-15-14, 11:44 PM
Hey Blue, are you done editing your post? If so, I'll begin writing my part so we can continue.

03-03-14, 01:33 PM
Hey, guys, sorry I haven't edited it yet. I've caught another cold so I'm extremely tired. Since it's only the setting I have to edit, and not any of the action and stuff, I think it would be okay for you guys to post anyways. You don't have to wait, just post the next two posts. By the time you're done I hope I would have edited it by then.