View Full Version : Any Tips For Us Horrible Title Creators?

01-06-14, 08:41 AM
Okay, guys, here is a question on writing style and well as overall creativity that I’ve had for a while:
I’ve had this issue for a long while, and I’m sure some other people on Althanas have the same issue; while we are capable of writing good stories, our titles themselves really slack. Because of this I’ve named a lot of my threads after songs I like that may have similarities with the thread topic, however, I really do want to be one of those people who can make great thread titles on my own as well. I don’t know why, but I just can’t come up with attention grabbing titles that a lot of other people can. I was wondering if anybody here has any tips for us people who just can’t seem to be as creative with our titles as our stories themselves.
I have been able to come up with one or two better titles recently like with my thread “On the Concept of Hatred” (which I hope will get points for technique for applying the exact title to the posts themselves.) and “Who I Am and Who I Want to Be”; however I still feel like my skills at making good titles lack. So anyways, after writing one line and two annoying paragraphs and repeating myself constantly, here is the main question: How do I come up with a good title for any story I write?

Aurelianus Drak'shal
01-06-14, 09:02 AM
Some people are just naturally better at capturing the entire heart and soul of their thread in a single sentence. But not everyone is, so my suggestion is to do like you said - song titles are particularly good.

In fact, I have an entire list of David Bowie's song titles, and plan to use most of them eventually. Just find a band, a movie, the name of an episode of a TV show, and change it a little to suit Althanas, or your character.

Silence Sei
01-06-14, 03:03 PM
Song titles.


01-07-14, 07:53 AM
Some people are just naturally better at capturing the entire heart and soul of their thread in a single sentence. But not everyone is, so my suggestion is to do like you said - song titles are particularly good.

In fact, I have an entire list of David Bowie's song titles, and plan to use most of them eventually. Just find a band, a movie, the name of an episode of a TV show, and change it a little to suit Althanas, or your character.

Really? I'm not the only one?? What a relief... And I have been sticking to do doing song titles; never really thought of editing them though, thanks for the tip!

01-07-14, 07:53 AM
Song titles.

