View Full Version : Things are getting busy...

09-12-06, 08:48 PM
I'm not going anywhere I'm just losing a lot of my free time.

Over the summer I was trained on a new position at work and now that I have said new position I work mon-fri every week from 11:30-6, on friday's 11-6. :p So much for it being a part-time job. Anyway, that's tiring me out a lot. As of tonight, my night school course has started so every tuesday from 6:30-9:30 I have that going on and homework of course. It's a writing course and writing takes time, the homework unfortunately takes precidence over Althanas and it will be taking up the majority of my free time unless it's light homework.

I don't expect my activity to drop too dramatically since I can always makes up for it over the weekend and I have a few things wrapping up right now anyway. Judging is really going to go down the toilet though, that's too time consuming as I'm learning having a hard time finishing the one I've got right now.

Just thought I'd keep you guys informed and explain why it may be taking me a bit longer to get around to posting.

Artifex Felicis
09-12-06, 08:52 PM
Given how our thread should only have 2-3 posts in it now, I'd say you've been fine.

Good luck with your new job and everything that would end up pertaining to it. And don't worry, most of the hounds here are afraid of you as it is. Just don't ignore our thread and I'm golden at least ^^

09-12-06, 10:05 PM
I feel your pain on the working thing. It sucks how much it cuts down on stuff, doesn't it?

It's great to know you'll still be around, though. :)

09-13-06, 02:12 AM
Taking care of real life takes precedence over on-line life, after all. Take care and don't overwork yourself. I'm sure there will be people willing to fill in for you if you ask them nicely. :)

09-13-06, 07:29 AM
And don't worry, most of the hounds here are afraid of you as it is.

Ahhh, fear, one of the great instillers of respect. :p It helps keep all those little minions in line.