View Full Version : Responding to the screams! Open

01-11-14, 07:49 PM
Wile making his usual rounds through the Halikan Woods where most of the thieves live and tend to rally, just on the outskirts of a small farming town, Alexai notices a strange and off putting sight just off of the path he had been walking. He takes a few steps off the path and into the direction of the figure and is immediately taken back by the sight.

Threw the thick brush of the woods is he can see an overturned carriage and two dead horses on the ground surrounding it. When he nears the sight he can see that there was a struggle, blood spatters all over the carriage and arrow sticking out of the wood. "My god" is the only thing he can muster out of his mouth. Quickly he notices that there are multiple sets of foot prints leading off into the woods behind the carriage and then he hears the most desperate "HELP HELP HELP" from that direction.

He without thinking runs towards the cry for help sword drawn.

01-14-14, 01:20 PM
My screams for help would never be heard...
"HELP HELP HELP".... nothing...
This is not the way I go... I am a mercenary for lords sake...
"ugh..." blood pooling next to me.. a huge wound in my side..
Blackness consumed me... this is it... im sorry master...

01-14-14, 01:27 PM
Looming over the woman Tison La' Blank, is starring at his prey. "You aren't human. You are a monster. You are worse than a monster, you hide your self in a human form." he says as he take a few steps closer to her. With every step he takes she can feel his dark and scary aura cover her and fill her with fear. "Now you Die!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE" he screams out loud as he lifts his leg well over his head and brings it down with full intent to smash her head in.

01-14-14, 02:32 PM
Leoric had spent most of his day in this old dank tavern. Not a single individual in here looked like they would put up a decent fight. he needed a cure for his rage and aggression. The Lord of the bottle reached over the bar and grabbed a bottle of booze from behind it as he tossed the barkeep a few gold coins as the man protested the intrusion.

As a man who usually kept to dark dimly lit bars at all times. The sun during high noon was fairly blinding, at least for the few seconds it took for his eyes to adjust. The muscle bound man standing on the steps to the tavern had uncorked the bottle and started drinking when he heard a blood curdling scream, Someone had just been wounded.

Leoric put the cork back in the bottle and grasped it tightly as he took off towards the scream. At first the bar brawler had no idea why he was running to the scene. however, he realized once his drunken brain caught up to his body. Someone is obviously brandishing a weapon... something that would prove a challenge to his fists. His body had instinctively reacted and rushed to put himself in harms way so he could finally enjoy the fight.

As he erupted from the alleyway between two buildings he saw the all to familiar scene, with a not so familiar set of lines. Before the brawler could get a word in edge wise the man had lifted his leg high into the air and was clear in his intent. Leoric sprang forward, going as fast he could to get in between the man and the young lady on the ground. he got there just in time to catch the mans ankle. Leoric pushed the man back and watched as he stumbled.

"Not human? Monster? Surely you have met many humans who act just the same as monsters" He tilted his head a bit to the side as he uncorked the bottle and took another swig before throwing the cork into the ground. "In fact, we humans are monsters. think about it, no other species or animal out there will commit the hideous acts humans will for the sake of self fulfilment"

Leoric was now between the hunter and his prey. if anything this was going to give him the fight he was looking for.

01-14-14, 02:51 PM
Tison stumbles back from this man, not knowing where he came from or how he managed to get between him and his prey. "How dare you!" Tison cryies as he stands back a few steps from the man. Now he is completely fixated on the prize behind this strange and tipsy man. Itching with excitement and anger he begins to flex and relax his muscles getting ready to attack.

"You are a monster too then!!" he yalls as he lunges forward to strike Leoric's bottle out of his hands. Leoric seems confused as Tison hits the bottle shattering the bottom of it with the neck left unbroken in his hands. Then as the glass reached the ground Tison delivers as devastating kick to the side of Leorics neck knocking him a few feet away and on the ground. "I must kill, destroy, slaughter all the monsters in this world. They are only pain and terror to this world, I will be the harbinger of destruction to this darkness." Tison exclaimed as if preaching to a crowd.

His attention now refocuses on the girl on the ground, "I will bleed you," he says as he crackes his knuckles "and you will be gone."

01-14-14, 02:59 PM
Her eyes crack open, blood clouding them
"why am I not dead" she thought to herself...
Before her she sees a man, stinking with rum.
"oh and he is my drunken savior.." she mourned
she tries to stand with no progress. Wiping some blood from her face she hisses in pain, feeling it rip threw her body.

The hunter cracks his knuckles.
"Well Fuck.." she growls
The moment comes where her body heats up... Her hands catching fire. She then begins to rain down golf ball sized fire balls towards the hunter. She tries to stand and run, smashing into the drunken man.
"Great Now your in my way too!!!"

Running she slips away into the darkness, moving on nothing but adrenaline...

01-14-14, 03:09 PM
Finally nearing the commotion Alexai can hear yells of death and destruction. Turning the corner he witnesses a rain of fireballs and a young woman running in his direction. He grips his blade and runs to intercept the panicking girl. She running without looking forward runs right into Alexai's arms and he drops his sword. "Are you ok?!?" he asks he as he shakes he slightly as she is confused. The girl breaks out of his arms and runs past him a short distance and stops, and notices the Knights crest on his armor and sword.

Alexai the sees the two men further in the alley, "What is going on here?" he yells as he leans over and grabs his sword and the points it at the men. "Who are you, did you all kill those people back there?" he says hesitantly noticing there are two possible enemies.

"This could be bad..." he thinks to him self.

Sir Walter
01-14-14, 03:25 PM
“Where could the thieves be hiding? I have been searching for days in these woods to bring them to justice but have yet to seen a sign of them. They must be laying low after that last raid on the town,” I thought to myself as my faithful steed Tempest walked through the woods. “It's a sad thing that people resort to dishonest methods to make money and take lives that can never be replaced. I hope I can put a stop to them before more innocent people die.”

“Well, I guess we are done for the day, old friend. I'll let you wander around but do your best to stay away from people. You are a wonderful companion but unfortunately, your current form is a bit scary. I wish I could do something for you as always but it seems like the Gods have a different plan for us. I'll see you tomorrow and hopefully we can find the bandits then,” I spoke to the loyal undead steed while taking off my equipment.

Wandering around town, I halted in my tracks as I heard a scream for help. “Is that the bandits again?” I wondered as I rushed over as quickly as my steel armor would allow. Turning the corner I arrived just in time to observe a man kick some drunk and then turn around to focus on a girl. Before I could rush in to stop the fight, the female began summoning some fireballs to throw at the man. Taking advantage of the distraction, she began running down the other side of the alley bumping into the drunk and into a new person who appeared to be a knight.

“What in the world is going on? I can't even tell who started this and what the sides are,” I thought as I stepped forward into the alley. “Who are you people and why is there a fight going on? Please stop at once and calm down if you can. Also, could I get your names please so I can write up a report if needed?” I stated.

Just to make sure it's clear, Sir Walter is in full platemail so it isn't immediately obvious that he is undead. Although, his voice does kind of have a deathly chill to it so if someone has met a death knight in the past, they might think something is wrong with him.