View Full Version : To Gather Stuff...(A Call for ALL Crafters)

01-17-14, 11:47 AM
Here is the thread. ~Gathering~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26748-To-Gather-or-not-To-Gather-(Open))

I'm thinking of running some missions for The Trading Company that would count as side projects. As always, any and all Trading Company members on the roster are welcome. However, I am looking for some outside help. Preferably one or two level 0's-2. The story will involve and on going search for resources of all types. Basically each thread will have a specific goal in mind, and then we will process that goal once it is acquired. But the main idea is that we gather it ourselves within our appropriate skill range. So what I am looking for is crafters and scavengers of all sorts. You don't have to support The Trading Company at all, but wanna make a few extra gold by doing -HONEST- work. The first thread will be similar to The Trading Company's current mining project(s). The idea being that we're gonna gather tons of leather, lumber, and possibly some ore to make something cool. What that something is? That's the surprise at the end. So come one come all! Game on!

Slot 1--EMPTY
Slot 2--EMPTY

01-24-14, 08:44 PM
Interest found right here. I want to explore TTC operation in character before he decides to join.

Green Gwendolyn
07-09-14, 09:11 PM
I can join if you like! :)

07-13-14, 07:32 AM
Are you looking for people specifically to do hunting and mining? Or do you want to tie it into other tasks?

Because I'd loved to be involved, but I'm more a trader than a collecter >.>

If this is full, perhaps I can get involved in TTC some other way...? Not ssure about joining just yet.

07-13-14, 02:51 PM
We need traders to sell our goods, and I can set you up with a shop if you want one people!

By the way, Elthas runs quests, I run finance with Inventor.