View Full Version : Beginnings

09-14-06, 10:12 AM
((Closed)) (comment: I started this thread a long time ago with someone else and then both interests were lost. I haven't been able to get a hold of them to see if they would be willing to start it up again so I will be altering my posts from this (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1020) quest and posting them here.)

Séreméla's back slammed into the dry ground as a cloud of dust wrapped around her. The fall had knocked the wind out of her as she gasped for air but only got sharp particles of dirt. Her eyes were closed but she could tell that her attacker was over her body, blocking out the sun's light. She opened them to catch a glimmer of the double-bladed axe heading fast towards her torso. Quickly she rolled out of the way as she felt the weapon slam into the ground next to her. She continued to roll while her attacker continously hacked away at the ground just inches from her moving body.

The trunk of a tree stopped her hard as Séreméla slammed into it with her ribs. She whimpered for a second at the pain that she had just inflicted on herself, then quickly moved away as the axe came barreling down where she was and buried itself deep into the tree. Séreméla stumbled to her feet and began falling back but caught herself.

She looked at her attacker trying to pull the blade out of the tree. Séreméla looked around frantically trying to spot her own weapons. The sparkle of her Elven sword lighted her way to the grassy patch near her as she picked it up and swung her bow and quivers on her back.

A hard metal stick flew through the air and smacked Séreméla across the back making her fall onto her stomach. The pain started to become unbearable. Another gasp for air. Now there were two of them. She thought to herself as she began recalling how she even got into this mess. Another blow across her back caused Séreméla to pass out from lack of oxygen. And there she was, in her mind in darkness, in unconciousness as her mind began to replay the events up till now.

((The day before))

We will find you.
And we will bring you to him.
The faces of two hideous demons spoke the words to her mind. Their skin was tearing from their bodies. One held a large double-headed steel axe the other held a large metal rod. Séreméla had never seen them anywhere but in her own dreams and she could never figure out why. The sound of their harsh voice and the image of their terrible body sent shivers down her spine. They began heading towards her with weapons drawn. The axe was rising high into the air then just a quickly it came down on her.

The morning light was shining bright in Séreméla's eyes as she awoke. Stretching out her body she felt the cool breeze from the small pond a few feet away from her. The sound of rushing water had helped her sleep through another troubled night of dreams. The thought was still fresh in her mind. She had always had at least one dream a night about the two creatures. The sound of water seemed to be the only thing that kept her asleep between the dreams; it kept her safe in her mind from not waking up and thinking about every single dream.

She rubbed her eyes and crawled slowly over to the water then splashed her face. The cold water made her shrink back for a moment. Then she sprawled herself again on the ground and looked up at the blue sky.

Why do you haunt me so? What is it that is wanted of me?

The water she had splashed on herself began to dry in the sun and a feeling of drowsiness befell her once again. She didn't want to sleep, but she knew she couldn't fight it. They wanted to taunt her more in her dreams and they would always get what they wanted there.

09-14-06, 10:16 AM
They had been chasing her once again in her dreams. She wished they’d just leave her alone. One lunged at her with the large axe. She quickly pulled an arrow out and released her Earth Arrow into the air. The creature’s body began to glow a bright red and as the arrow met it, caught fire and disappeared into a pile of ash on the ground. The magical properties seemed to just add to the speed in which it came at her. Her eyes widened as she turned and began to run again. Séreméla felt the force of the axe coming closer to her. The pain of its blade grazing her back made her fall to the ground creating a puff of dirt. Her face was covered in a thin sheet of dirt and she could feel a little trickle of blood begin to run down her sides. The cut began to burn from within as if the axe was coated with something. This had been the first time in her dreams they had actually harmed her. Every other time she awoke before the touch of metal.
It’s only a dream
It’s only a dream. She tried to tell herself.
Her body lay there as the creature bent down and pulled her head up by her hair and came close to her ear.

…We are real
We are coming…
…And we will find you.

The creature released her head and it slammed into the ground again. She began to cry as the burning from her back grew. Séreméla heard the creatures as they disappeared into the void of her mind.

She awoke startled to the sound of another around her and on instinct and fear that it was one of the creatures pulled her sword and swung it in the direction of the voice. The blade was more than a few inches from her target when she realized it was just a young man wandering around. Her breathing slowed from it’s rapid pace that started when she opened her eyes. A sudden sharp pain went through her body as her arms stretched out during the full attack with her blade. Her back was still burning from the dream. She felt its breath still in her ear. The pain from her back made her drop the sword as she rolled hap hazardously on her side. Séreméla felt the side of her garb touch her body with a wet feeling. Totally ignoring the man standing a few feet away she pulled off her shirt quickly and felt her back. The graze from the blade was clearly stated on her back. She felt a sort of heat glowing from it. She closed her eyes and began to cry a little.

After a few moments she opened her eyes and looked at the being and turned her glance over to the tree line. In her mind she didn’t know what to do or say to him. She laid there quietly as the glowing heat from her cut continued to burn.

How was it possible that they harmed her outside of her body? What were they and what did they want? She asked herself over and over in her head.

A single bird flew overhead and the rushing water seemed louder in the silence with another now more than ever.

06-13-09, 02:02 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.