View Full Version : Cold Within and Without

01-18-14, 02:54 PM
Draken snarled as he sank his teeth into his mothers neck, ignoring her screams as he fed. His father lay dead on the floor behind them, his throat already torn open. Draken drank deeply, his eyes closing, savoring the taste of blood. A small whimper caused his eyes to snap open again. He turned, his prey still firmly clutched in his mouth and arms. His sister Alicia was standing there, shaking and whimpering. Tears rolled down her young face as she beheld the carnage visited upon her family. "D-D-Draken?"

Draken dropped his mother's lifeless body. It hit the floor with a dull thud. Blood dribbled from Draken's mouth, staining the front of his clothes scarlet. The vampire stepped over the corpse of his mother, advancing on Alicia who stared at him wide-eyed, too scared to move. Draken reached out a bloody clawed hand and gripped his sisters throat, baring his teeth...

Draken awoke in darkness, staring into the cloth of the cloak he had wrapped around himself. Nightmare. He pulled the fabric from his face and looked up into the pines branches that covered the shallow grave he had dug. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Seriously? Nightmares? What the hell is wrong with me? I am likely the only vampire ever to get nightmares. Draken looked into the covering of pine branches again. He reached up and pushed them away, hearing the branches groan and crunch in protest. Draken sat up and looked around.

The tall pine sentinels of Skavia greeted him. It was still snowing and the undisturbed branches had close to half a foot covering them. The trees creaked and shifted in the mountain wind, shaking free their burden of snow. He dug his fingers into the frozen ground and climbed out of his hole. He was dimly aware of the cold. Fortunately, since he had been turned, the elements didn't bother him very much. He pulled his cloak out of the hole, tugging where the cloak had frozen to the ground. He wrapped it about his shoulders once again, not bothering to pull the hood up. He clenched and relaxed his hands a few times.

He had been wandering these woods for near to a week now. He should be getting close to Knife's Edge soon. At least he hoped so, food was hard to find up here. He had managed to bring down a lone elk the previous night. The elk's blood had been a welcome reprieve. But having a more reliable food supply would be a relief.

Draken placed the pine branches back over the hole and moved some snow over it. It wouldn't fool an experienced tracker, but it might keep casual pursuers off his trail. Once he was satisified with handiwork, he turned from his camp and continued on his way.

Draken followed the edge of the trees, his boots crunching in the snow. The mountain wind howled, the trees creaked. He hoped he found Knife's Edge soon.

01-18-14, 11:23 PM
Fliseti was sitting next to her fire... a longing in her heart...
no one will love a demon... that's why im alone after all these years.....
Wiping the tears from her eyes she laid her head on the ground, her beaten and battered clothes cover in the blood of her latest victim. Pulling a bit of food from her bag she sighed again.

if work doesn't pick up ill be in real trouble..

the fire cracked and hissed as the night progressed

01-19-14, 01:58 PM
Draken paused, raising his head to sniff the air. Smoke. In this weather, that meant campfire. Which meant he wouldn't have to wait very long for new prey after all. He took another sniff of the air and turned to face it. Then he set off once again. Who the hell would be all the way out here?, he wondered. Well, besides me, anyway. Mercenaries or thieves most likely. So they would be armed. Easy enough.

A shuffling up ahead caused him to stop. A wolverine came bounding of the blizzard in front of him and stopped a few feet away to stare at the vampire. Draken stared right back. The animal sniffed the air and snarled at him. Draken held his ground. The animal gave one last curt sniff before bounding away into the blizzard. Draken relaxed. You're getting jumpy, Draken. It was the storm. It muffled his senses and left him vulnerable, just like any other animal. He turned and looked around, just to make sure that no more surprises would come out of the gloom. Sighing, he continued his trudge through the snow.

This had better be worth it, he thought. He was beginning to wonder if he should have even gotten out of his hole. The smart thing to do would have been to lay low and wiat out the storm. Guess I'm not that smart. He knelt as a particularly vicious gust of wind did its best to blow him off the mountain. Damn it! He stood up and kept going, he would be damned if this storm was going to defeat him. He sniffed the wind again and smiled. Not beaten yet.

A cracking sound beneath his feet caused him to rethink that. Draken froze, crouching low. He suddenly realized what he had done. In the storm, he had been heading in a straight line towards his target. The snow and the wind and the low light conditions had blinded him to the terrain. He was now crouched on a frozen outcropping of ice over a ledge. It could give way at any moment and he would plunge into oblivion. He cautiously made his way back to what he hoped was the edge of the cliff. Each crack and rumble beneath him made him pause, then begin again. Suddenly the ice beneath him shuddered and cracked. Shit. He jumped up and ran as the ice gave way beneath him and jumped into midair. He claws sprang forth from his fingers and he embedded them in the cliff edge, barely. He quickly dug his other hand into the cliff ass well and hauled himself back up. He lay on his back in the snow, staring up at the sky for a long while. Yes, I'm an idiot.

01-19-14, 02:24 PM
The storm picked up, the wind with it and wiped her hair around. The cold on her face burning the skin of her nose and cheeks. The fire blew out and all heat was gone. Using her energy she created a barrier. Heat swelled around her body. The snow melting around her, causing her clothes to soak. What would the master do..

She scoffed master would tell me to get off my ass and head for cover...
Using this thought she climbed to her feet and started walking. The smell of humans was overwhelming. The town must be close.. humans.. if I could drain that half of me I would.

Fliseti's mother was a human, her father the living damned. Cursing under her breath she growled Stupid human. Foolish. UGH!!

Anger consuming her, she howled with anger. The sound echoing threw out the woods reaching the town.
Be afraid humans!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!!

01-19-14, 04:36 PM
Draken sat up, a new sound reaching through the storm. A loud, melancholy cry that reverberated through the mountains. Draken knew the animals that frequented this area. That was not one of them. What else was he sharing these wilds with? Only one way to find out. He rolled over and stood up. His claws retracted and Draken listened.

The wind weakened and for a moment, Draken saw a shadow off the edge of the cliff. It was a tree. A huge tree that stood from the valley floor to where he stood. Draken grinned. Well, as long as we're being really stupid. He let his claws spring free once again and Draken backpedaled. This was going to be one hell of a trick. Draken erupted forward, running as fast as he possibly could towards the cliff that had recently almost claimed him. He kicked off at the edge and flew through the air. As Draken sailed through the snow filled sky, time seemed to slow. The snow fell slowly past him, the wind muffled and muted.

Then the sillouette of the tree rose before him. Draken raised his arms and grabbed at the tree. The topmost branches proved to be too slight to support his weight and the tree bent in the direction of Draken's jump. As the tree bent, Draken lashed out and dug the claws of one hand into the the trunk of the tree, but they didn't stick. Draken released the tree branch and dug his free hand into the tree, clutching with all the strength he could muster. At last, his descent slowed and his foot connected with a thick branch and he stopped. Well, that worked out way better than I thought. He grinned again and released his death grip on the tree, dropping onto the brach beneath him. He perched on the branch, looking out over the valley. Somewhere out there was whatever had made that noise. He had to figure out what it was, he had gone through way too much trouble to give up now.

Draken dropped off the branch and swung to a lower one. He slid around the trunk onto a lower branch. He jumped onto a lower branch. He dropped onto it and swung lower. Finally he dropped back onto solid ground and took off through the snow towards the smell of smoke. The smell was stronger now. Despite everything, he was heading in the right direction.

Unable to help himself, Draken threw back his head and let out a long, loud wolf howl into the storm.

01-19-14, 05:00 PM
Hearing the sound she smiled.Why is that sound so comforting... The sound echoed.. thing to herself, she opened her mouth and howled louder, letting all of the air from her lungs. desiding she wanted to find this noise she ran.

Her bare feet crunching in the snow, the cold not determining how fast she is running. The snow fluttering past her as she ran, picking up speed. She could smell blood, her mouth almost watering. Maybe it will be easy pray. Or maybe even better... an easy victim

Fliseti smiled as she came closer. peering over the small ledge she saw him. The soft brown hair with small flakes of snow shinning, his beautiful yellow eyes piercing her burning soul.

all she could muster was... Damn...

01-20-14, 01:01 AM
Draken flung himself backwards,snow exploding around him, rolling into a low crouch. His claws sprang forth and he emitted a low growl, baring his teeth. His body tensed and his eyes blazed in the low light. He paced back and forth, accenting his wolf like appearance.

He scrutinized the newcomer. Slight of build, silver hair. Female, clearly. Though she smelled...wrong. She appeared human, but that was misleading. So did he most days. That could mean any number of things.She didn't smell human. The traces were there along with something else he couldn't place. Also, he smelled blood on her. Predator. The fact that she has come to him was telling. Despite his howl, she had sought him out. So in his mind that meant she was a threat. A predator recognizes a predator. Draken felt his anger growing.

So the real question became, who and/or what was she and why was she out here. Draken snarled again, his hair bristling. He began backing away towards the thicker area of trees. Darkness. Lure her into the darkness. The fight will be in yor favor. His feral mind was already calculating. Separate your prey, bring it to ground you control. Fight on your terms. His fangs glistened in the dim light. Come to me.

01-20-14, 08:22 PM
Jumping down she ran towards him, the fire burning in her soul. Her hair floating, looking like dancing fire. Her eyes glowing red she ran towards him, thoughts racing.
He's not human, obviously. His eyes gleaming, he smelled of pure anger. I hope he doesn't intend to hurt me, that would be a shame. I would have to hurt such a beautiful man. His body says human, but his movements... something else.

As she reached the tree line she stopped, smiling as she realized his plan. Not taking a step further she stood at the tree line. Peering into darkness she called out in a sweet seductive voice.

Come my dear, I ,mean you no harm. I am here to see what kind of man could draw my attention as such as you did. I am of demon birth, That is why I smell funny to you. I know that's why you are on the defensive. Come to me.. I will not harm you... please?

Stepping back she waited, hoping that he would hear her and understand... she had never seen a man like him, and she hoped he would think the same of her...

01-20-14, 09:40 PM
As the girl approached him, Draken arched his back and snarled at her, making his displeasure obvious. Come any closer and I'll rip you apart. His feral mind screamed for blood. Her slight frame would come apart easily. Just a little more...she stopped. Why did she stop? Blood. Then she spoke. The words snapped him back into focus. "...Please?" Wait, was she speaking to him? He blinked. Yes, she was speaking.

Draken paused, narrowing his eyes at her words. It took him a second to process her words. Demon, huh? How stupid does she think I am? For whatever reason her smile pissed him off more. Did she actually think that old siren routine would work? Not in this lifetime, girl.

He pointed a clawed finger at the girl. When he spoke, his voice had a distinct growling undertone to it. "The kind of man you don't want to know. And if don't drop the condescending tone, girl, it may be the last man you ever speak to." He lowered his hand. "I don't want a companion."

He let his claws retract and stood up, pulling the hood of his cloak up contemptuously. He walked backwards into the shadows before finally turning around. Great, this was a COMPLETE waste of time. That damn town better be close or I am going to lose my goddamn mind.

Draken was livid. Fuck this mountain and everything on it.

01-21-14, 10:08 AM
Sighing and sinking into the snow... Tears freezing to her face. She convinced herself to stand, brushing off the snow and heading to town. Before stepping away she shouted out at him.
I know how you feel! I hurt people too and I cant find anyone who will understand!!! I just thought you would understand! I know you have nightmares the same as I! I just..... Trailing off she sighed again. Taking off running, Tears turning to snow. Thinking
I just need to keep looking... someone will understand...right....
Finding the village she walked to an ally and slumped to the ground. The snow collecting in her hair and on her cheeks. Her lips tuning blue she curled up and decided to wait until day.

Once the day breaks... ill go... get something to eat... and... ill..
Not knowing if it was from the cold or the exhaustion, she feel asleep. Hiding behind the trash of a few buildings near by. People passed, some laughed others just looked on her in pitty but making no attempt to help, as the night grew darker, things begin wondering, evil things.....

01-21-14, 06:05 PM
As he was walking away Draken heard the girl scream at him. Don't engage her. Don't engage her. "I know how you feel!" Blah blah blah. "I thought you would understand!" Fuck. Finally Draken couldn't take it anymore. He stopped and turned around. "I happen to like what I am!"

But she was already gone. Draken rolled his eyes. Damn girl knows me for three seconds and thinks she can guess my life story. Everything he had told her was true, surprisingly. He was perfectly at home being alone in the wilderness. Barring the occaisional mishap. He sighed. What the hell did she expect anyway? Oh, since you asked so nicely, I should just fall all over myself. Draken tore open the trunk of a tree as he passed, his claws extended and retracting in the space of time it took him to flick his wrist. That's right, you bastards. Draken was here. It suddenly occured to him that he was daydreaming. He had just started walking in a random direction. Where the hell am I, anyway?

He knew Knife's Edge couldn't be far away. The smells on the wind gave it away. Beer, garbage and body odor. Signs of a city. He sniffed a few more times, trying to figure out the direction. Well, time to go be a vampire again. He still felt twitchy. Adrenaline was still coursing through his system. His muscles burned and his hands were shaking. There had to be something in the city to take the edge off and he was determined to find it. Assuming something doesnt get in the way first.

01-21-14, 08:31 PM
Sitting up after a night of sleep, feeling almost frozen. She sighed and shook the snow off and headed for a bar. Sliding onto a bar stool she tossed a few coins to the bartender and he slid her a beer, taking huge gulps she belched and slid it back. After getting her pint she sighed and started watching the humans talk and mingle.
Why can they find love and people that care for them... I'm not abnormal looking... I.. It must just be because I'm just different... I'm sure that there is someone out there that is different like me.... right...

Thinking back to the man in the forest she sighed heavily. Wondering what he is her mind reeled...
What is he... What was he doing in the woods... Why did he smell like blood... Why wouldn't he talk to me..... What's wrong with me....
Taking a few more sips she stepped down from the bar and stepped outside into the ally.

Hey Boys! Look at this little jewel. She would make a good wife huh?
Three males walked towards her, grabbing at her arms. She growled with a deep voice and the drunk boys laughed and yanked her hair. They then threw her into a wall, cracking her hair and blood clotted into her hair. She screamed and became very hot, burning their arms and backs.

LET ME GO YOU FREAKS!!!! She screamed as the bound her hands.

She is frisky isn't she boys.. They laughed loudly and the dragged her by her hair.

In one last attempted before they covered her mouth she howled... painfully... hopping anyone would here.

01-22-14, 12:48 AM
Knife's Edge. Frozen sore on a frozen ass of a country. This armpit is what I've been looking for? The town looked barely more than a ruin. The people here were downtrodden, weary. Draken smirked. This, too had its advantages. Strangers wouldn't be noticed. People didn't speak to each other, which meant that people could come and go as they pleased. I can work with this. Kinfe's edge did have what he was looking for. Blood. The city was rank with it. Some of it frozen, some of it warm, some of it boiling. A prime hunting ground for an enterprising vampire.

Draken moved through the city, gliding through the crowds as though second nature. He breezed out of the main streets and into the back alleys. Coughs and groans greeted him. Lumpy gray shapes lying in snow of vaguely the same color. Death. Disease. The rotten underbelly of the city. The gray shapes paid him no mind as he walked past them. He wasn't part of their world.

Draken came to a window in the wall of the alley, glass the same color as the stone. He placed his foot on the sill and with one great jump, leapt to the roof. Grabbing the edge, he hauled himself up. Rooftops were a good place to be. It was hard to see him up here, not that it seemed that many people looked up anyway. Up here, he had a hawks eye view of his prey. He calmly waked across the rooftops, gazing around at the city. Yep, barely a ruin.

A scream caught his attention. Commotion usually preceded opportunity. Crouching low, Draken crept across the rooftops. He pushed his hood back and sniffed the air. That way. He changed direction accordingly. More rooftops. Another scream. Draken paused, creeping to the edge of the roof, gripping it with one hand. He perched like some unearthly bird of prey.

There were three men in the alley beneath him. They were dragging someone away, probably female by the sound of it. He wasn't interested in her. The men were so distracted by their carnal interests, they didn't notice that they were being hunted. The vampire honed in on the hearbeats, Draken's feral side coming to life at the prospect of a meal. Silently, Draken stepped off into space. He dropped straight down, landed with scarcely the distrubance of a breeze. His fangs elongated, poking from his lips, which in turn curled back. His claws extended and he flexed his hands. He was barely a few feet away from the men and they still hadn't noticed. He shrugged off his cloak, the garment silently falling to the snow.

A low growl was all the warning the men got. The first man turned just in time to stare death in the face. Draken's open palm slammed into his face, driving his skull into the stone of the alley wall. His head came apart like an egg. Draken's teeth went into his neck and drank for all he was worth. He heard the second man move to attack before he saw him. Draken's claws opened his ribcage in a plume of crimson. Draken's jaws clamped down on his jugular. The man made some gurgling noises, his last attempt to scream before the light in his eyes died.

Finished, Draken dropped the man's lifeless body to the snow, stained red with blood. Draken turned, his mouth and front covered in crimson. The last man whimpered, pulling a knife from his coat. Draken stepped forward and swatted the knife away. The man fell back, tripping over his feet. He was muttering some gibberish plea for his life. "N-n-n-n-no, p-please...no-"

Draken's claws flashed, slicing through the man's lower jaw, piercing up through the man's skull. The man's eyes rolled back in his head. Draken's claws retracted, and he crouched over the man's corpse, once again sinking his fangs into the jugular. He fed deeply, the blood vessels in his eyes swelling. When at last, he was sated, he dropped the man's corpse to the snow. He wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. Well fed, Draken's feral side retreated. He looked at his stained hand and chuckled lightly, bending to wipe it on the mans jacket. He stood again and admired his handiwork. Three corpses stainded the snow in the alley. My my my my, what a mess.

He set about patting down the bodies, looking for things of value. Another whimper behind him caught his attention and his claws sprung forth as he whirled. His face fell as he beheld the source. "You gotta be kidding me..."

01-22-14, 11:30 AM
Her head throbbing, feeling the blood warming the snow. Her hands bound behind her has she was dragged by her hair. Sobbing she prayed.
Please anyone.. someone.... help me.....
As soon as finished thinking the words the weight was gone. The headache dulled as her hair was released. Moaning she managed to release her hands and held the top of her head. The split was long and deep. Sighing she rubbed snow into her the wound, trying to numb some of the pain. Hearing footsteps and growled, almost like a wounded animal. She backed herself in a corner. Hissing and spitting venom as the steps grew closer. She strained her eyes to focus. The ponding of her head causing her vision to be blurred. Forcing her eyes to stay open she moaned and tried to get away.
Please don't hurt me.... If your going to hurt me just kill me...
Her eyes forced themselves closed and she blacked out, her blood pooling in the snow.