View Full Version : How to Become Hated by your Entire Family for Dummies (Solo)

01-29-14, 07:02 PM
Okay, so despite the fact school has been keeping me busy right now, I decided to create a small solo thread since I tend to abuse more than just my characters… So yeah… This is also to test my writing style. Also, this is meant to show what happens to Julius before I’m going to have him join a semi-solo conducted by some other alts of mine.


Julius sighed as he exited the Citadel. He had won a fight, but that fight had brought old issues up into his head. He had been too cruel to his opponent; in truth, that knight was a lot similar to what he wanted to be: brave, true, noble, selfless… Julius was ashamed to admit be couldn’t be any of those things! The only time he could be brave at all was when the life of a certain person was at stake…

Julius stuck his hands inside the side pockets of his pants as he walked into the crowded Radasanth streets, the shadow of the Citadel looming onto him from behind. The streets were flooded with people of many species; however, in Julius’ eyes, he was the only one there. The streets felt empty and cold against his colder heart, which had hardened up after the harsh experiences of the past. Julius was cowardly, deceitful, servile, and selfish. He hated himself. She had shown him the light again, she had given him the right to live again; however, he still had a long ways to go. Julius walked along the dark, vacant streets of Radasanth. A small light beamed onto him, but everything else was in the dark. Julius shuddered in himself, his curly hair falling in front of his eyes. He was blindly looking down. Fighting had felt so good, and he had gotten stronger. But he had been ugly in the face of an excellent opponent, his demonic side had shown.

Suddenly, Julius felt himself be pushed back by a strong force. He fell into a dirty puddle, water splashing everywhere in his perspective. He slowly looked up to see two large orcs with heavy armor and advanced, fancy blades strapped to their wastes and backs. They growled, “Watch where you’re going, scum!”

Suddenly, the real world returned to him. It had been a rainy day, but between the dark, grey clouds, the sun shone brightly through. The happy scenery of men, women, and children happily walking and running along the bleak, stone streets was all around him. Men shouted and called from stands they set up from small businesses in attempts to call customers. From the buildings even, people called out to each other from the windows, some fighting and some laughing. Just then, a young woman, about thirteen, who was in a flowing but average pink dress, rushed past with a fresh loaf of bread. The sweet smell of lovely flew up Julius’ nose from where he sat. Despite the cold weather, this amazing city was bustling with activity. Julius’ eyes were barely visible under his messy, brown hair. He glanced up at the two orcs and asked in a voice as frozen as Salvar, “What do you want?”

01-29-14, 07:03 PM
The orc to the left, he had red paint on his face, growled, “You ran into us, you little twerp. Watch where you’re going!”

Julius’ eyes narrowed in anger. How dare these two low lives order him around? These two messy orcs?? Julius jumped up, the rain water that had settled in the puddle was now all over his brown pants and had even sunk through and up against his bare legs. It was freezing, and Julius hated it. These two pathetic excuses for intelligent beings would pay for this! “Hey,” He pushed himself up, “Don’t you dare tell me what to do!” and he began to march away from them – however, the second orc grabbed the scruff of his loose, dark blue shirt.

“Hey,” The scrawny, flat-faced one screeched, “Don’t you dare tell uswhat to do!”

Julius brashly turned around, throwing the orc’s arm off of him, “Hands off, weirdo!”

The orc laughed, “Ooohhhhh, acting tough now, are we? … Weakling!” Now both of them were laughing.

Julius gritted his teeth, “Oh, shut up, you!”

The first orc started sniggering at a much larger rate, “Oooh! He’s going to attack us or something! Oh, we are so scared!”

Julius had had enough of their taunts. He was a prince for pete’s sake! He wouldn't take this anymore. He smirked, his criminal side taking over. “Yeah,” he pulled out his royal knife, a beautiful steel dagger with a red gem inside its hilt. “I am.” And with that he stabbed the second orc in the very arm he had pulled him with. “Fight fire with fire, right?” Julius taunted in return.
The second orc screamed in pain as black blood spilled onto the ground from his bleeding wrist. As Julius pulled his knife out, the first orc screamed, “Hey! Y-You can’t do tha-a-at!”

Julius sneered in his face, holding the bloody knife up as a warning, “You did it to me so I do it to you! Now leave me alone! …” And thus, the harsh young man turned his back on the two and stalked away. This time, they really did leave him alone… Julius kept muttering to himself about them, “Murderers, cheaters, gamblers, idiots…”

Despite his cold exterior, despite his coldness to the outside world, Julius had not always been like this. He had been a completely different boy once. Blissful, carefree, and happy. Once upon a time, about three years ago, he was the heir to the throne of a country called Eiskalt. Eiskalt was covered in snow almost every single day of the year. The frosty world of crisp was ruled by the “warmth of Eiskalt”: the Tabor family. Once, Julius Tabor had been next in line for power and glory. However, in the shadows, and familiar but still unknown enemy had been planning the destruction of his family. Julius would survive this fate, but at the most terrible cost of all… His heart.

01-29-14, 07:05 PM
Three Years Ago:

“B-but, father!” Julius protested, “You promised!”

“I am sorry, son,” A young, but wise man looked down at his fifteen year old son. This handsome price named Julius wore the royal robes of his lineage and even a small crown, His brownish-black hair was curled into beautiful locks and a silver cape loomed behind him. His father, Jesse Tabor, sighed, “I would love to train with you but I am busy!”

Julius sighed, “… You always say that…” But Jesse Tabor had won, now he marched into a room that had no features Julius could tell out as the two-way doors were immediately shut behind him. This golden hallway of bright, rich colors shone no light to Julius’ disappointment. His father had promised a practice duel with him, but an urgent meeting prevented him from making the time to. Julius’ young fists tightened, “Why always me…”

A lower, but younger voice sounded from behind him, “You should have expected this by now, Julius. They always turn us down no matter how much we make them proud…”

Julius turned around to see that leaning against a wall of gold and red, was the son of the late Fulgur I. Fulgur II was several years younger than Julius, but despite this they had turned into best friends. The one thing Julius never could get about him though was why he was always so serious…

But for once, Julius scoffed in agreement, “Yeah, I even carried out some missions for him and all he did was pat me on the head.” Julius walked up to where Fulgur II was.

Two extremely dark eyes, too dark to call natural, twinkled, “Our parents are responsible for this entire country!” He smirked, “Please don’t blame them for their tight time limits…” His gaze turned serious and dark again, “Blame everyone else…”

Julius frowned, another thing he didn't get about Fulgur II was why he would always act like he knew it all then act irrational. “Hey, this country has many young boys like you and me who may be going through the same thing.” Julius smiled, “They may be grump about their fathers always being so busy.” Julius’ face grew neutral as he pointed something out to Fulgur II, “However, this gives none of us no rights to blame these things on unnecessary things.”

“Like people?” Fulgur asked as his eyes closed, his posture of lazily leaning against the wall with his arms folded sustaining, “Yeah, they’re unnecessary.”

Julius growled, the third and last thing he would never get about Fulgur II was why the heck he was so freaking emo!

02-06-14, 07:37 PM
Julius sluggishly walked into the first inn he could find. It was the classic inn, the doorway was a swinging door which opened up to a dinar. A tailor, a short and rather round guy with a curvy mustache, was whipping the smooth, wooden counter clean with a wet handkerchief. Julius walked past the tables, only one or two people stayed in the hotel, so most of the round tables glistened in the sunshine was poured in after the weather had begun to change. One, single table was shared by two middle aged men who were sipping up beer and dirtying the table with sticky foods and old cards. Julius covered his nose as he passed the two and walked up to the counter. “Hey,” He placed a sluggish arm on the table, “Could I have a room for one night please?” Julius blinked, up until recently the outside world had been rainy, sucking away Julius’ energy. The man straightened his funky looking beard and exited the counter area, motioning him to follow. Julius once again, placed his hands in his pockets and followed him up the stairway, up to where the rooms of the hotel would be. As the stairs creaked below Julius’ feet, his thoughts began to get carried away again…

Julius sighed as he sat alone in the garden, Fulgur had left to train again, so Julius was left alone. It was in the heights of summer so the snow was all melted and was replaced by all the winter grasses and flowers growing around. Julius’ head was propped on his arm, his shoulder buried in his leg as he glanced out into the plant life. Two small birds were flying around a blossoming bush and once in a while landing to grab a bug out from inside. These winter woodpeckers had large but light feathers and longer beaks to peck out the bugs that lived deep inside the trees and other forms of wood. Julius watched the two birds eventually just land on a branch and huddle together.

Julius blinked as he watched the birds stay together and sighed. “What’s wrong, hun?” He heard a voice ask. He lifted his head and turned around to see his mother.

Julius sighed as his mother sat next to him and brushed her fair hand across his messy hair. She smiled softly, "What is wrong, hun?"

Julius placed his hand on his forehead, "It's just... Father never has time for me anymore - and Fulgur is being Fulgur, and-" Another sigh escaped him as a gush of cold wind raced across them.

Julius' mother sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Jul," she started, "It must be hard being the heir to your throne. Especially with so many sides looking at so many different things. But trust me, you will find your own way in time."

"But how?" The prince asked, motionless.

The woman next to him pulled him into a soft hug, "When you grow up, you just seem to find yourself."

08-03-14, 02:34 PM
Julius twisted the wooden nob to the bed. This room was humid, so he had taken his shirt and chainmail off. Even so though, he was still sweating. He was used to the heat of Fallien so he knew how to cope. But the steam coming from the boiling water from the tub he ordered across the room he had wasn't helping.

The exhausted boy lie down on the bed and practiced long and deep breathing. He blinked as he looked up at the wooden wall. This inn was not being taken care of properly, there was mildew collection in the corners. He sighed and got up off the bed, the sheets below him were not helping at all. He walked over to his bag of supplies and pulled out a pair of drumsticks, then walked over to the bed and started strumming a quick paced beat on the wooden rails holding it together. As he practiced this beat, he remembered where he had gotten it from. It was one of the many beats he had made up after his practice lessons with his mother. His mother had taught him how to play almost every instrument out there. He even had carried a guitar around up until he accidentally burnt it up. Julius preferred the drums out of any of them though because the drums was the one thing he was allowed to hit. When angered, Julius often times would smack anything he could with his drum sticks and create some sort of mad beat. He had made this one up the day his mother talked to him. He just didn't know what to do back then, so he took it out the best way he knew: create an angry drum solo over it.

Julius was never very vocal, he never spoke himself out and always would somehow become violent when he was pushed there. It was something he so desperately wanted to break, especially since that one day...