View Full Version : Weregoyle, hot off the presses.

09-15-06, 07:27 PM
I'm working on one of Rakh in different transformations. This one's his Gnoll form, inspired by frank frazetta. Not exactly finished. Picture taken with my camera phone.

Edit: Also a nod to Boris Vallejo

Damion Shargath
09-15-06, 07:29 PM
Neat, very neat. Good work man.

09-15-06, 07:32 PM
:D ty

09-15-06, 08:59 PM
Is he giving her the keeky squeaky behind the teefy?

09-15-06, 09:00 PM
... the what now?

09-15-06, 09:13 PM
Is he giving her the keeky squeaky behind the teefy?

Well, Ithy drew it so, what do you think?

BTW, cool pick Ithy.

09-15-06, 09:16 PM
Frightening, and pretty freakin' awesome. I like the expression on the woman's face, by the way - it looks realistic.

Is that the Althanas screen I see behind the paper? :)

Artifex Felicis
09-15-06, 09:23 PM
Rar, I eat your face!

Nice pic, though he seems short with his legs like that. Though, what happened to the earrings and many other pericings? ^^

09-15-06, 10:04 PM
Technically it's a nice sketch though the scene feels really cliché.

Too many women victimized by monsters, it’s so old.

09-15-06, 10:27 PM
Grim: Thanks man. :)

Hana: Rock the hell on. I've been caught in a huge ass rut lately, so anything that follows after is all that pent up creativity at once. The woman's expression, oddly enough, took me the least amount of time to work on.

Artifex: His hind leg (the stretched out one) is about as tall as the rest of his body. My cruddy cameraphone didn't let me get a big enough shot of the picture. :) And for the record, it is I who is the eater of faces. Not feces. Faces. I'd like to just make that clear.

Daggertail: Uh... thanks. Who says he's "victimizing" her. ;) Socially, wolves snarl and bite to communicate, and not necessarily to communicate aggression. Could very well be a look of awe on her part. And allow me to add that Rakh is not a monster. C'mon. You're the one who plays the succubus. Don't talk to me about cliche. And as I said, it's inspired by Frank Frazetta, with a nod to Vallejo. What did you expect? ;) You are excused.

Edit: And let's completely forget that (arguably) half of fantasy characters are female (accepting the few who don't have certain bits that would help distingsuish between sexes), and thus having any of them "inconvenienced" by a "monster" would be utterly trite. See how ridiculous that statement is?

09-16-06, 04:57 PM
Hot stuff. I really like the pose, I can feel the excitement through my monitor :)

09-16-06, 10:47 PM
Face Eater, eh? Yeah, that's good to know. *Slips on a Steel Mask* :P

Awesome sketch, BTW. How you keep all your lines clean, I must know.

09-17-06, 02:33 AM
Krugor: Thanks! :) I was trying to go for sort of an erotic yet tense theme.

AdventWings: Make sure to erase the guiding lines you use to give shape to your form, and replace them with conservative shading. Use a sharpened pencil, draw *extremely lightly* until you know the line you have down is the one you want, and even then, only darken a little. Draw from the opposite side of the paper than your dominant hand.

For example: If you're right handed, like me, start drawing from the left side of the page, and work your way to the right side. It keeps your hand from smudging the work you've put into it, and making the picture messy. Ask yourself, when evaluating the work, if the line you used is really necessary, and you'll get rid of a -lot- of unneeded fluff. Since scanning, I've cleaned it up a lot more, even.

09-17-06, 11:20 PM
Not a bump, just a closeup of the faces with my cruddy cameraphone, along with a panned out image to give more of a perspective on height.

09-22-06, 02:37 AM
Woohoo!! Done! At long last.

Artifex Felicis
09-22-06, 04:46 AM
That's pretty much very chockful of ass kick-ery I must say.

09-22-06, 09:02 AM

Awesomeness. I can feel your artistic skills seeping through the monitor...

Give me some of your l33t Realism skills. *Leeches your skills*

09-22-06, 09:19 AM
You're as good at drawing as you are at being a hairy jew.

09-22-06, 03:17 PM
I'm not a gorilla. I'm just... hairy. Thanks for the good word, everyone. Except colin.