View Full Version : New PowerGroup Concept Interest Check

Quentin Boone
01-31-14, 03:11 PM
So, after struggling to decide whether to join the Ixian Knights or The Order of The Crimson Hand, I figured that I'd see about making my own powergroup.

Part of the reason for my struggle was about how to make my new character fit into either (or both) groups, given their history and purpose, etc. It then dawned on me that, whether called powergroups or anything else, regardless of the site, these groups often have their history and purpose pre-written by whoever starts them.

Which made me think about doing things a little differently: What if, rather than just writing out a history, it is all roleplayed instead?

So my idea is basically to make a powergroup that is right at the beginning of its journey and growth. Essentially, the concept is along the lines of starting out as just 'buddies in a bar' trying to figure out ways to make money and survive in the world, then have the group grow and develop into something noteworthy and influential. The basis being that the RPers all help shape the history and structure etc of the group via 'real' roleplaying.

And now to the crux of this post: Who's interested?

Some extra information worth considering:

- This is designed for BRAND NEW characters, so that they can grow as the group does. This is definitely something I'll insist on, at least for the initial recruitment.
- Any sort of character is welcome.
- Ideally looking for awesome writers.
- There is only need for a few characters to start things off, and after getting two or three people involved, I will get the ball rolling.
- Character creation may need some collaboration, as, although I don't have an end-game planned, I do think the idea of friends in a bar is a great starting point, so will be going from there.
- You can ask me if you need to know anything else. Either in here, or in the chat.

Let me know what you guys think!

01-31-14, 08:46 PM
You already know that I am totally in for this idea, I just need to figure out what kind of character I want to create.

So looking forward to this, it reminds me of how PG's were way back in the day on Ancient Althanas.

Fox Owen Xavier
01-31-14, 08:48 PM
I might be interested. Let me check the list of character ideas and see if I can make one that will work out.

01-31-14, 09:32 PM
I might get involved. I'll see what to choose.

01-31-14, 10:36 PM
Totes in when im accepted

The Hollow
01-31-14, 10:51 PM
You can count me in.

02-01-14, 01:56 PM
I'm kind of intrested. I am brand new to althanas. I made my character and was approved yesterday. Is that new enough?

02-01-14, 02:01 PM
My character has yet to be approved, but when it is, I'll join!

02-01-14, 02:02 PM
I'm on a different account, though. MysticMathius

02-01-14, 09:25 PM
This would be a good place for me to make my first character

Quentin Boone
02-01-14, 09:49 PM
Okay... The level of interest is much more than I anticipated. Which is a good, thing of course.

I'll PM everyone who is accepted within the next hour or so, then create a new thread so we can discuss characters and the like, ready for a first quest thread.

Thanks to everyone who showed an interest so far. If you aren't accepted at the moment, or are still interested, don't despair: There'll be plenty of room for more people as the PG grows. I just want to keep things limited at the beginning so we can get coherent plots in place.

02-01-14, 11:03 PM
Well when you're looking for more people, or if anyone happens to drop out, I'd be happy to join!

02-06-14, 07:59 AM
So what information regarding this powergroup are you willing to // able to pass on?

Quentin Boone
02-06-14, 07:45 PM
I know there's been a delay, but the information and discussion thread is now up: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26908-New-Concept-Powergroup-Discussion-Thread