View Full Version : Of Saints and Bloodied Blades. (Chapter 1)

01-31-14, 11:44 PM
Brokenthorn Forest was home.

The Valour household was a ways in the forest. With the wild lands surrounding the simple stone house, Valour learned the way of the lands. They were a forest people by then, and Creno had come of age on Althanas. They'd built their home near where the original crash site was. A single remnant of their ship landed on Althanas what seemed like a lifetime ago.

Creno had no memory of the life on the Saenorakym Prime star faring vessel. He was born on Althanas, and embraced Althanas as his home. He'd reached his twentieth year. It was a Monday, the month was September. Creno guessed the time, it appeared to be the sixth hour of the day. Standard Althanas time. Creno wiped the sweat off his brow. He was hunting small forest game near the Valour household. The old house was a stone structure constructed in the standard Scara Brae architectural design. It had a more modern style with a single chimney and several floors. There was a cellar present. Creno grew up at that house. It was home. Creno could JUST see the house from his position in the wild lands. The lights from the lanterns within were glowing brilliantly even from his distance. Creno smiled. He was hunting what would become their dinner for the next few nights.

It was a simple life, an honest life.

Creno held his filled traps by their hemp ropes. The material felt comfortable in his gloved hands. He was using his survival instincts to help keep the household fed. Him and his parents were all Saenorakym Prime. A race of star traveling humanoids, who loved to engineer and manufacture things. They had a taste for adventure. Althanas seemed capable of providing a limitless reservoir of adventure.

Creno gathered the traps he had set and used to capture and kill several small monsters. He knew which samples and specimens would be best for consumption. The traps weighed a pretty decent amount, but Creno was a large sized lad. He easily scooped up the traps in his hands and underneath his arms. After gathering what traps held samples in them, Creno set a few more. Then he walked back to the house with his traps.

The area around the house was prime for hunting. Creno knew it, he actually enjoyed game hunting. Creno had a knack for finding the most succulent samples of game that he could find. He set free those samples that sometimes got caught in his traps that seemed sickly, or too young. Creno had a strong sense of morality and justice. He was set in his ways as a Heroic man.

The walk back to the Valour home was an uneventful one. Creno made his way quickly to the house, carrying the traps that had satisfactory samples. Creno's people were scientists by nature. He had an analytical mind, and could react to problems very quickly. Hunting provided an outlet for Creno. A chance for Creno to make skilled calculations, take measurements, and gather information about the surrounding world. He was learning and growing, and on that day, he was meant for greater things than a simple hunter's life...