View Full Version : A coat and more...

09-16-06, 01:23 PM
((Yeah so I didn't know if you wanted me to post this in here or in the usual Bazaar forum, but I would like to use this entire transaction as a post in the quest (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2688) that I am doing in Salvar so I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you that I used it.))

Séreméla finally reached the border of the Vogruk-Stokes Company Estate. The two guards at the entrance looked more fierce than the ones from Knife's Edge, but they didn't say a word to her. They moved aside and allowed her to pass, then closed the gap behind her.

She looked around at the many small shops around the area. The smell of the salty ocean tickled her nose making her aware of it's presence. Masts from large ships could be seen over many of the shops. People were moving about in front of her from shop to shop trying to find the best deals.

Séreméla began to walk over to a shop and opened the door. The warmth from within made her realize just how cold the outside was.

The shop keep was just finishing with another customer when Séreméla walked up to the counter. She looked at him with a sweet smile trying to get the best kind of deal she could with her looks and began to talk.

"Hi there, I'm looking for some items and I was wondering if you could help me get them?" She decided not to wait for his reply, she knew it was always better to keep talking and not let them haggle her. "I need something of a coat. It needs to be light-weight, but warm. And I also need some matches and a few oil soaked rags on a stick for lighting. So what do you say? Can you help me?” She looked the man straight in the eyes as the blue in her own eyes began to brighten.

Note: She doesn't have the ablity to manipulate with her eyes, her eyes are just very bright when she wants them to be noticed