View Full Version : New-Concept Powergroup Discussion Thread

Quentin Boone
02-06-14, 07:43 PM
Sorry for the delay in posting this, I have been both unwell and busy for most of this week so haven't had the chance to get things done.

I know that not all characters have been created for this, so I'll give you guys some more information. This is based n discussions in the chat between myself and a couple of other users.

Key points:

*** Things known about the group already:

-- Currently based in Radasanth.
-- Living in an inn
-- Has known each other for about five years (of course, some flexibility here is a given... Relative newcomers and the like make for good character dynamics)
-- Desperately poor
-- Wants a better life, but is too much in a rut to have actually done something about it
-- Help each other to survive - use their individual strengths and talents for the well-being of their friends

*** Characters and/or character concepts already agreed upon:

-- Quentin Boone - a brawler stuck fighting in the Citadel to pay for the reduced cost of the inn
-- Ranger-type character - a bit of a wanderer who hunts in the wild for the group's food (the inn's food is simply too expensive)
-- Young (ex)prostitute - Screws the innkeeper for reduced room prices

*** Possible quest/plotline ideas:

-- First 'quest' thread will probably act as an introduction to the characters and their situation. Something nice and easy for us to acquaint ourselves with each other's writing styles etc.
-- Something or someone approaches (a member of) the group, or they overhear, about an opportunity to earn a shed-tonne of gold and make an attempt to do so.
-- Honestly, that's about as far as we've got at the moment. Things are definitely open ended in terms of plot development.

I haven't made an 'official' powergroup yet for the sole reason of the group not having a name. I suspect this is something that might take some time to come about, as I want details like that to come about from natural roleplaying rather than making it up or forcing it.

In terms of characters, I've no problem with what characters people make, so long as it kinda fits the bill... A stately lord, for example, simply would not fit. Going from rock-bottom to the top and beyond is kinda the idea here.

Thoughts? Characters? Ideas? Let me know.


02-06-14, 08:52 PM
I'm still working on the prostitute angle. I think it will give me the chance to write a dynamic style of character that I've never done before. I know we've discussed my girl being relatively new to the group and at some point in time betraying them. I still think that would be an intersting idea to develop further, but obviously it will depend on how the characters interact together. Right now I'm just trying to get her profile done. I'm strangely having a hard time with it.

As for future quests and the like, I think just getting the characters approved and together right now would be for the best. We can just have the first thread be a quick introduction with some kind of strife to give it a bit of tension, perhaps just some strife along the members. Maybe some more arguments about the prostitute doing what she does, Quen taking too many risks in The Citadel, or our little Ranger buddy having some issues that he's bringing up too. Just the beginnings of the reasons for what tips the scales and finally pushes them to get out of their rut.

Quentin Boone
02-06-14, 08:58 PM
Yeah, sounds good. In terms of your character, I thought we had said something about her being found quite young, so is a longstanding member of the group. Primarily to make future betrayals more poignant and forgiveness more likely?

02-06-14, 09:02 PM
Yes, I'm still tossing around the ideas in my head. I'm just having a hard time focusing on it right now to be perfectly honest. It's probably all the stress I've been under lately. I want to work on stuff, but nothing is coming out right. I leave for vacation next Friday, if I don't get it up by then, it will be done shortly before I get back. I imagine my stress will mostly melt away during that week.

02-07-14, 08:19 PM
I'm up for anything, everything we've talked about in chat sounds great. Callan being sort of the other breadwinner for the group, fighting in and out of the Citadel to make some money along with Quentin. And if Quentin refuses Ai'brone treatment, Callan would be happy to learn some first aid - his telekinesis might come in handy with a needle.

Quentin Boone
05-04-14, 09:30 AM
Okay, just to let you guys know that I've registered the PG and created the usergroup for us. I've sent invites to all your alts to join it.

Green Gwendolyn
05-04-14, 01:14 PM
By chance could I join? Both a ranger and a crafter.