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09-16-06, 05:07 PM

09-16-06, 06:51 PM
Reserve – the skill is fine as it is, but at the moment there a few little things. The first is that you said that you can punch through concrete, make sure not to powergame that. The second thing I will quote here and then explain:

In a battle, he would be too active to regain the energy and would only be able to use it once, but with a few minutes rest he would be capable once more.

You say that you cannot regain the energy in battle, but contradict yourself in the next part of the sentence. I would not mind if you could recharge the ability, but be sure to understand that if you use it every other post in a battle you will be docked heavily for powergaming.

Transfer – the skill is very interesting, but it is a little vague. I would please ask that you define the limits of the powers… such as: can heal small to moderate wounds quickly (not instantly). Basically just define the amount of speed and strength you would receive, say 2 times. Also I would like it if you could lengthen the time it took to ‘kill’ a person with this skill. Even a peasant should take a little while, say ten minutes or so, and a stronger being should take much longer.

Your NPC’s are fine, though I would like a little more detail in each one’s ‘special’ powers. Also, I would prefer that you not use the technology unless you can give me a much more detailed history and background for the group. That being said, I need a much deeper history so that I can at least know where this group of people came from and why they have the strengths that they have…

09-16-06, 08:53 PM
I didn't think the NPCs' abilities needed to be precisely defined as they aren't allowed to be used in battles, which is why I thought we used levels and character approval, and so I left them vague. By "technology" do you mean things I create for the purpose of a thread or the ear implant?

Well, I am personally a rather hardcore fantasy setting type person… so allowing people that can basically create an android is rather touchy with me. And since I said they need to be defined, they need to be defined.

I meant for Transfer to be pretty vague. The way I was going to have it, what he gained would be proportionate to who he gained it from and how much he was able to drain. A few seconds from just any guy could heal a papercut, an hour draining off some superhuman juggernaut and he'd be able to recover mortal wounds and kick ass for a while. This also requires that he maintains contact for that long, which would be difficult to do to more powerful people.

As for this, it has to be relative to your personal level. The vague way you have it set up at the moment would allow you to wield powers that are directly based on whoever you felt like you were able to absorb life force from. So, define the skill a little more, thank you.

I wasn't aware History was part of the approval process, but that it was more something so that others could see how your character came to be, and so that moderators can make sure its not a ripoff from somewhere. If that is not the case and I really need to add more to the history, than so be it.

The history is a pivotal part of the character, in my opinion. As such, I want some more history that can actually define the characters, their background, and why they are on Althanas.

I honestly do not know the background of every character from everywhere, so the background of a person could or could not be directly from another storyline. If you look at the history of a character from that perspective than it is not to avoid cliché characters, but instead to ensure that the character is both appropriate for Althanas and has an actual reason for being here.

I would appreciate it also if you did not take a rather condescending tone upon your next response and instead of arguing with me simply editing the profile. I am not in the mood to deal with a belligerent person about their character. There will be no further warnings.