View Full Version : (Wilder Co') Mining Operating- Iron

02-10-14, 03:38 PM
Looking into the entrance to a dark mining tunnel a group of men wait for instruction. Behind them a wagon approaches drawn by a healthy work horse, sitting on the rear of the wagon is Abel Wilder the CEO of the Wilder company, a young boy who has in the past proven himself worthy of respect by his crew. As the wagon reaches the group Abel jumps off the rear and approaches his workers. "Alright men, this is going to go smoothly and we will be in and out if you all work hard." His word reaches his men and they all reply with a simultaneous yell of agreement. Abel simply jest with his hands and his crew begins to work happy heartedly.

An hour goes bye and all of the crew are in the tunnel only about ten guys, but plenty of man power to gather enough iron ore to supply our demanding orders. The sounds of metal hitting rock echoes throughout the tunnel and even reaching the entrance. As Abel does not typically engage in the actual mining unless his crew is lacking in productivity, but as this is not the case at the moment. So instead he is walking the tunnels to observe the men as they work. He doesn't make himself noticed as he watches, just listens to their banter between themselves, often they sing to pass the time and he does enjoy their songs of life and love.

As the first day's sun reaches its highest point in the sky, unknown to the men in the mine, Abel observes as the men begin to take the ore that they have picked out of the walls to the wagon near the entrance. Some of the men are lacking more in their bags than others, but its about ten pieces per men respectively. As they all emerge covered in black dust form their endeavors, Abel watches as many decide to take a break and sit down under the shade of the few trees around the mine.

"You all have been working very hard so far and you all deserve a long break, please rest up and we will return to the mine after our lunch." Abel says as he sits down leaning against the wagon and doses off.

This isn't a privately owned mine shaft so periodically others would enter and exit, some with full bags some without.

02-13-14, 02:53 AM
Kaine stood with his back facing the entrance to the mine, looking out over the outlands. Before him lay a vast area of scrubland with low-lying hills and various parts of rocky plateau. He had a hand raised to his mouth and clutched between his thumb and forefinger a cigarette. Touching the end lightly with his little finger of the same hand he created enough heat to set the end alight and then he dragged in a breath. The nicotine quickly filled his lungs and his body, dragging the feeling of ease and sanity, calming the Djinn for a moment at least.

Lowering the cigarette he paused, eyes flickering around the world that Abel had brought them to, then raised it back for another drag. Iron mining apparently was the way forwards, and for this moment the Wilder Family Company were using the mine to collect as many resources as they could in a day, or a number of days - Kaine himself had no idea how long they would be here. That was up to the kid, not him, never him. Despite the fact he was more than a hundred years older.

"Gods save my flames," he muttered, rubbing his forehead momentarily, then quickly he sucked in more of the burning tobacco, essentially poisoning this body that he didn't exactly care for in its entirety. He had gone two years without going back to H'Ades, the demon homeland of Djinn and their Elders, the Ifrits. Two years of being stuck in the world of Althanas and for what, a soul?

It better bloody taste good, he thought. Shaking his head he turned slightly back, tilting his head to peer into the darkness of the tunnel. A lone man was struggling out with a large sack slung over a shoulder. But it was not one that the Djinn recognised as being of Wilder Co. He smiled subtly, then turned back to gazing outwards over the Outlands.

Beautiful ... for while it lasted.