View Full Version : Redemption Bracket: The Scarecrow Vs Wolf Oden Luka Frekad

Silence Sei
02-11-14, 08:47 AM
Matches begin at 12:01 Central Standard Time tonight. Do wolves like straw? Can scarecrows frighten wolves? Lets find out! Have fun!

Wolf Oden Luka Frekad
02-20-14, 04:16 PM
“Great, looks like it's going to be another lousy week. Sigh, ever since losing to that stinking merchant, things have been going downhill. I couldn't even find my second opponent and now people are really questioning my skills. Damn it all!” I thought as I slammed the beer mug back down on the bar table. A bit too hard actually as some of the beer took the chance to leap out of the wooden mug. Sighing again, I wondered what to do. I had already wasted a whole stinking week trying to find my next magus opponent and it seems like he had disappeared like my last. This whole magus cup was ruining what little reputation I had build up. It would probably be at least a good year to rebuild from all this damage if I couldn't find my enemy and rip him to shreds. Finishing off the beer, I ordered another to drown out these miserable thoughts...

Max Dirks
02-26-14, 08:24 AM
Wolf Oden Luka Frekad advances to Round 3 of the Redemption Bracket!

The Scarecrow is eliminated :(