View Full Version : The Pits- Open

02-13-14, 03:51 PM
"Here,here", a man spoke a waved papers and a coin purse acting like recruiter of some type. Shouting " Next contestants, you my dear boy step into the one of the rooms". Such was not really directed to him, but the passing crowd through the Citadel.

It didn't take long for Nart to think, " Well why not give the arena a go?". Putting his name on the dotted line he was told to make his way down the hall and enter a room of his choosing. As such did happen it was really odd for himself to just be to be in such a place, but being new to the area one must see all their is to right.. Or so he he thought.

As he entered the gateway into the first door on his left Nart was actually pretty shocked, confused, and a bit saddened as he entered the arena.

Starting off as his ever changing emotion to what happened exactly left him a bit confused; but now he was here he thought and quickly this feeling passed. However; he did cling to being saddened by what his eyes were being reviled too; this scenery was much less then theatrical and spectacular than he thought he would enter. Nart was thinking flashing lights, glow in the dark dragons, mini whirlwinds in the arena but... NO there was not any of such.

His arena was bare, plain, and simply unexciting. The pits were nothing but sand and wooden pillars. This twenty foot wide surface of soft yet warm sand had four protruding wooden pillars one on each side of what of the outline. Directly in front of each other was the tallest one of ten foot; with the next set across from each other being only five foot tall.

So being that now he was stick in this saddening sight he would make the most in tell his challenger or opponent came to the sands as well.

Taking a seat in the center off the floor as he faced the gateway portal, his mind begun to drift quite a bit. He though about his clothing, as he currently wore what mostly resembled a hoodie of plain grey, a white pair of loose fits sweats and no shoes. Then without skipping a beat his eyes shoot up as he begun to see the first leg of another coming trough the portal.

Palming his short sword by the sheath it self, Nart sat there ready and fixed in to his purpose.

Devon Steel
02-15-14, 07:25 AM
Steel stepped through the portal without hesitation. The town crier's shouts to the contestants faded instantly, giving way to peace and quiet. The sense of nausea wasn't nearly as strong as the world shifted around Devon, placing him in a small arena filled with sand. Four wooden pillars stood sentry; two tall, two shorter. A young man wearing a hoodie and sweatpants similar to Devon's sat still in the middle of the pillars. The man lacked shoes, and looked to be studying the brawler intently. It seemed this arena would hold little in the way of surprises for Steel and his opponent. He liked it. Small and simple. An easy win.

Steel stood motionless while the portal disappeared behind him. His hood veiled his face while he studied the man's brown hair and typical 'pretty boy' looks.

'I bet this guy barely even knows how to throw a punch.' Devon thought with disregard. He stepped towards the man, hoping to evoke some sort of reaction. His brown-haired adversary only stared, apparently unconcerned by the brawler's appearance.

"You just gonna sit there? That's a bad position to start in, idiot.." Steel told the man with disdain. His opponent's lack of reaction was starting to anger him. He rushed at the man, hoping his speed would be enough to catch the contestant off-guard before he could stand. With an evil grin painted wide across the canvas of his face, he cocked his leg back for a powerful kick aimed at his opponent's face.

02-15-14, 08:08 AM
“He he he”, Nart chuckled would have caused a child to piss themselves it sounded so medieval. The tone of this new arrivals lack of attention was a bit humorous. The way he discarded the most basic principles of combat to be fooled by such a trap or as some say this completely obvious tactic. The bait was so easily took that for that spit second just before the other male took off in a flat out run towards him Nart thought maybe I should have been a fishermen.

Pushing out his left hand as his manipulation took hold, (bursting). Collecting the air around his right hand he would compacted the air to its basic first stage and released the burst at the earliest moment. Using this to shove himself to roll to the right and during such he used the muscles of his back with a quick twist as well. Furthering the strength and aid of his maneuvered get away defense.

Rolling over as he would tuck in his short sword to his side and use his knee to pivot on to turn his body back up right.

Now, Nart would counter as he was hip level in height with his opponent now. Just as his opponent's kick came through with its motion he would grasp the hilt and sheath of his weapon with well fashioned draw of his sword in an attempt to cut or cut through his opponent's leg; the closest leg to Nart anyway. His attack being done with a single hand with a vertical thrust and swing of his blade.Using the turn of his hips, and tightening of the shoulder muscles followed by his arm tight. Nart want not to kill by put the match in his flavor early.

As Nart was only a very short distance from his opponent, roughly two foot as of now... “hmmm, such high words for your first failed attempt care to continue educating me?”.

The grin on his face could not be missed, just as tone tone he had used showed his current amusement the man was having. As Nart still held the sheath of his short sword in his left hand he wondered, “Should I just beat him with this stick like contraption or just laugh?”.

Devon Steel
02-17-14, 07:27 PM
Devon's opponent dodged with an unorthodox motion. The air turned into a thick haze where the unshod fighter directed his hand. As Nartivus twisted, he slashed at Steel's leg with a lightning fast draw of his sword. The skilled strike would've taken Devon's leg off, had he not been expecting a counterattack of some sorts. As soon as his powerful kick passed harmlessly by his opponent's head, his other leg was already tensing to spring away. Midway through Steel's evasion attempt, Nart's sword sliced cleanly through Devon's wool sweatpants. The attack only grazed his leg, drawing a line of warm blood to the surface.

He heard his opponent's taunt after he barely evaded the strike. Stopping about eight feet away from the swordsman, Devon didn't even feel the shallow cut at first. As the burning appeared, then increased, he glanced down at his leg while Nartivus laughed. He put his fingers to the wound, and when he drew them back, blood was smeared over the tips. He bared his teeth, looking back at his opponent with unbridled rage.

"You think I'm funny, huh?! I'll fucking kill you!" Steel shouted at the man. He drew in a great breath and covered his ears with his hands. When Devon released the breath, a great roar erupted from his throat. The shock wave of the sound blew the sand into great dunes behind Nartivus, leaving a stone floor beneath him. Devon rushed at his enemy once more, attempting to attack Nart while his Lion's Roar had affected his opponent's senses. The sand slid slightly under Steel's boots as he closed in, cocking back with his right fist. If his first punch landed, he would use the recoil to try and throw a second punch as a follow-up.

Skill Activated - Hemophobia: At the sight of his own blood, Devon will enter a berserker rage, attempting to obliterate whatever injured him. While in this state, he is impossible to communicate with and fights with the fullest extent of his abilities.

Ability Used - Lion's Roar - Novice: Creates a strong shock wave from the diaphragm to create a powerful vibration, the user's skill determines the radius of the sound. It causes damage towards the inner ear drums, which in turn causes the opponent to slightly lose their sense of balance and their surroundings. (Can only be used when in Berserker Rage. Usable once per thread if conditions are met.)

02-17-14, 10:15 PM
Nart was laughing nonstop in tell he received a completely different action than he expected. The yelling actually spooked him for a moment. Not from the words that left his opponents mouth, but the tone in which they were spoken. This kid was flipping shit, like his mind had just shut down and only existed in a compete primal state. Right after the first short sentence Nart begun his retreat to think of something new. Activating his flight step, he went to take off, back ward roughly ten foot. Pushing off each step of compacted air he soared back staying roughly foot from the ground.He wanted to get much further away as well as much higher but he was able to do neither.

Rattling, Nart's head was all of a sudden felt like the nut in the nut cracker. Slamming his hands over his ears to protect himself. This high pitched sound would have seriously given him some issues if left unchecked. Falling from control of his manipulation Nart missed the next air step once he was roughly eight-teen foot from his opponent and stumbled into the short wooden pillar behind himself. With such happening he even lost his sword which was several feet from his grasp.

After all these events took place his opponent was even charging like he gone mad. The look in his opponents eyes gave away the fact Nart could not have with this one anymore or at least not at the moment.

Still kneeling, he watched as his opponent charged him in a attempt to attack or this was Nart's belief anyway. But he would not take the chance to find out.

"Err, damn this dude has a loud month", Nart thought but not eve his own thoughts were of much help.

Watching with a intense aggravation toward the current events, Nart's head was regaining sense and thankfully the time would help regaining his senses. Looking out as his opponent looked like a animal on the loose Nart played it cool,still holding his head like he was in lots of pain. Yea it hurt a little but no where near as much from just a few minutes ago.

As his opponent was closing in now. Nart would drop his hands from his head and look down. For this brief moment he hid his hands from plain sight to his sides and begun pulling air for his shield to air burst his opponent. Using a airs hove toward his opponent would cause a rift in his momentum and cause his opponent to slow down a lot with his direct air shove. This was not a attack nor that great of a defense. It was a set up. His aim was to tip the scale in his favor by causing his opponent to lose balance in his movement or disrupt him enough that even his opponent would know that throwing his own attack would be fatal to Devon leaving a huge opening that Nart was hoping to create.

Following by the attempt of his air shove to disrupt his opponent and be Nart's shield he would reach out and grasp his opponent in that small moment that he may be unbalanced in his next few steps.

If connected by the grasp Nart was planing on releasing a on slot of attacks, letting go with his right hand to hit his opponent three times, once in the kidney, throat and then lastly the face. Knowing that the first and last punch of this trio would hurt a bit but the real money was in the throat punch he wanted to stop the women like scream...

“ You done screaming like a women yet, BOY?”, And he would not stop but only to taught his opponent into a even further point of rage higher than the last.

OOC 1: Opponent was asked to not post in tell my post was edited and re-posted. I had found a failure of correctly defending myself.

OOC 2:Abilities Used

Flight Step: By collection of air around his limbs he can push off condensed air; Nartivus can leap into the air roughly twenty foot. Afterward, he can only delay the drop for a few second. By pulling and releasing the air under hisfeet he has learned to make it where landing doesn't hurt his joints.Limit use is two. ( Used once so far)

Bursting: Compacting the air around himself into a small area he can release a burst of air in concussive blast that actually be seen; because of various gases in the air that are pulled into his manipulation. Causing his manipulation to leak out gas like a haze or fume. Note this is not subject to a single way he direct this sub-ability, he can use this with a weapon, random item or body limb. At his current level he can only collect enough force that he can push or move small objects of a average persons size up to two hundred pounds. He could not kill an opponent with just a blow or two, it would feel like getting punched or beingshoved. Limited use, at the moment he can not use more than three per battle. ( Used twice during match so far)

Devon Steel
02-27-14, 09:34 PM
Devon's focus rested solely on reaching Nart. He was so intent on pounding his opponent's face into a bloody pulp that he didn't even comprehend the pretty boy's taunts. Nor did he notice the hazy air coalescing around his enemy's hands. His rage overwhelmed his instincts, blinding him to the warning signs that would be apparent to any rational fighter. The slim man raised his hand, now only a short distance from Steel. The rhythmic pounding of his boots on the stone, which had been uncovered by his roar, faltered as a blast of air hit him mid-stride. He stumbled straight into his opponent's waiting hands, unable to avoid the taller man's grasp.

Nart's first punch caught him squarely in the gut, but Devon was prepared for a follow-up to the pretty boy's grab. He clenched his abdominal muscles, softening the pain to his stomach slightly. It hurt, but hot-blooded fury dulled the pain enough to keep the tan brawler from doubling over. His opponent's next punch came rapidly, but Steel tucked his head, bringing his chin down to meet the second blow. The impact rocked his head to the side and filled his vision with stars. His vision dimmed, but his hunger for retribution kept him standing. The pretty boy's final attack came shortly after, but this time the white-haired fighter was fully prepared. He ducked under the quick strike, now in tune with his instincts, and grunted with satisfaction.

Devon cocked back with his right fist, preparing to send an uppercut augmented by unadulterated wrath straight into the vulnerable jaw of his lanky adversary.