View Full Version : Fate is Met by Those Who Seek Life

02-17-14, 05:58 PM
With a proper comparison of times gone an times to come there is a noticeable difference in the life that Sirius has lived. Now he is just another drunk sitting in the bars on the outskirts of cities, gone from hero to zero. But there was always one who could coax a person out of the stupor that was life. It was extraordinarily common for one plain man to be brought out by a beloved family member or a new friend met in the dark of night in the alley behind the bar in the smell of rotting food and many long gone bottle of milk.

"Why? Why did i ruin myself so!?" He shouted at himself in his home, eyes bloodshot, and behind him many little piles of broken objects were strewn about the floor. It was as if he had gone on a drunken rampage then tried to repent, trying to make it all better again. It was a madman's way of thinking. A mess of jumbled thoughts, and brash actions filling the space that should be instead occupied by battle strategy and compassion, not alcohol. But some time ago, another man had taken up a small spot where a person would be but it was diminishing rather quickly as he delved deeper into the world of stupor and many other things. Unfortunate really.

"I'm an idiot, i should have just admitted my death three hundred years back and left life follow in it's own footsteps, not have to be dictated by me."

He shook his head, turning towards the little workshop by the edge of the room, filled with little boxes of gears and trinkets imbued with some enchantment or tis and that, some liquids, solids, and few things in between. It looked rather like something blew up and then imploded upon itself on the large wooden table filled with pocks and scratches, burns and stains, that served as a workbench. Much of the problem was that he couldn't see what he was doing and often set fires instead of making what he wanted to make. Forlornly he shook his head and walked outside, looking to the north, where the mountains of Salvar awaited, one with a lone spec on the top, gently wavering then clapping out of existence in a flash of light, to reappear soon on the same spot.

“Well then. It seems I have an appointment with fate once more” He mumbled to himself.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
02-28-14, 08:10 PM
He rarely had a chance to dream of late.

Dreaming implied a state of sleeping, and that was also fleeting. He was a Saenorakym Prime, granted, he was a hybrid. However, the blood of his people flowed in his veins and he was proud of what he was. He came from a long line of off-worlders. They attempted to usher in a new era of technological prosperity for Althanas. A new age of world peace. Sabatykos dreamed of the stars as he sat in the wagon that held so many. It was a group of wagons really, an exodus that marked their journey towards Salvar. As they steadily moved in a more northern direction, Sabatykos noticed the temperature changing. He was glad for the warm hides and furs that he wore. The Monks of Aibron back home, in Corone, stressed that he needed to dress appropriate for the weather. Salvar was a cold land, and it was a land that struggled to survive in a harsh and unforgiving environment. The monks had warned him vehemently who was good news, and who was bad. There were all sorts of shady types in Knife's Edge, where they were all headed. Sabatykos knew there was work to be found in Salvar if he looked closely enough and kept his morale up.

Sabatykos dreamed of the stars and had no knowledge of how much time had passed since their exodus started. All he knew was that the temperature had dropped considerably. His body heat reacted to the harsh cold, he felt the furs and hides he wore almost react to his body temperature. He preferred more standard adventurer's attire. His body felt weighed down by the heavy hides he wore. But they were necessary addition to his attire to withstand the extreme cold. Though wagons were pretty warm as far as wagons went, but Sabatykos could see his breath in the air. He wore a thick beard those days. He'd grown it as a means to attempt to appear more stylish to those around him. His peers. In some cases, his subordinates. Sabatykos had pulled some strings to land a spot in the very same caravan they were all in. There were some fifty civi's and about six large carts all ox-driven. Sabatykos had gotten to know the people around him quite a bit, many were just refugees looking for work. Some were adventurers and sell-swords. A few were military. But Sabatykos knew not to butt in the lives of those types. They just wanted to be left alone. Several people were huddled by Sabatykos, pressing against him for warmth.

Saenorakym Prime generated more warmth than Humans did. So it was natural to see why people huddled close to his person. He didn't mind the attention. In fact, he welcomed it. He wrapped his arms around a few of the strangers, and held them close to his person so they could sleep easier. Sabatykos found himself waking up in the middle of the night, the wagons were still in their seemingly endless journey to Knife's Edge.

One of the woman was looking at Sabatykos. She'd prepared a small meal and was offering it to him.

"Sabatykos. Please have some of these rations, you've earned them." Sabatykos heard her say.

He smiled. "I thank you, my lady." He responded. He took the small amounts of food and nutrients, they were heated with magical arts. Sabatykos knew that the lady was some sort of an elemental mage. He watched her as she sat across from him and eyed him with a curious expression. "This is most kind of you, I was getting cold."

"It's easy to forget about those who provide for us." He heard her say. "Your service that you're providing for our people is keeping everybody warm." He heard her continuing. "I thank you, Sir Sabatykos."

"It's the least I can do..." He said back to her. "I can't provide more formal aid until we're all at Knife's Edge." Assuming we all arrive safely...and there are no mishaps. He thought to himself as he ate. He noticed that she did something very strange just then. She stood up and walked towards him, leaning in against him and wrapping her arms around his waist. He felt her body warmth against his own and could not help but to blush furiously at her closeness. Without fully understanding why, he kissed the handsome woman.

Tobias Stalt
06-30-14, 03:49 PM
Both writers receive 80 Exp and 5 Gold for one post a piece; this thread is to be considered void due to an apparent clash in continuity. (At the request of Krausus.)

Alyssa Snow
07-01-14, 11:44 AM
EXP & GP Added.

From now on, please do not request no judgement or rewards unless a thread has at least gotten a 2-3 posts per person. I do not want to award on a per post basis for dead intros.

Thank you.