View Full Version : The sword of the kings.

02-19-14, 03:24 PM
((OOC- * Indicates that there is an outside presence communicating with Duke*))

Standing in front of an old stone wall, a side of the Shikos Ruins where Duke Panterie lives and operates his missions from, Duke looks like he is deep thought. The sun starting to set just over the top of a mountain range off in the distance, the shade now barley covering the ruins. "What would should I do now?" Duke thinks out loud as trying to communicate with something or someone. His face tenses up in frustration as he is getting no response, "Your never around when I need you." he tries again in vain.

As this was getting him no where Duke steps off and moves towards the entrance of the ruins as if he is going to find something to do himself. As he enters threw the threshold and into one of the halls of his new home, Duke ponders what he will do with his time. On the norm he would just do as told but since he has hand no instructions since his last mission, the one he had failed to complete. His instructions were to eliminate the create Misery but he had instead engaged in combat with the legendary Sei Orlonge, and against the wishes of his masters, Duke had instead given in and in trusted the destiny of Misery to Sei. Since that day Duke had no communications with his masters, the spirits from his home land across the sea, and his reason for existing and journeying to this new land had come to a halt.

Duke distracted in his thoughts had not noticed that he had reached his study which is one of the last rooms on the ground level of his home. He looks at the door and pushes on the wood to open it, as he first walks in he realizes that since the last time he had been in here he hadn't put any of his books back and they are still scattered everywhere in the dimly lit room. He remembers that he had read in one of his books that there is a weapon of great power, once used buy the kings of old. Duke looks around the room as he tries to find that specific book amongst the others, and he finally sees it sitting up against the wall on one of his desk areas. Duke sits down at his desk, and grabs his tome to begin skimming it to find that passage.

Duke does find the passage he is looking for and begins to read it, "The sword, Dain Nomos was the sword of the royal lineage from a time before even his own, supposable it held the power to eat away at the mana of people around it but not effecting its wielder. This was a powerful weapon that was the reason the king could control his domain." Duke read from his tome.

With nothing else he had to do immediately Duke finish reading the passage and finds that the sword was lost from the royal family on their last conquest to this land, and that its whereabouts were still known but presumed to be in a near location in the forgotten city of Las'stocia, the last push before their conquest was quelled.

"This might be worth a look." Duke closes his book and begins to leave his study. " If I can find this weapon ill be unstoppable." Now excited about this, Duke runs to the exit of his home and as he reaches the outside he sprouts his spirit wings and flies into the sky leaving a red glow behind him.