View Full Version : Introducing the Ladies Man

Amber Eyes
02-20-14, 07:37 PM
It was a busy time. Kyla's hair hadn't been brushed in days and her clothing was less pristine than normal. Soon there would be war. Sei Orlouge had graciously left his post, confident in his daughter's abilities. They were big shoes to fill but Kyla was eager to accomplish her goals. Sei would resume his mantle as the vigilante of Radasath, a job he always preferred to the spotlight.

Less than a week after he stepped down word came. Misery Business incorporated, the gang of vagabonds led by the nerve-racking Zack Blaze would lay claim to Moriah. Kyla had laughed at the notion. The obnoxious brat would never set his feet on solid ground, the navy of Moriah was a capable lot. The same could not be said for Blaze. It was then that the word Order entered the conversation.

That word shook Kyla. The mystic prided herself on knowledge. Her library was extensive, though Anita's put it to shame. Still, since her meeting with the strange man at a pub weeks earlier, she had learned very little. The organization was either incredibly crafty or not a threat. Kyla wasn't going to take any chances until she knew for certain. She poured through a list of contacts, Sei's list. Someone must know something. She had just stumbled upon a possible source when a knock reached her ears.

Kyla looked up, noting just how much the room had changed in the short time she had been in it. Sei's office was now brighter, softer, and far messier. Books were piled in various corners, and some of the artwork needed straightening. It very much resembled the Mystic's own room. She sighed and set the paper upon the heavy oak desk. She leaned back in her chair and ran her fingers through the front of her hair in an effort to clear her face.

"Please, come in."

A head poked through a crack, Lydia was an eccentric girl. Her skills on the battlefield had proved lacking despite her eagerness. Her bookkeeping on the other hand, was immaculate. "Miss Orlogue, there is a young man here to see you."

"I'm a bit busy at the moment Lydia. Perhaps set something up for tomorrow mid-day?" Kyla looked at the stack of maps to her right. She had to prove herself a worth tactician. Hopefully not many lives would be given in her attempt.

Lydia gave a sly grin and her eyes shone. "I think you want to meet this one." Kyla had her doubts.

The Mystic sighed. "Then bring him in."

02-26-14, 11:14 PM
As Lydia turns away from the door to let Dein into to speak with the new leader such a powerful force, she sees over on her desk Dein leaning on one elbow. His eyes gazing upon her, seeming to take all of her in, and slowly making contact with her own. Almost like his eyes were letting her peek into his soul, she can see a mixture of pride, experience, loss, and love inside him. And with a simple wink he sent a shiver down her spine.

"So, what did she say Hun?" Dein asks Lydia in a smooth and concerning tone of voice. He stands back up right and takes a few steps closer to her. As he does some of his long red hair strays on to his face and he quickly moves it out of crystal blue eyes. When he gets only a foot or two away from her he stops and says " Well Hun, am I allowed to talk to her?" then his stair once again send pulses down her back.

"Y--Yeah she will." Lydia says as she is almost taken with awkward fascination with him, and points into the door. "Right in here." She trails off.

Dein then turns his gaze past her, and looks into the room seeing Kyla. He steps around her and into the door facing the person he came to see. " I see, so this is the new leader of the Ixian Knights." He says again in his most smooth tone. His voice was always the thing he tried in order to impress and captivate the women he meet. "Im hear to enlist in your ranks, Lady Orlouge." Dein says as he gracefully bows slightly to her.