View Full Version : Reiko's Reward (solo)

Reiko Inari
02-22-14, 05:39 PM
Reiko couldn't relax, even though it was such a nice day. The sun shined through the pines and firs of the Stormshadow forest. The day was bright and the air was cool, perfect whether for a girl in white fur, but the vixen just simply couldn't stop fidgeting with her tails. She curled the tip and wrapped the fur around her finger before looking up to a brown five tailed kitsune boy, Naoki. He was was probably Rei's closest friend, an honest fox. He was also a healer with knowledge of curses.

“I don't know, Reiko, The spell on your kitsune ball is strong. I think it could have even been cast by a kitsune or tengu lord.” The brown fox said and looked at Rei with concerned orange eyes.

“I-I guess that would make sense.” Rei stammered as gently took her magic ball back and deposited in a pocket of her kimono. “I lost most my magic, I'm weaker than the one tails.” She whined as she got up and flicked her tails. The vixen forced a smile as she told herself to cheer up in her head and Naoki returned it.

“Well you're alive, a curse like that could have killed a weaker kitsune.” The five tails said and patted Rei on the back. “And hey, you-” He lost track on trying to cheer his friend up. “You have me!” Naoki finished in hopes he saved his efforts.

“Yeah, I have you...” The vixen giggled as she tried to make her smile seem more earnest. She did like Nao. He was always kind to her and they often played together in the forest, chasing each other or bouncing their kitsune balls to each other, a game only played with Trusted friends.

Rei was starting to perk up as she gave Naoki a nuzzle of friendship. The girl was ready to forget her worries and that stupid sword, the one she was meant to protect but failed. The girl was ready to suggest maybe going to the village to play with humans when another kitsune entered with a bang of foxfire to signify its entrance.

The newcomer was dressed in red robes that hid the entire body, a servant of the Inari clan Matron. Rei mood was shattered when she knew what was wanted.

“The Inari clan is called to Council, You are required to come, miss Reiko.” The stern older woman's voice echoed from the shroud. “You must not bring any human artifacts.” The woman finished.

Rei's eyes dropped, looking at the needled ground. The last part had her worried, because the denial of human artifacts meant she was facing punishment. The girl found one of her tails in her hands, fur getting frizzed from the nervous fidgeting once again. Rei was being punished for her failure.

Reiko Inari
02-23-14, 05:46 PM
Rei was made to lose her kimono, it was a garment of human make, though thankfully, Rei was alloud to wear her undergarment of leaves and vines. The vixen followed the robed kitsune while Naoki left for the gathering on his own. The nine tailed girl wished her friend would come with her but he didn't want to been seen close to her at the council for her punishment.

Soon They would be at the Matron's Grove. The Inari clan held their meetings in the open and outside. The Matron's Grove was the most beautiful place that Reiko knew about, covered in a myriad of flowers of all colors. The place was sectioned off by bamboo and evergreens. The scent of the blossoms allowed Rei to relax.

But it was short lived respite when the vixen looked up to the many foxes gathered about to watch her punishment. The girl saw friends, sisters, brothers and foxes that she merely saw, and they all know of her failure. The girl whimpered while she watched the foxes talk and mingle among themselves before the show started.

Then Rei something among the foxes that made her flick her tails, Humans. To be Honest, Rei had no problem with Humans and loved to be around them in their village, watching them as they go about their day or play with their children, but Humans here meant something sinister.

The little vixen stared and looked to the foxes that had brought a human partner. The men and one woman were there because they were under a spell, an enchantment that foxes would work on people of weak will. It's something Rei had never done but she watched it; the victims would think they were in love and married with the fox as they would slowly go mad while their life force and spirit would feed the fox.

Rei knew this was bad not just for the humans, but herself as well. The girl had a feeling that the Inari Foxes used the enchantment to try and get a new tail. They probably expected a power vacuum from this gathering and hoping to get a quick tail to let them take it.

Rei started to shake as she was led into the center of the grove, made to kneel by a stone table. She was shaking as she realized that many of the audience expected the punishment to leave someone to be able to take her place.

Thankfully the chatter ended when the Matron entered. The fox woman looked almost like a godess, her fur shined golden and her nine tails were fanned out. The Matron looked at little Rei with piercing purple eyes.

Reiko Inari
02-26-14, 05:10 PM
The Golden Furred matron looked At Rei and while intimidating at first, Rei could see some empathy in the look that she gave the smaller vixen. This was probably the first real good news of the day but how good could it be. The Matron had to serve the clan she ruled, if her actions were unpopular enough, another nine tails could try and form a coup d'etat.

“Inari Reiko, you have been brought here for loss of a clan artifact. You are accused of negligence in your duty of guarding the Yukikage. The loss of the blade has weakened our clan's ability to defend itself and soiled our image with the kitsune clans of Akashima.”

Rei shrank a bit and squeaked as she wanted to talk but stopped; it wasn't her turn. The white vixen squeezed one of her tails, being nervous from being the center of attention and not sure what her fate would be. Banishment or even death were possible.

“We of the Inari clan are fair. We will allow you to speak to your defense and give your account of what happened.”

The Vixen had to look away from the Matron and she made the mistake of looking to the crowd of foxes with some human pets mixed in. “My, isn't she a Brat!” One of the humans said, probably thinking that Rei was merely a child that was playing Samurai with her Father's sword and lost it. “I think a man should tan her hide and do the servants chores until she collapses. That'll teach her not to lose a sword.” One of the humans said with his fox “wife” smiling lightly.

Rei watched him, that was a somewhat harsh punishment for the little girl that he thought she was, but it was likely light for what she'll be getting.

The Matron coughed to make Rei snap her attention back. “Now, would you tell us why the blade is gone?”