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02-22-14, 08:45 PM
It was a weary journey.

One that sometimes needed rest. That's the reasoning that brought Elthas there that day. He was an officer for The Trading Company, and things were going smooth for him there. There was plenty of work everywhere, and Althanas needed skilled workers. The Trading Company offered that work force a place to call home and steady work. It also offered chances for legitimate profit and education to grow. Elthas knew that because Invetisto told him, and he also knew that from his own experience in the organization. He had sacrificed a lot to become The Trading Company's appointed quest monitor. He was an officer. He'd earned Invetisto's trust and favour after busting his balls to get there.

After a hard day's work in the Scara Brae forge, Elthas needed to relax before he called it a night.

His mind decided to take him to The Peaceful Promenade, where he would undertake in the company of strangers. Perhaps, he would take a good woman to his bed that night. Perhaps. The evening was young, and Elthas had cleaned himself off after intensive physical labor. Elthas claimed the arts of the blacksmith and had obtained other crafting skills. He was quite good at his art, and he applied the cultural aesthetics of his people. The Elves. Elthas was an Elf of Ruild, Concordia Forest. He had the physical characteristics of a Forest Elf, and as such, was distinguished. His hyper deformed ears were long and pointy, he had long and green hair that was kept clean at all times, and his skintone was fair. He had a piercing and intelligent gaze that oft intimidated those with weak wills. His eyes were green colored and very intense. He often stared at people, and sometimes off into space as he pondered philosophical matters. Elthas was fiercely intelligent and hungered for more knowledge, but he used his desires for good.

Elthas had already ordered his drink and sat on a rocking chair on the front porch of The Peaceful Promenade. Elthas never liked alcoholic beverages, and thus, he often ordered punch or juices. The current drink he ordered sat in his chalice, it was a plain silver hued chalice that was on the ground next to his rocking chair. Elthas wore a suit that day, or fancy gentleman's clothing. His feathered hat rested atop his head at a slight, forty-five degree angle. It was a fancy hat styled in some sort of an Elven modern fashion. The whole outfit represented modern Elven tastes, the suit was custom made for Elthas. Elthas had good tastes in attire, and always attempted to look his sharpest. Whilst working, he dressed somewhat different, but he was currently off-duty.

Elthas dressed for the occasion, His suit was cut in typical Radasanth attire. He didn't dress in the native Scara Brae attire for personal reasons. Elthas was a Radasanthian man, and he favoured those customs and traditions above all other cultures, even his own. Elthas considered himself a man of Corone, and as such, honored those traditions and customs. He smoked a sweeter tasting sample of the popular cannibus herb, he pulled the smoke from a long smoking pipe. His trench coat style jacket was completely open, and rested around the back of his rocking chair. He was relaxed as he sat there, smelling and inhaling/exhaling the smoke. His eyes were closed and he allowed himself a rare opportunity to really THINK about things that were going on around him.

Elthas thought about a lot of responsibilities, but always put The Trading Company above his own desires and ambitions. He looked at the field directly around The Peaceful Promenade, and the quiet town of Scara Brae. People came to and from their jobs, depending on how late they worked. Very few of the Scara Braeans were the commuting sort. Most of them lived in the town proper. He had a great respect for the quiet town. The Scara Braeans were a sturdy, hard working bunch. Elthas immediately fit in with the lot, since he was a hard worker as well. As he exhaled the smoke, he relaxed further, feeling the calming effects of the herb. Elthas liked to smoke untouched samples of the herbs, sometimes he'd smoke Radasanth tobacco, though that was only for special events. Tobacco was an expensive herb and it had a potent flavor. Depending on the flavor, Elthas would take a few samples of the herb as well. However, that day, he simply smoked cannibus herb.

Cannibus had a particularly sweet scent that filled the air around Elthas with a signature aroma. Smoking cannibus created a particularly laid back effect that Elthas enjoyed deeply. The laid back effect helped Elthas think on the various projects that his boss, Invetisto, placed on his shoulders. The most recent project was the hiring of the Orc named Otto. Alongside a group of blacksmiths, Elthas and Otto made a set of useful items that day. Thinking back to that day and how good it was, Elthas took out the small, music box like item and turned it's unique effect on. A song played from within the item, in a simple, almost monotone beat. But it played the beat for the very same song Elthas sang the day Otto joined The Trading Company. It was not a well-known song, but it had significant meaning to Elthas. Hearing the song magically imbued into the music box was soothing to Elthas.

As he sat there, he thought about Otto, and what it was like to work with the kind Orc. His people traditionally didn't like Orcs, but Otto was different. A rebel amongst his people, like Elthas was as well. Perhaps, the two were meant to have known one another. Elthas liked the idea of that and was glad that he was able to work with a skilled blacksmith like Otto, and hoped to someday learn many crafting secrets from the Orc. Elthas learned a lot about himself that day and what he was capable of doing. Currently, however, Elthas needed to get his mind focus on one matter: his drink. And that's exactly what he did. He held his smoking pipe skillfully in one hand, and raised his chalice to his lips with his other. The fruity drink had an almost spicey flavour and a strong smelling scent. It was a local beverage called "Fleng Fruit Cocktail". A particularly strong drink, and that's how Elthas liked it. So he paid some attention to the people who entered and left The Peaceful Promenade. Elthas kept the heels of his boots up on the railing of the large Peaceful Promenade building, and sat at a relaxed angle.

Yes, that day was a good day.

He hoped the night would be just as good...

The Mad Scientist
02-22-14, 09:36 PM
Jacob Kneller, also known as Dr. Steam, walked down the stoney roads of Scara Brae in search for a place to stay. He wore his oil stained white lab coat opened wide with a white button up shirt under some blue overalls. His iron goggles sat on the top of his head and his black hair all over the place. On his back was a strange pack that had two smoke stacks that seemed to come out of the top. As he walked most people gave him a wide berth as if they didn't want to catch whatever disease they thought he had.

Kneller had been on the lookout for any place he might be able to relax in when suddenly he saw a green sign over a door. The sign said, “The Peaceful Promenade”. Out on the front porch was a man in a rocking chair with a pipe in his mouth. He ignored the man for now and entered the tavern.

As soon as he entered the entire place went silent for a few seconds as everybody stared at him before it went back to the normal chatter. Kneller noticed that the place was packed and there wasn't an empty table to be found. He had noticed that the porch had many more rocking chairs and decided just to order his drink and relax and look at the stars, something he rarely did now a days.

With his mine made up Kneller went up to the counter where the bartender asked, “What can I getcha stranger?”

Kneller smiled then said, “You got any moonshine?”

The tender looked at him funny and asked, “Now what would a doctor be wanting that fer?”

Kneller smiled, “I am not a doctor, I'm an inventor. Now may you please get me my moonshine?” The bartender nodded then handed him a flask. Kneller paid the man then turned to head out on the porch.

Once he was out on the porch he moved to sit in the rocking chair right next to the man but then thought he should ask if he could. So he turned to the man and asked, “Mind if I join ya my good sir?”

Reiko Inari
02-22-14, 10:08 PM
Reiko always found Corone to be a strange place and the strangest is how close to Akashima but how different it was. The people dressed in ugly clothes. Peasants wore dull, boring clothing and the nobles were worse, gaudy clothing that existed to be as expensive as possible with no account for taste. But the lack of aesthetics were a minor point, it was a different place and raised Rei's curiosity.

Underwood was not a bad town as mainland towns go, built in a wonderfully large forest with leafy trees, a nice soft change from Stormshadow and the politics of the Inari kitsune. Rei needed a break from it all before going on her sword hunt and while relaxing at home was nice, but if the Matron found out she was procrastinating, the poor girl would get a spanking far worse than before. The vixen couldn't help but rub her bottom in memory of the previous spanking. Hopefully no one noticed that as she padded to the largest Tavern the girl ever set foot in.

The Peaceful Promenade was a big tavern, bigger than any in the villages at the edge of Stormshadow, only some small inns that had a bar for a handful of villagers that saved the coin to get drunk. But this was different, it had large rooms and a stage for dancing. Rei wondered if she could dance on that but her mind held back, she would need some spirits for courage.

Rei wandered in though some patrons stared at her. The girl was blushing as she felt the eyes on her, perhaps she should have went to the village saké den. She was sure that they thought she was a child, with small size and a girl of modest size, her only impressive asset being her nine tails. Rei then moved to the bartender, a man in utilitarian and ugly attire, balding with a scraggly beard but a charming smile, though it turned confused at sight of the fox.

Rei smiled to the barkeep. “Umm, do you have any saké?” she asks with a sweet smile, one would think she was asking for candy.

“Little lady, you seem a bit young, we're not a candy shop.” the man smiled to be polite.

Rei flicked her tails, her smile disappearing. “I'm older than you!” The vixen fanned out her tails to make the point, sure they no longer represented her power but her age would be clear, it took a fox many human lifetimes to get nine tails, though some people didn't know it. “but if you don't believe me, my gold is good as any.” The vixen mewed as she handed a few coins. Losing her temper would not get her anywhere but a little bribe would get her what she wanted.

The barkeep wasn't sure he believed the girl, but the flash of coin made him not care. Children didn't have the money or taste to enjoy some spirits. Once the vixen handed him the coin, he gave her a flask of saké. Rei's smiled returned and she chirped an “Arigato!” she took the flask and cup outside onto the porch and went to sit on a comfy chair. The inside felt stuffy and the fresh air would be good for the girl to enjoy her drink.

The girl blushed as she noticed that the spot wasn't empty and she gave them a smile. “Hi!” the vixen yipped to be friendly, though not bothering with etiquette.

Tobias Stalt
02-22-14, 11:29 PM
"I'll have an ale." The coins clattered on the table with more vehemence than Tobias had intended, but the barkeep seemed disinterested in any displays of force. The aging man behind the counter raised a wrinkled eyebrow; first foxes and now Alerian regulars were standing in his bar and taking their drinks. Disgruntled muttering rippled off his lips, but a sale was a sale. Amber brew cascaded from the tap and into a pristine, well-cleaned glass that held what Tobi decided amounted to a pint. "Standard," he scowled, and he took a loud gulp.

Nothing stood out in this bar, save for the particularly interesting influx of patrons. Clad in what looked like a lab coat, one man took his seat next to someone who had the look of an elf. Tobias took quiet note of the others in the area, not bothering to gripe over the company. Having a man in uniform nearby put most people on edge, so Tobias was the odd man out here.

As he stared into the depths of his lager, Tobias' gaze grew distant. He had come here to reflect on the past few months, and how everything had changed. From thief to sell sword and now to soldier, his life had moved in a whirlwind of conflict. Salvar, Alerar and everywhere in between, the young man had seen more in mere weeks than most men did in their entire lives. Tobias could not say it had not been fun.

His coins left the table only after the drink had been accepted, which seemed like some sort of local ritual. Places he had been before always took the money up front. It probably saved people from getting their heads blown off by a disgruntled bartender. Suffice to say, this man seemed far less imposing than some he had seen in his tenure.

This particular bar was not special in its coloration, blending cools and darks in such a way as to promote calmness and relaxation. Shaded walls gave way to dim lighting, and the tables were dispersed so as to leave plenty of breathing room for the customers. It was evident that few fights took place here, and further evident that the bartender kept his gaze fixed on Tobias' sword. "Plan on using that, fella?" The older man gave Tobias a look that almost pleaded him not to, but also seemed genuinely interested. Here was a man, Tobias decided, that did not get out much. In good humor, Tobias replied with a smile.

"Not here, no," the soldier assured the older man, who seemed infinitely relieved. "Just drinking today."

"On leave?" The man asked, daring further conversation. Tobias sipped his ale gingerly, closing his eyes to savor what was not a delicate flavor. The hops left a lingering aftertaste on the back of his tongue, but Tobi had gained an affinity for the drink in his earlier years. The piss-like drink seemed not to bother him.

"Very short," he told the bartender. "They'll have me arse if I tarry too long. But for now, I'm not overly worried."

The old man grunted in retort, not wanting to press his luck any further. An enlisted man who sought respite was best left to his own devices, at least in his experience. Tobias smiled kindly as the elder gentleman turned away, and he flicked his gaze to the others gathered. He had heard of humanoids who had fox like features, but he had never seen one. Still, his eyes did not linger because he did not want to appear rude. Instead, he brought his glass to his lips once more, and he smiled.

Sometimes, it was nice just to take a day off. Tobias looked around for a moment longer, eyeing a minstrel in the back corner of the bar. With a smirk, he snagged a coin from beneath his uniform collar and tossed it to the eager youth. Three strings plucked in discord, then a beautiful melody broke out to backdrop the bar's soothing surroundings. "Much better," Tobi decided.

He kicked his feet up into the stool next to him, and Tobias reclined against the bar with his ale in hand. He hummed along with the tune softly so he not to disrupt the playing. As he drained the contents of his glass at last, Tobi slid the empty receptacle back across the bar to the old man, who set about filling it up again.

"Ah, days off. Rare, but they are exquisite." The soldier allowed himself a serene smile.

02-24-14, 08:53 PM
Immediately, Elthas noticed the music coming from inside the inn proper. Then he looked at both Reiko and the mysterious fellow before him. The scientist. Elthas smiled at both of the strangers and noted that Rei was likely one of them Akashimans. Elthas knew a small amount of Akashiman lore from his study of history. He was a smart man, and he knew what a Kitsune was. He didn't like anybody making assumptions of him, or, telling him what to believe. Askashiman was a close by land that was light years different as Corone was to Salvar. He wore a kind smile, and the cannibus scent of his smoking pipe was stronger as the two folks approached. The scent was rich and potent. Elthas liked smoking, it was a relaxing act that helped him think about the day's work. The scientist looking guy, and Rei both asked things of him.

Elthas nodded to them.

"Aye. Company is always appreciated fellas." Elthas acknowledged the both of them. "There are plenty of places to sit out here, no need for me to avoid people now, is there?" He chuckled at that. Elthas fancied himself a friendly fellow, and he was looking at both the fox girl and the scientist with an inquisitive stare. His intense eyes were full of intellect and curiosity. They also had something else there; kindness. Elthas was an Elf of good manners and impeccable way of dressing. "Of course, you guys may sit here with me and share a few stories if that pleases you." Elthas said. Elthas's eyes observed the fox woman, and she was quite handsome. He'd never actually seen a Kitsune before, but he knew what they were from his organization's previous dealings with Akashima. Further, he knew from his history studies. Elthas took a deep pull of his smoking pipe, and then exhaled through his nostrils.

The ichor of the smoke relaxed him and helped him feel content with the current situation. After a long day of working the forge, it was nice to get away and simply have a good time with people one normally didn't associate with. Elthas liked being a social butterfly, and he spoke with as many people as he could. He was Quest Monitor for The Trading Company, and he needed to keep an eye out for any potential new recruits that would be worthwhile to have. It's how his mind worked. He had always been a loyal fellow, even if some people has betrayed him in the end. Elthas smoked from his pipe and observed Rei and the scientist as they talked to him. He responded back of course, with carefully chosen conversation.

He wanted to be certain that he kept their interest in the same way that they kept his.

The porch was large enough to hold several rocking chairs in a neatly organized position. Elthas got up and slide his rocking chair back a bit so that the others could sit closer to him. He made sure not to spill his drink in the process which sat in a silver chalice on the ground next to him. He sat back down and looked at both of the folks in front of him. "Have a seat." Elthas said casually. "Have you guys tried the bear sirloin steak? It's cut quite exquisitely here. " He took a pull of his drink, expertly manipulating his smoking pipe in the other. He wonder how much his companions kept up with current times. "What do you think of The Althanas Leagues? You two following that at all?" Elthas was curious was they thought about the event he had participated in, but was eviscerated several times for his efforts. It had been a brutal learning experience and one that left him somewhat weary of joining such events in the future...

He just wanted to get better.

01-10-15, 04:38 PM
(Continuing as a Solo/Still Open to Everyone willing to join thank you very much.)

As time passed, Elthas noticed that people gradually got bored or wandered off to their own vices.

Elthas didn't mind, he was an Elf and he knew that people often came and went quickly in and out of one's own life.

He understand that the way time flowed was as a giant, great tree, with many branches spreading out into the future. And even into the past and present. Events seemed to swirl into more events, and that was the nature of things on Althanas, world of Heroes and Villains. Elthas sat back on his rocking chair, his trade marked fedora leaning on an angle atop his head. He was smoking at that moment, his favorite brand of the cannibus herb. The wooden pipe he had was made out of a fancier quality of yew, cherry coloured and well constructed. It had been a gift from back when he had first started to smoke. Elthas sat in a relaxed position, the front porch of the Peaceful Promenade was decked out with several such chairs. Elthas had eaten a while earlier, his fill of food, and was content with the way things were going. Too often, Althanians were thrust from one adventure into the next without ever really knowing why. Also, they were thrust into said adventures without ever taking much time to appreciate what they have accomplished. Elthas rocked himself gently, he figured it was good time for a nap, knowing nobody would bother him. However, he resisted the urge to simply fall asleep. There was too much on his mind. So instead, he picked up his chalice and took a pull of the juice he'd been drinking. He'd paid for that earlier as well. He'd also paid for refills for the night. It was almost time for his favorite part of the day: sunset. He only wished he had somebody to spend it with, adequate company always made his day brighter.

Elthas thought about where he was and what he needed to do next. He was now LEADER of The Trading Company, and as such, he needed some direction in his own life. As he rocked back and forth on his chair, he fought a yawn, that beat him soundly. Then, he noticed someone staring at him. It was one of the patrons of the interior of the Peaceful Promenade. He was a well dressed gentleman, and for a moment, Elthas saw a flash of his old companion: Seth Terrentius. The flash quickly faded away however. Though he did feel a shiver up and down his spine. Elthas looked at the elderly gentleman.

"I've oft wonder what your kin think of." The man said.

"Do you mean in general or presently?" Elthas responded in a kind voice. Elthas liked Humes in general, they were a stalwart lot, and could make ideal friends. Though there were some dastardly brigand Humes out there too.

"Both." The well suited gentleman asked.

Elthas noticed that the man was looking at a brass pocket watch. It was attached to a simple chain, basic in design. But the man's suit was far from basic. It was a three piece suit, coloured grey, and cut in the standard Radasanth cut. He was not a man from Scara Brae. The man was clean shaven, and Elthas noticed the wrinkles on his face suggesting age. He could not yet see the colour of the man's hair, for the fellow wore a simple top hat. Elthas did noticed that the man had an agreeable level of personal charm, and was very tall for a Hume. He wasn't sure exactly how tall. The man was also very well built and had proper posture. His broad shoulders were spread proudly thanks to a lifetime of training in good posture. The man appeared to have some distinct Jadet dressing styles. But he was clearly a Coronean.

Elthas nodded carefully. "Right now, just was thinking about the sunset." Elthas said calmly. "Brokenthorn Forest is not where I'm from, but it is a beautiful forest never the less." Elthas explained. "It's nice to travel and have a chance to sit down and think."

"You're the calculative type." The gentleman suddenly said. "That's the type of person I can definitely use."

"You're offering work?" Elthas responded in kind.

"I'm thinking about it." The gentlemen said calmly. "Right now I'm just a fellow enjoying the sunset with a potential ally."

"Company service does not come free you know." Elthas suddenly said. Referring to his leadership of The Trading Company.

"Not referring to your recent guild leader status." The gentleman stated, clearly showing that he was someone in the know.

THAT, caused Elthas to raise an eyebrow. He turned towards the gentleman, as he smoked a deep inhale of the cannibus herb. This is getting interesting. Elthas thought to himself. He exhaled the smoke through his nostrils and felt the pleasurable warmth go through him. "What are you referring to?" Elthas asked.

"Your other leader has sent me to find you." The gentleman said calmly. "There is work that needs doing, and you are just the Elf for the job. If you're able to complete this job, there is more work to be had."

"My other leader you say?" Then he realized quickly, what that meant. The Red Six! Elthas suddenly grinned. "Oh...MY OTHER LEADER." Talen, he means Talen Shadowalker. Elthas nodded. "Got a safer place to talk?" Elthas suddenly asked, his demeanor suddenly changing from the aloof cannibus smoker, to the serious businessman. Elthas put out the embers in his smoking pipe, and took a deep smell of the smoke that flowed from the burnt embers. Elthas then put his smoking pipe away in his pack. Then he quickly got up off the rocking chair, and grabbed his packs in a single, elegant motion. He then turned to look at the gentleman. "Talen sent you did he not? Then me you can speak freely inside, preferably in your room." Elthas stated. "Too many unfriendly ears out here, you know?" Elthas commended.

"I agree. We can head to my room now and discuss the finer points of the job now." The gentleman said with a serious expression on his face. "Right this way."

And the two proceeded to walk towards the old man's room.

For a moment, Elthas recalled the night he saved Seth Terrentius, almost five hundred years ago...