View Full Version : Searching For His Next Target.

03-03-14, 04:43 PM
Silently a shadow races along a roof top, as the full moon is high above. The faint glow of a half dozen paper lanterns light up the street below and more doing the same throughout the small village. Small gaps separate the buildings and a narrow alley between the rows of houses. Quickly the shadow jumps from building to building never slowing down even to jump.

"Where is the target?" Echo says as he thinks back to when he had grabbed the bounty for this man. The parchment described a middle aged man wanted dead or alive for murder and thieft, also it said that he led a small gang of a few thugs. The Bounty on this man was minimal but at this point Echo only accepted work to hone his skills as a shinobi, not for the reward.

As he continued to run across the rooftops he observed the village below, many of the buildings were only houses that held a small family, further on were some small shops and places to trade and barter. Not many people were on the streets at this time of night but a few were out chatting with each other, and from what he could hear it was of nothing important to his mission. He was trying to notice any shady people in the area because this was the last place his bounty was seen.

"I need to think about this." He thinks as he stops on a corner and looked down the alleys. He didn't see anything useful down one, just a cat on a small box, but when he turned to look down the other alley he saw that a couple men were standing outside a door both had swords on their hips. "Maybe." He thinks to himself.

Echo then quietly moved over on top of the opposite building and began to study them more closely. "Those two look like they might know something about my target." Echo says to himself as he reaches into his back pouch and grabbed two small shuriken. "Lets see if I can make them talk." He thinks as he plans his next move.

03-05-14, 01:26 PM
Still lightly gripping his shuriken behind him, Echo focuses his vision on the scene in front of him letting his eyes take in all of the picture. His eyes are special in respect to his enhanced vision and perceptiveness. His eyes can examine anything and almost letting his mind comprehend the picture as if it is in slow motion.

"Slight breeze from due east, and the men both are wearing the same jacket with matching crests on them. Their blades seem to be cheap and don't look threatening." All this and more races threw Echo's mind as he formulates his plan. "All in need is for them to turn around just from a second and I can make my move."

"Got it." Echo says as he has decided on his course of action. With a swift swing of his arm Echo launches his shuriken towards his targets, as they swiftly spiral threw the air Echo jumps up into the air above them still unseen. Then as if he had been able to predict it a small gust blows in and pushes the shuriken slightly to the left and the spin right past the two men. Both slam into the wood behind them and make a loud thunk sound, causing them to turn to investigate.

Within this small opening that Echo had made for himself he lands a few feet in their blindside and rushes in, draws his blade and with one leg sweeps both of the thugs off their feet and their faces in the dirt. The second they land his foot is on the thug on the rights back and his blade is pinning the other to the ground by pointing into his neck.

"Who are you? Where is HE?" Echo's voice is soft but carries a lot of presence, and as he speaks he slowly pokes his blade into the thin layer of skin of the thugs neck. "Where is your boss?!?!" he tries again.

Both of the men on the ground are simply overtaken as they had now idea how this had happened to them, one minuet they are posted to watch the door and the next they are pinned by one man without even seeing it happen. The one thug with the blade slowing pushing into his neck is petrified and cant speak or move, and the other pinned to watch it is shocked. "W--Who... Who are you looking for?!?!" he cries out.

With his free hand Echo reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the parchment with the bounty on it, "Where is this man!" Echo say louder all the wile dragging his blade down the other mans neck and into his back. The shallow cut isn't deadly but it does cause a nice spring of blood to flow and increases the fear of the men.

"INSIDE!" he cries almost pleading for his life, tears starting to form and flow from his eyes.

Echo responded with no words, only with a swift slice of his blade up the thugs back and deep into his neck. Then another to the other thug, leaving both of them dead on the ground in a pool of their own blood. "That was louder than it needed to be, they might have heard something inside."Echo thinks as he jumps onto the roof of the building.

03-05-14, 11:42 PM
"One... two..." Echo counts the seconds as he waits weather to be found out or continue. ""Eight... nine... ten...Ok" after ten seconds he allows him self to feel comfortable again. Echo crouched on the roof move over to the side and peers down trying to look for any other entrance or ways to look inside. "Nothing," he thinks as he makes his way to the other side.

On the opposite end of the building is another door, but this one isn't lit up or guarded. Actually this door seems to completely neglected as there are small coin sized holes scattered all over it. "Bingo" Echo then drops down to the street just outside the rear door. Trying not to make a sound he creeps up to the door and tries to see inside though a hole, he can only see a dimly lit room with a table and chair in the corner. Though he can see anybody Echo definitely can hear chatter from inside, nothing threatening as it seems that none had heard his scuffle with the earlier thugs.

Still trying to get a peek inside Echo is completely focused on what he can see through the hole. "The light is coming from the far corner of the room, opposite from the chair. There arnt any shadows that I can make out but I'm sure there is some one in this room. He thinks to himself when suddenly a figure walks up to the other side of the door and turns the latch to open in.

Taken completely by surprise Echo begins to panic, looking for options he decides to hide to the side of the door and let it swing out to cover him."This is not good!" Echo is internally panicking whilst also still trying to devise a way inside.

The door swings open and almost touches Echo and the figure walks out. He is geared the same as the men before, but this one reeked of booze. The man stumbles forward and has to catch himself on the wall of the adjacent house. The door hiding echo began to swing back, giving him little time to think.

"They are all smashed! I cant believe my luck! Echo emerges from behind the slowly closing door, then he swiftly enters the building letting the door close behind him. No one is in their with him but drunken merrymaking is echoing down the small hallway. Echo seeps into the dark corner and patiently waits to before looking for his target. They is no sounds coming from outside leaving Echo assuming that the man had passed out or left.