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Tobias Stalt
03-04-14, 12:41 AM
Closed to Lye, Odium, and BlueGhostofSeaside (and her corresponding alternate accounts, if necessary.)

"Steady as she goes," the eager Boatswain murmured as he peered over the bow of the "Axios." Her piercing hull breached cloud cover as the airship dipped toward their destination, and the crew sucked in a breath. On the horizon, a landscape raped by ice and snow blotted out a bloody sunset. Tobias could not help but snort at the foreboding feeling in his gut. "Steady," came the repeated instruction.

Eiskalt had been described to them as a derelict destination, hardly the civilized and thriving utopia that Alerar had grown into. What the small nation lacked in finer qualities, however, it made up for in resources. The Military had formed a strong interest in the Titanium mines that dwelt beneath the icy surface. Tobias had been selected to lead a small diplomatic group to meet with the nation's King, and they would discuss terms and conditions of an agreement.

The enigmatic "Lye" had deigned to accompany Tobias on this expedition, though the youth could not profess understanding as to why. He had explained that it would be a very droll, very systematic process, but the strange man would not hear of it. Staring at the bleak visage of Lye keeping to the shadows behind him, Tobi bit his lip. "Eiskalt has prepared a welcoming party, I have been informed," Camille crooned from Tobias' side. She always seemed to be close at hand, so Tobias was not alarmed by her voice. "They're expecting class from us."

The soldier spun on his heel with a quip on the edge of his tongue, but he swallowed it when he saw her. Camille stood in her finest, a silvery blue silk dress that covered enough to retain modesty while leaving the imagination to roam freely. Her hair was tied neatly at her back, combed to the left in front. Lips that begged to be kissed pouted softly as her azure eyes met lazy amber. "You could try dressing sharp for once in your life," she chided.

"Uniform is standard protocol, and I shall not deviate," he replied as his head shifted anywhere but toward Camille. Her frustration came as a loud huff. "Boatswain! Attend the disposition of our navigator and assume the helm." The command was clear and prompted a quick salute, and the gruff man switched places with the man who had been steering the ship. "Mister Alms," Tobias greeted the man, "it is my understanding that you have visited Eiskalt before?"

"Aye," Cedric Alms replied, his single eye affixed on his officer. Cedric was a middle aged man who had lost one eye in an unfortunate incident that had indeterminate details. At times, he told people he had been stabbed by a scorned lover. Some days, Alms told people a cannon had misfired and fire had ruined his eye. Tobias had never cared enough to ask. "Did some time with the locals. A cartographer does a lot of traveling, you know."

"Belay story time," Tobias interrupted, "can you tell me their customs for greeting guests?"

"Do I look like a bloody anthropologist?" Cedric seethed at being brushed off, but Tobias' upheld hand warned him to quell his rage. "No, I can't. I can tell you they're very proud of their military. They're like to be appreciative of your adherence to protocol."

"That will be all, Mister Alms," Tobias replied with a dismissive gesture. "You have been quite helpful." The Captain ignored a string of profanity that followed Cedric as he left the deck, and the younger man combed a hand through his hair. "If I had an entire contingent of soldiers with the acerbic nature of that bast..."

"Stalt," Camille placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Tobias glared back at her. "Have some fun. You're getting too immersed in your work."

"Work is all I have," he countered, and Camille frowned. "You seem to forget, I was conscripted. The only reason I'm alive is by the grace of some Alerian who decided I would be an asset to the cause." He twisted completely around, and he stared down into her eyes. Her defiance seemed to waver beneath his watch. "I'm convinced it wouldn't take more than a whim for them to decide I'm not the asset they thought I was. So, you'll excuse me if I seem dead set on productivity."

Camille lingered there with an indignant gleam in her eye, then turned away. Tobias shrugged and placed his gaze on Eiskalt below. Clouds were behind them now and ice floes littered the sea beneath them. The island nation was precariously positioned far enough north that the cold was blistering. "When I was young, I wanted to see the world," he spoke as though to no one. "I never thought I would help shape it."

03-08-14, 09:19 PM
The chill of the skies could not compare to the land. Even in the bitter cold Skavian Wilds, the assassin had never the need to so thoroughly wrap himself. The pelted furs of arctic fox hugging his athletic form did little to maintain warmth. His prey, however, was more than enough to distract his mind from the elements.

The temptress and the fool.

Lye nestled himself in the darkest corner he could find while stile able to monitor the novice tactician, Tobias Stalt. The overwhelming presence of Aleran military thickened the air and kept tension high for the killer. His footprint and notoriety in Alerar had made his current position somewhat of an ease. Still, the strong presence of government military, no matter how incognito, felt like a powder keg waiting for a spark. The shadows is where he felt safest in this den of wolves.

He watched as Camille placed her hand on Tobias. Hidden beneath a scarf of crimson vlince, the assassin cracked a wry smile.

“A little daydreaming, Stalt?” his deep, melodic voice soothed in response to his idle chatter. “Now would be the time to rescind past memories. No telling what will happen after today.”

He boldly ventured from his dark recess out upon the deck to his colleague. The assassin briefly looked over the edge to witness the incoming land mass. The way the mountains hugged the faint outline of the kingdom strongly resembled home in the Terillian Ridge. The cascading white was no stranger to his emerald gaze, and a sense of comfort began to wash over him. Lye turned to face Tobias, a young lad in his twenties and recently promoted to his esteemed position.

“Do you have doubts coming this far east?” he asked.

"Reservations, perhaps," Tobias admitted softly, "but doubts aren't a luxury I'm afforded. They point and I go." Markedly, the youth refused to match Lye's gaze, instead focused intently on Eiskalt below. "Diplomacy is hardly a venue of thrills and adventure. I don't understand your interest." The admission was offhanded, yet not forceful. Tobias clearly did not intend to demand answers.

"Diplomacy is far more interesting than any fight or skirmish. So much can be accomplished with words alone and if that does not spark any interest in you, then perhaps Alerar needs a new tactician?"

Lye gave the boy an eerie smile, dramatically shaded by the shade of his hood.

"Brace for landing!" a commanding voice shouted.

03-15-14, 03:18 PM
The Stahl Gate.

Powerful steel, many archers, this place was impossible to breach! ... And by chance Ashla Rose Icebreaker had been assigned to work here. She paced around the roof of the gate, letting out some sighs here and there. There hadn't been much activity here at all. Ashla wanted to see some action so badly! She let out another exasperated sigh and in a rather sluggish way leaned up against one of the platforms for the gate's war machines. She pulled out an apple from a pouch attached to her leather belt and took a large, lazy bite out of it. Her eyes were narrowed; this place was cold (as always) but the sun still shone brightly, allowing Ashla's drowsiness to get the upper hand as it bathed her. She had only taken two more bites from the apple before uncautiously dropping it, her head falling to the side... She was asleep.

Of course, with a job this boring who wouldn't be guilty of falling asleep?

However, Ashla was quickly aroused again when a solider ran up to the teenage leader, "M'lady! We see the party in a distance!"

Ashla's eyes darted open, "Party?? What 'party'?!"

The solider attempted not to look annoyed, even if this girl was an Icebreaker, her lack of effort was clearly ticking everybody else off. "The negotiations party from Alerar. You remember receiving the message, right?"

Ashla blinked tiredly, her gaze shifted on the guard. "No."

Under his helmet, the guard bit his lip. Ashla pushed herself up though, "Well, I guess that's why Odium was sent over? For us to be in a 'welcoming' party." She rolled her eyes at ever herself mentioning Odium. She really didn't like that guy at all! All he ever did was keep Ashla's cousin Fulgur II locked in a room having some boring conversations about... whatever they were talking about. Either way, it seemed as if this guy was sucking more liveliness from the king of Eiskalt than he could handle. Ashla sighed at these thoughts as she pulled her arm up to rub the sticky apple juices from the side of her mouth. "Okay then, get Odium and whoever else was sent here and meet me at the hidden entrance... I suppose we've got some Alerarians or whatever to welcome."