View Full Version : Divine Intervention

03-04-14, 12:40 PM
Three years. Seven months. Twelve Days. Nine hours. Sixteen minutes.

It could never be enough. No matter how many months or years passed, Selias would always be broken. She wondered aimlessly in hopes of a divine intervention that would show her the path she should take. So far nothing. Her heart ached each time a boy walked by, perhaps Kiano would have run through the square that way. Perhaps his hair would have faded in the summertime or his cheeks would have freckled. Would his voice be timid like the child at the butcher who hid beneath his mother's petticoat? Or would he have been brazen and bold like the child who dove in the fountain despite his mother's stern voice?

The truth is Selias didn't care. She just wanted him here.

The minutes and hours and days and months and years ticked off in her head like an old clock. The soundtrack to her broken heart. Scara Brae had seemed as good a place as any to start again. It was the end of the civilization she knew, her own personal promise of new beginnings.

The inn was called Destinations. It seemed fitting. A small pub stood just off the entrance. While Selias had no will to drink, lest she forget even the smallest detail of Kiano's face, she found herself in want of some interaction.

The bar was boisterous, brimming with brigadiers and burly barflies who blissfully bet their wages on a night of tail. The girls were certainly beautiful, and Selias pulled her scarf tighter around her scared neck in hopes of being overlooked. The barmaid took her coin and gave her a glass of water. The woman stared into her drink as she listened to the laughter that seemed to fill the hearts of ever person but her.