View Full Version : The Silver Pub

03-05-14, 01:10 PM
Hey Althanas,

I wanted to speak with all of you about The Silver Pub. In the most recent podcast, our owner, Max Dirks, mentioned the desire to start incorporating a chat based RP. That being said, I would like to open the floor to discussions regarding what kind of role playing could be done there and see if we have interested parties.

I have been finding it difficult to muster up time for formal posts lately and am thinking that The Silver Pub may be a convenient solution to some easy EXP. I question the potential for in-depth storyline but as an outlet for a quick interaction, meeting, or battle, it seems ideal. For snappy 10 post battles, it may be an adequate substitute especially when considering the live responses.

That being said, tell me your plans for the Silver Pub and if you would be willing to open yourself for writing there.



03-05-14, 01:15 PM
Ooohhhh, I like that idea! If the Silver Pub is in chat form, I suggest that 50 instead of 100 points be available in the "judgments" and not as much EXP/ GP be available for this form of RPing. Maybe even GP could be granted but not EXP or vice versa.

Max Dirks
03-05-14, 01:43 PM
If I recall correctly, chat RP will receive an automatic 35 score and be graded as a no judgment. We simply keep tabs of it so that we can see the length to determine the rewards!

03-05-14, 02:23 PM
I'm pretty sure that live responses and it being a chat it would mean lot's of spelling/ grammar errors (unless I'm extremely excited about something I always check mine, but still...). Would they be judged for mechanics as well?

And would an independent tab (top of page) be made for it, or would it be entered only through the chat window?

Quentin Boone
03-05-14, 03:04 PM
As an extensive chat RPer over the years (via IRC and other means), I certainly wouldn't say that being in chat decreases quality of writing by default, but as Dirks said, chat RP would be awarded no-judgement EXP and GP. As such, it doesn't really matter, you'd just be awarded a score of 35 and be given EXP and GP accordingly.

In terms of what RP could be done there, impromptu battles and quests could be great. Especially if you want a quick bit of back story written for a forum thread. I'd also like to see something a bit more persistent, though. Chat RP can be hugely rewarding in telling ongoing stories in a single setting; I know that some of my favourite long-term character and plot developments have been purely in chat. So I'm a little torn about which approach would be best. Perhaps there could be another chat channel made (or use both of the other channels already included in the chat) so that both media can be accommodated?

What about the mechanics for recording chat RP? AJAX Chat is notoriously difficult to copy from, but I know it can be edited to post to forum threads instead of just the back-end database it records to by default (this is something RoleplayGateway did). Is this the best option? If there's persistent, ongoing roleplay in chat, how would that be rewarded? Perhaps a weekly EXP and GP award? Daily?

I'd also suggest expanding the maximum post length in chat; the 1040 default character limit is quite restricting, despite chat intrinsically involving shorter RP posts.

Sorry for the lack of real coherency here, was just brain-farting my thoughts onto the keyboard.

black shadow
03-08-14, 07:44 PM
So Is the pub open for writing stuff? Can we use it to get some XP yet? BlueGhost and I want to qickly write up something about how shadow learns about the war.

03-08-14, 08:40 PM
Black Shadow and I just completed a Silver Pup RP.