View Full Version : Dakkon Ryck (Profile Level 3 Reposted)

09-18-06, 08:32 AM
Dakkon Ryck (Level 3)

((Updates/New in blue))
((Upgrades in red))
Name: Dakkon Ryck
Age: 5000+ Appears to be 21
Height: 5'9
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Build: Normal
Race: Kinxla/Alxnik Hybrid
Blood Type: 0- (DM) [See Physiology]
Alignment: Neutral

Dakkon looks young though his real age is impossible to determine. He appears to be about 21 years old, has long white hair generally covering most of his face and he always has a pair of bright glowing blue eyes which may change color if he gets extremely emotional. He weighs around 175 pounds and is just a tad under 5’9 inches tall. He’s almost always dressed in a black tunic and pants wearing a chain mail vest over the tunic. A dark blue mantle wrapped around his shoulders draping down over his arms. Armed with a Battle boots and glove, Chakram, and a Ridged Sword. His skin is a pale white color and will always be that way no matter how long he remains out in the sun for.

On Dakkon’s left arm is a strange looking gauntlet that extends all the way up to his elbow. This weapon is called the Demon-Steel and is a very dark gray color. The weapon itself is attached to his arm and cannot be removed no matter what. The weapon it self's main feature which causes it to stand out is a dark violet orb just below one of the blades sticking out the top of the gauntlet.

[u]History of the Races:
The former Kingdom of Askira was once a greatly prosperous place life grew in abundance and so did the various magic’s learned by the nations people. This nation was divided into two clans. The Alxnik's and the Kinxla's who were very physically similar so they had a very few physical differences between them (See Later). There studies on the other hand where very different each taking up a different aspect of the world to investigate. Alxniks considers themselves to be beings of light and thus studied life, healing, and light magic as well as the prime elements of nature for whatever magical purpose that was deemed necessary the Alxniks believed in 7 elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Light, Dark, Ether though they didn’t study Darkness leave it to the other clan. Kinxla's primary studies included, Death, Decay, the un-dead, spectral realms and sprit sight mainly because they considered themselves creatures of darkness though not evil. Being left with only the main basic element of Darkness. Though both study these areas they still lived as one nation. Kinxla’s were very unpopular among most other races that remember them, Alxniks considered themselves higher then the Kinxla’s.

The nation soon divided and declined into a state of war battling against one another. The cause of the war was because of opposing viewpoints that the council had over the opposing clan. Which soon pined them both against one another. The war itself was short only lasting about a year and the only reason it was so short was because of the last devastating battle between the two. A Magical blast rocked the battlefield, which had been the capital city of the Askira nation though the blast left the city in tact it wiped out nearly every last Alxnik and Kinxla. Barrens are all that’s left of there home. Nothing but ruins, decay, the lifeless lands were all that remained as well as an abandoned city both races scattered amongst winds seeking a place to live but they slowly started dyeing off one after another. The last survivors of the races returned to there home for one last act to try and keep their Legacy alive. There are only 10 left. 8 Alxnik's former of the nobility and 2 Kinxla's All returning to the first city.

Laurosia "The First City"
The First city was one of the greatest achievements of both races some of the greatest of the researchers and the research itself started here. Both clans lived here for combining studies in both fields for whatever purpose that may have been needed. This was also though to be the final resting place of whatever caused the final destruction of the Empire. The entire city has a 1-mile radius surrounded by walls 50 feet high with two main gates that are triple reinforced iron doors. The maze like streets are all cobble stone paths, every street is now empty of life, but completely not empty. Bones, pots, wagons all lying where their owners left them and where their owners died with them. The central citadel a 20 stories artistic masterpiece each floor was a different size, it is at least 1000 feet tall, There lays the fountain of Lapis.

Ring of Sight(Story Item Gave Skills Astral Flames/Sight): Acquired during prologue, purpose known
Ring of Rage(Story Item Gives Skills Soul-Rage): Acquired during ”Reliving the Past for a Better Future” Quest


Chakram (Plynt):
Plynt ring used as a long-range missile weapon. Simple and well balanced the outer section of the ring has been sharpened the inner part of the ring is let smooth though the ring itself is completely Plynt and is not hollow. (Quantity: 2)

Gauntlet and Grieves of Odij (Delyn)
These gauntlets wheres specifically designed for Dakkon over an age ago, and were created using the soul of an ancient dragon named Odij. More or less they are bonded to Dakkon's soul, but currently have no special abilities. (Obtained During Part 1 of the Endgame quest series.)


Slited Steel Plate-mask
A small metal mask with a thin compartment bettween two plates, covers he mouth, and eyes and is used more for concealment and in some cases depending on the substance put bettween the mask layers, a gas mask.

Chain Mail (Steel):
A thin series of interconnection steel rings covering his chest, back and the middle section of his shoulders he’s had it since his journey started and is the last thing he has that reminds him of Radick.

[See Bottom]

Dark Bomb


Darkness from shadows and whatever he can gather as long as darkness resides there he can gather it into his hands. The power of the blast can vary depending on the area in which it's used. Dark areas make the bombs stronger. But not a lot stronger, the blast dome is about 10 feet across

Astral Energies


Summons astral energies to form azure flames can do physical damage to anything they touch just like real flames they also damage the life force of anything they touch. This Includes ghosts, sprits, and people. (Note: This ability also damages his life force when he uses it. Its Power has increased due to the amount he’s be using them they do more damage and he can make large flames with them. (Though no longer fatal they can leave him weak.)



His guest has changed his temperament slightly now instead of being his usually calm self he finds himself quick to anger though most would see this as a negative aspect it actually can let him draw out the ability to fuse some of his life-force with something he can touch with his hand. A catalyst is required for this skill to be used such as a sword, or even a piece of Armor. How it changes the object depends on what the object is, and its always-short term (5 posts). It takes time to recover from after use before it can be used again. (2 posts).

Race Skill:
La'Fury Form


Dakkon can, during times of extreme stress change into his Hybrid form which grants him accelerated healing, enhanced speed, strength and senses. The changes are also visible and can easily be noticed due to the higher level aura he gives off (Equal to level 4.) which also slightly improves any magical skills he does have. (This skill is limited to Solo stories and stories which the party agrees to its use. Dakkon cannot use it at will until level 5.)[Duration: 2 turns - 3 with Soul-rage]


Dakkon having started to use weapons now has master over simple combat movements with them though making simple amateur mistakes with close range sword combat. When it comes to long-range weaponry more specifically his Chakram his aim is very exact though still nowhere near perfect.


Dakkon excels mostly in hand to hand combat though no longer completely useless when it comes to using a weapon he still prefers to use his hands. His Battle Gloves and boots can make blows even more menacing if delivered correctly though not perfect his skill is excelling.
Predicting attacks and how things will work out before things happen has improved due to the various battles he’d been in though its not perfect it’s a lot better then it used to be.

Sneaking around hiding in the shadows, anything that involves stealth. He rarely gets caught when trying to sneak around something he hasn’t improved noticeably in thought starting to understand concepts of how it works.

Planes Walker (Gained During Quest):
Dakkon can shift half way between the realm of the living and the dead. This allows him to effect things in both realms at once. But how he affects them is no different then how he would affect things normally.

Astral Flame (Gained During Quest):
Now longer a reflex action Dakkon can summon Astral flames at will though the flames don’t work as projectiles they are more used for coating his body and other things he can touch.

Physical Aspects of Kinxla:
They generally appear very human, though a very visible aspect can throw that guess off completely there eyes almost always glow a faint color depending on the strength of the current emotion. There blood itself is 76 percent pure mana but for a Kinxla, there blood has been tainted by the dark arts they used to study so there blood is tainted. Some people find their blood very useful for magic’s or even necromancy. In the cases of vampires there blood is extremely addicted (Note: Any vampire who feeds on him isn't addicted but will probably feel a rush of strength and energy for as along as the blood is in there system, after 3 feedings, there addicted and need to maintain a permanently high from him.) Kinxla are also immune to becoming a vampire at least in all cases so far recorded.

Radick made his way across the barrens in front of us I was still in the back of course. Radick was the elder and being older then me by a good 600 years and one of the war survivors he was naturally the leader which didn't bother me since he taught me everything I know. He said he found me afterwards. After the war, been teaching me ever since.

"Hurry up back there. Were almost home"

Home what a laugh a place I've never even seen nor wanted to. Heel I haven't seen anyone other then Radick since I can remember. He's told me what he knows about why things are like this and taught me what I need to know which is what worries me.

"Dakkon! Pick up the pace."

"Alright, Alright I'm coming"

I finished scaling the small rock cliff as I sat down next to him looking in the same direction.

"Is that Laurosia??"

Radick only nodded at me he looked, sad which was understandable I was indifferent at least at the moment, so we started down towards the gate back down the cliff we went. Top of the citadel was our destination. Like most areas of this country it was tricky to manage from what I heard this once Fertile Crescent was now a rocky cliff, and the razor sharp rocks wasn't just a figure of speech a dead tree littered the cliff. Nothing unmanageable after all. So we reached the Deck between the cliff and the city walls making a short walk towards the gate. It was open of course and you could see down the main street, which connected, to it.

If it looked more like a graveyard I wouldn't have went in. Skeletal corpses littering the path. I remembered Radicks warning

"Creatures like us, that don't rest peacefully haunt the body afterwards. Beware any and all kin corpses."

We entered. Radick drew his saber once inside the gate it hummed as it came out, blade glowing in a fierce black. Forged of Manna fire, or some I was told.

We started toward the citadel moving down the winding streets making way to avoid any "discomforting" areas. Things between us where generally quiet today wouldn't be an exception. Care taken we t reached the high arch over our head, which proceed the citadel. Radick smiled. I looked up towards the gapping top that lay above. The fountain was there I hadn't a clue what that was for in fact most of us didn't I was sure Radick did. We entered the main hall and started up the spiral staircase. 10 men could walk abreast on these steps. The place itself was a downer it was dark, dusted and old. No skeletons though just ashes… odd.

We soon reached the door at the top of the stairs, which swung opened for us. And there stood our brethren. 10 of us now.

"Radick!" said one standing near a table "And… Your friend…" glancing at me, he suddenly seemed uneasy "welcome we can finally get to business…"

"So we can." Rather short, thought he smiled a bit.

The group gathered into a small party and started to speak in whispers I didn't followed I was told to stay where I was the others I watched thought after all there the real first people I've ever seen other then Radick. I won't bore you with there details, thought I remember all the faces perfectly.

I looked around and before I could look back Radick was back his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait by the door"

I listened again I always did and moved to wait over there as they spoke. I'd had a bad feeling ever since I came into this city. The conversation all died down, as they seemed to come to an agreement about something. The 8 left thought the door leading to the garden Radick came back towards me.

"We've decided… you remember the legend of our creation?"
How could I forget I had it told to me everyday... so I nodded gently.

"In the beginning there was a garden in the center was the ring of life all Lapis came form and return here after death to be reborn again."
When the Day of Judgment comes all shall perish. To be reborn as the final.
-First Legend of the Lapis

"Yes" I said in finality "What about it"
"Its time for fore fill the legend, the last death comes."
Radick said and he turned and followed where the others had gone, after a minute or so alone so did I.

I defiantly wasn't expecting the garden itself was dimly lit, the small fountain in the middle glowed a faint yet oddly eerie blue. Flowing inside the main stream was a ring spinning quietly I shivered simply looking at it yet it drew my attention to something. The water under the fountain was dark and bottomless. All of them had there swords drawn the last death… would there really…

"Dakkon come on, you too."
"But, I have a bad feeling about this Radick…"

The former calm room was suddenly alive with activity the dark garden seemed to become a death trap thick black and turned vines sprung from around the fountain suddenly taking those that encircled it, and mixed screams tore out form them, then nothing. The screams died and the vines suddenly turned their attention on me I ran back for the door, which already was wrapped in vines and closed with a heavy thud. Oddly thought, it did sting that was all no blood just a bit of pain. One the only thorn less one was around my ankle dragging me back towards the fountain which water was still clear.

The bodies where gone, blood stained the floor once I was in front of the fountain it let go and retreated, I watched them for a bit as they finished wrapping over the entrance. I stood up a bit disturbed shaken and still in shock. I sat down at the fountain and took a drink, water seemed a bit old, but refreshing as I tried to come back to himself. Radick was dead, so where all of them, for once I was actually alone, completely. But I was still alive, trapped mind you, but alive. I looked at the ring floating in the stream of water. It seemed to watch me back as it resonated I suddenly felt a sense of vertigo... as a voice echoed on the recess of my mind.
'Take it'

I looked around in the silence, the feeling was instantly gone. Then I looked at the ring again 'Take it' the voice came again. And to my ever-lasting despair I did.

History on Althanas:
After having escaped Laurosia, Dakkon moved out of his homeland in search of answers and more importantly a place he could find some peace now constantly haunted by any sprit he comes in contact with as well as some dreams. Though having not found a lot answers yet he did manage to find a lot of trouble and was only given more questions to add to his already growing collection. Times in Berever brought about a new enemy, which he had learned, from the people there hadn’t existed until his arrival and also seem to follow him where ever in Berever he seems to go. Mist Behemoths is what he calls them seem to pop up every where as well as the strange mist which warps normal living people and even animals into these twisted life forms. The Twisted life forms share only small similarities with what they used to look and even if the mist not all touches everything have it seems to change.
Dakkon quickly found his way out of Berever working his way out towards Scara Brae the creatures not seeming to have shown up here which lead him to believe they where only in Berever at the moment. Then he reached Scara Brae having discovered that his dead mentor isn't quite as dead as he believed. Dakkon horrified by this revelation escaped as quickly as he could not ready to face whatever may lay there and the new series of twisted abominations that seemed to be coming to life there.
Afterwards Dakkon left Scara Brae he went to explore the lands of Crones. Having finally found some useful information he went off to follow this new lead. After a run in with a few interesting companions, Tarry as well as an Elf named Koen he was on his way in no time not looking for a permanent companion. Once again he found someone else that offered answers to his questions but there was a condition for Dakkon to get these answers he simply had to beat the man in a fight, he lost. Defeated he was left barely alive laying on the ground but instead of dying he slipped into dormancy for over a year starting with an intense ‘Dreaming’. His sprit taking a journey back to Laurosia to relive his past unable to figure out why he was back here he tried to change things to see if he could make the future better. In the end he failed the woman Shikva who he had managed to save in the being was mowed down by a strange beast which lay dormant inside the city, the ring which he had picked up again was different then the one he already had on, after the sprit inside Shikva’s ring devoured her soul, the sprits inside the rings did battle with one another, Dakkon’s ring won. When he finally awoke he’d discovered the presence of something he always called ‘His Guest’. Which before had only been a shadow in the back of his mind now it was fully aroused. And something else he learned was it turned out to be a she.

Dakkon and his guest started to explore Crone again having forgotten what he was previously here to do though. Dakkon soon discovers a large tower which turns out to contain more creatures like the kind he’d discovered with in the Mist back in Berever these ones where different then there others and were called Kitals unlike the other kind he had meet these had large wings and seemed to spawn from other life forms using a heavy rain instead of a mist not only that he discovered a large living tower in the middle of the forest where the rain seemed to be coming from. Dakkon invaded the tower undetected for some reason only to find a fountain similar to the fountain of Lapis he had discovered in Laurosia and another ring floating inside of it. Taking this ring as well his presence which before had been mistake for a ‘Dark One’ was know made know making him make a daring escape from the living tower. Dakkon after having gotten away went to the nearest town in hope of escaping the area was confronted by a Priestess of Gaea who offered to pain him ‘something special’ if he’d help protect the town or get ride of the creatures. Normally he would have refused by his guest told him to leave so naturally he did the exactly opposite he was told to do. After getting some help from a town managed to take out the tower and it’s keeper yet his special something turned out to be a new companion in the process. The Priestess of Gaea known as Krysta.

Soon afterwards his Guest told him of an ancient relic which he needed to get in order to continue the journey which she had planned out for him. Naturally she left out some very important bits. Having a brief run in with Inda and Rose who hire him as a body guard he makes his way out to the ‘Island of Demons’ which is poorly named in his opinion. Upon arrival Dakkon discovers remnants of his races history as well as a few things he didn’t know mostly about the fact that there was a prophecy, which included him in it. Naturally the entire prophecy wasn’t there. After a long venture under ground and through an underwater temple Dakkon discovers his past. In short fragments which are actually tests. The first two tests, which were more or less pleasant moments in life, are instantly shattered by the death of his mother and him as a young child walking around the dead city. This throws off his mood and during the last test Inda falls short falling into one of the holes leaving him alone with Rose. They enter the main chamber were the Demon-Steel is said to reside. After acquiring it and fighting the guardian the weapon losses all it’s previous strengths returning to it’s most basic form.

[u]“The Guest”(Level 2)
Dakkon has a sprit living inside his body that is not his own having swallowed the soul of one of the last Alxnik increased his guest’s power enough so that it could make itself known to him. Not only that this presence now has enough power to effect physical objects but no more then a slight shove or a touch and even then no more then a few feet from Dakkon’s body. Though not actually able to control body this creature is completely its own person. ‘Her’ personality is very straight foreword and at the point having suddenly gained emotions sometimes leaves her confused but she doesn’t forget her mission, which Dakkon has yet to discover.


Ancient Lore:
His guest being a great deal older then he is has a very extensive knowledge of ancient legends and myths, which surround things that Dakkon may find out of his league. Dakkon doesn’t have access to this information though sometimes his Guest informs him with tid-bits of useful information in order to keep him interest.

Shikva the soul of the person The guest swallowed used to be a talented swords-woman having gaining this knowledge devouring her His Guest is actually know an expert swordsman wanting her little pawn to be as useful as possible she has started to teach Dakkon a bit about using a sword.

Special Notes:

Demon-Steel (Level 2) or DS
The Demon-Steel is a living weapon created for the war between Dakkon’s people. Though it’s actually extremely old and has been used by countless people the form of the DS was different for each person. The weapon itself grows in power as it gains levels. (It gains a level each time Dakkon gains a level.)

The blades on top of the weapon are sharp enough to render flesh but not even most simple armors the Demon-Steel is simply to weak.
Hardness: The Demon-Steel is as Steel.
Appearance: (See Provided Picture)

Increased Strength in Dakkon’s Left Arm (Slight but noticeable.)
Astral Blast- The Demon-Steel fires a blast of energy that is sapped directly from Dakkon’s life force. It’s now strong enough to cause slight damage, knock back/down or knock out if shot in the head. Though it is capable of doing more damage Dakkon would have to sacrifice a large portion of his life force that would only increase it’s power marginally. It may only be used once every 5 posts.

Plot Points:
The Dreaming •
A job to do •
Demon-Steel •
End Game: Truth Revealed (Part 1) •
Return to Laurosia (Part 2) •
A Prophecy Broken (Final Part) •
A New path
The Order of Gaea –The order of Gaea wants to get a hold of Dakkon
Wanted –Hunted by the Order of Gaea and the Order of Laminar
The Order of Laminar’s Revenge –Order captures Dakkon
A Thorny Rose

(Ok this is what I could recover from my Level 3 profile after Althanas went down, I don't have any of the weapon links. Though I do have most of my quests still if you need proof of anything here. I had about 250 gold when things went down as well.)

(If there are any problems or changes I don't know about to the system, feel free to tell me, I'll make changes.)

Cyrus the virus
09-18-06, 02:24 PM
Do you have a link to an old thread that lists your experience? Try using Google.

09-18-06, 06:03 PM
Proof I got to level 1?:

Proof of Level 2 advancement:

Level 2 Profile:

Proof of Level 3:

Plynt Ring 1:

This was all I could find, wish I could get more for you. I tried to organize it as much as possible. If need be I could probibly find all my quests and post them, then just re-add the experience listed on the end. Your choice?

EDIT: Sorry, there was no experience listed. Just how much I got for doing each thread. Better then nothing I suppose. This level 3 proflie was reconstructed from the level 2, thought I left some things out that weren't important.

Cyrus the virus
09-18-06, 11:26 PM
All I needed was level 3 proof. Since the 'proof of level 3' link has the moderator saying you levelled, I'll just trust you that it was to level 3!

Anyway, this looks okay. For Astral Blast, don't feel like you need to wait 5 posts to use it. We've done away with those kinds of limitations now, but if you use abilities too often then you'll suffer in the judging. You can theoretically use Astral Blast two posts in a row, but you'd be exhausted afterward.
