View Full Version : Hunting The Heretic (Solo)

03-17-14, 05:49 PM
The beginning takes place in the past, I'm using this to expand my charters history.

The day was like any other for the life of a cleric's assistant. The sun rising well after Dein had left the comfort of his bed to attend to his master's wishes. This morning like all others he would make a meal for the orphans that resided in the chantry, and prep for his rounds to visit the sick elderly of the city. A mundane ritual that Dein had gotten himself stuck in.

"Oh my,..." Dein says as he put his long red hair up with his head band, only to notice that there were two strands sitting out of place dangling in his face. This only meant that he must completely start over putting up his hair. Dein was standing in his room attempting to get dressed and ready to start on his list of choirs for the day. After managing to get his hair perfect Dein turned and grabs his jacket then proceeded to walk towards the door.

"Knock Knock" a deep familiar sounding voice says from out in the hall.

Dein not even two foot steps from the door heard this and his mood instantly lightened up. Sure of himself Dein opens the door and immediately replies by kicking the door open and tackling his visitor as per protocol when dealing with ones best friend. "Hey man don't let your guard down!" Dein yells as he pins the man.

The visitor in the hallway was non other than Dein's childhood friend and resident in the chantry, Raven Brightwood. Both Dein and Raven were friends from their home town, infact they were inseparable as they grew up together. As the got older they both even took jobs in the chantry, Dein as an aspiring cleric learning the healing arts and Raven as a chantry enforcer keeping the peace in the area. As far as their relationship goes, these two were more like brothers than friends.

"G-get off me you freak!" Raven yells aloud as he wrestles with Dein on the ground, eventually turning his weight over and pinning Dein to the floor. The two continued for all of five minuets before the had worked up a sweat and Dein had given in to Raven.

"Let me up! You win!" Dein manages as he tries to catch his breath. loosing to Raven was a regular thing in everything they did. From simple games to fishing and even combat training. "I have stuff I need to do." Dein spits out wile trying to keep a serious voice to cover his frustration. And with one final kick flipped Raven off him.

The two got up and both were covered with a thin layer of perspiration, and out of the corner oh Dein's eye he noticed that Raven had not been wearing his regular attire. Instead Raven was wearing a set if regular issue chantry light armor, only given out to the skilled members of the chantry enforcers.

They stood there for a minuet huffing and puffing as they caught their breath. Dein breaking their silence with a punch the Raven's shoulder and Raven returning the favor. "So what up?" Dein asks as he remembers that Raven had tried to visit him earlier.

"What's up... Really Dein what's up!?" Raven responded in a weird tone of voice. He leans back on the wall opposite Dein's room and crosses his arms. "What's up is that I just got a promotion in the enforcers" He says as if to rub in his achievement. He was always ahead of his friend. " Now I'm on the retrieval squad."

Dein had already put the pieces together in his head but still acted surprised and happy for him. "Awesome Rav," his voice trails off as it dawns on him that now it's two promotions that he is behind. Wile his friend gets to fight and retrieve the defects he himself is stuck making breakfasts and visiting the old. "I'm so happy for you buddy." him being the opposite. Really he was very much jealous of his friend, and his skills. Though his face never showed anything but glee for him.

Raven sensed that Dein was in a hurry to start his choirs and decided to cut this visit short. "Ok well I'll let you get going, I would like to see you later though." and with that he stands up and walks down the hall towards the chapel. Leaving Dein to gather his things and get started on his tasks.

"Bye..." Dein's voice doesn't reach his friend but he turns and begins to walk towards the kitchen.

03-20-14, 12:31 AM
The day began progressing normally from there, the little interruption from Dein's friend only lightened his mood. it doesn't happen as often as he likes with his busy schedule. On top of his daily choirs he is tasked with constant and arduous studying under his master. These sessions take anywhere from four to five hours at a time, more times than not dragging late into the night. Though his Dein's day is tasking he has gained valuable skills from it, as a cleric's apprentice he has be given the knowledge of the healing arts. Dein and Raven both had already given two years of their lives to the chantry and their tenets.

As Dein arrived to the rather small kitchen located at the end of the compound. Upon opening the door he noticed the messy state it was left in for him. Nothing in its respected place matched with the mass of dishes left unwashed amounted to a colossal clean up. Yet Dein only accepted his job at hand and pushed threw the extra junk that often gets left on him to complete. Pushing up his sleeves he gets to work preparing the children's meal and cleaning up.

After the dish was cooked and served Dein had some free time to do with as he pleased, normally he would use this time to either get a jump start on his other tasks or hang out with the children. But today Dein decided against either and instead spent it in his room.

"Im tired of this." Dein thinks to himself as he enters his room closing the door behind him. Plopping on his bed Dein sprawls out and closes his eyes. In his head Dein pictures life without responsibilities and studies, a more carefree way of living. Dein often tends to loose himself in these long and farfetched trains of thought, blissfully letting the day slip away from him. Mostly they would be about beautiful looking girls with big breasts that he would love to get acquainted with. This was not an option for him as long as he stayed in the chantry. "Im going to get out of here one day."

This was not an easy thing to accomplish, as a member of the chantry you must give no less than five years to service. But even worse as a cleric of the chantry in exchange for the knowledge given to you, you are committed to serving them for life. Dein likes to picture this as being a bird trapped in a cage, like his destiny taken from him. Not a life anybody with a future would take for themselves anyway. Any cleric who was to defect from servitude would be returned to the chantry by the enforcers, to have their fate decided for them buy the council.

Lost in his deep thought Dein had fallen asleep only to dream of beautiful girls, falling behind on his list of choirs.