View Full Version : An entrance fit for a queen.

03-18-14, 11:27 AM
The winding wind whispered words of redemption. Apologies were thrown through the tiny room. His eyes plead for forgiveness. His lips quivered as a tear ran down his cheek.

"It were a mistake ma'am. Just a mistake. The boy didn't mean any harm." Sandy brown hair that matched his son sat atop his twisted features. "He's just a child."

Her grin widened as she considered his words. Her voice became soft, "how old is the child?"

A glimmer of hope lit the small man's deep brown eyes. "He's only thirteen, miss. Just a boy." His words were rushed, desperate. His face turned upward, no doubt looking at the limp body of his only child as he hung from the rafters by his wrists. The child was alive. At least for now.

Christiana turned and raised her own eyes to the boy's form. A few bruises adorned his arms from the capture, but otherwise he was a healthy young specimen. Certainly more fit for life than his father. "And what of his mother?"

"Dead ma'am. We're all each other has. Please," Tears ran down his face once more. "Please don't take him from me. He's a good boy, just hungry ma'am. We're all of us about to starve. Your coin-purse is safe, I promise we won't be any more trouble."

"Silence!" Christiana's smooth alto broke for a moment, replaced by a shrillness rarely shown. She gave a half-grin, "perhaps the boy has some potential after all. I mean, at thirteen, he can hardly be held accountable for his ignorant actions."

The father's body softened and tears ran anew. "Thank you miss, thank you. I promise he won't be no more troub--" His words were interrupted with a flick of the woman's wrists. A rope appeared from nothingness and bound his arms before lifting him to his own perch near his son. The man wriggled, his screams even louder than the boys had been hours before. They echoed through the empty barn as though he hoped someone would hear his pleas.

Christiana laughed. Why did they always think someone would come to save the day? The idea of heroic passerby storming in to help the innocents had always amused her. She waited patiently as he began to lose steam. Soon his cries turned to crying, soft broken tears.

"I suppose when a child misbehaves the parent is to blame." She pulled her sword slowly from it's sheath and with a quick movement shoved it through the man's heart. His body rocked back and forth as blood began to pool from his lips. His face filled with fear. Then pain. Then acceptance. Then nothing.

Her face lit up with the joy of the kill. One less soul to fight against for glory. She retrieved her blade and with a quick slash broke the ties on the boy. He fell to the ground with a sickening crack. He would not wake soon.

The woman untied the coin purse than began it all, throwing it at the teen's feet. At least once he woke he could eat. With that, Christiana left the filthy barn, her good deed for the day done.

04-11-14, 09:10 PM
Her destination was still unclear, but with her little distraction now handled Christiana had all the time in the world to figure it out. She pulled her cloak tight around her as the light left the sky and left cold air in its stead. Her eyes scanned the empty street, pausing for a moment or two on doorsteps as she passed. The only sound was that of her heels against the cobblestone. A smile graced her lips as the sound reached her ears again and again as it echoed through the night. Her own personal symphony. This area of the city was still new to the woman, but a familiar sign flitted about in the darkness. She made her way into the small tavern, enjoying the rush of warmth as she closed the door behind her.

Her eyes and ears quickly adjusted to the light and noise level of the pub. She slowly removed her cloak, draping it over her arm as she made her way to the bar. The barmaid seemed busy in the far corner of the room, no doubt dealing with a drunkard who should have stopped himself hours ago. The woman gave an irritated sigh and took a seat, careful to place her cloak on the disgusting stool to preserve her knee-length skirt. Her meager belongings would have to suffice for at least a couple months. The thought made a tinge of regret run through her, she should have just killed the bastard child and kept her money. Damn her bleeding heart.

Movement in the corner of her eye brought her focus back to the moment and to a shaggy looking man in dirty work clothes. "I haven't seen you around here before, Ma'am."

Christiana closed her eyes for a long moment before gathering the social grace the situation demanded. "Yes."

His face turned to confusion, his gray eyes searching hers for meaning. He shook his overgrown brown hair and seemed to decide to ignore the strange response, continuing his plan.

"Could I-"

He was cut off by the barmaid's appearance and Christiana jumped at the opportunity to continue her business here. "Do you have a spare room to let?"

The barmaid gave her a once over as she reached for a key. "Third room on the right, ten gold in the morning and we'll have a hot breakfast waitin' for ya."

A cool smile filled the woman's face as she took the key, throwing the coins on the bar. She stood to leave, and came face to face with the strange man once more.