View Full Version : Frozen Over Forever [Solo]

03-20-14, 07:08 PM
Solo. Takes place during the war. I’m writing this to show a little insight on Ashla between whatever battles she fights in and to show her character development throughout this more in depth.

Don’t rescue me from my sleep
Please and I’m sorry

So life has turned to bitter cold
This emptiness is getting old
With all the hurt and tears I hold
When will my heartache finally unfold?

Alarmed by treason, consumed by hate
Dealing with the same old issues every day
The day’s become a battle, the battle a fray
It would not take long for me to snap insane

It’s freezing my heart over
Cold as November
Now I can’t remember
Joy’s violent, sacred burn; the start of my adventure

Blood spills all around me
It actually brings me a sense of serenity
Another day, another betrayal
My new self is here. Behold! Me hailed!

After I figure out what I have done
I run and hide from my new sense of fun
Could you save me, dear? My ‘hun?
How can I get my new self undone?

I can’t even feel myself anymore!
My soul’s turned numb, my heart’s gone freezing cold
Until my feelings are revealed and I unfold
My hatred is always keen and bold.

I’m frozen over for what seems forever
I feel so cold, angry, weak, afraid
The world’s just found another chance to pull me under
Have I fallen too far to escape?

So someone rescue me; somebody please?
From my sleep, that’s all I need
If you don’t rescue me from my sleep
I can’t repent from thee. I am so sorry…

03-22-14, 07:37 PM

Ashla could not believe this. A war was being inflicted upon Eiskalt by the people whom they thought were their allies. The news hit her and hardened her senses. The thought burned her straight to the bone and kept on burning. She growled and lashed out at all of them.

“I told you!” Ashla screamed, “I told you all! This is what it would turn to! But did you listen? No!!”

She turned and scuffed her heel at them. The king, the prime minister, the adviser. She clearly showed her disdain as she marched out of the throne room - her body posture was straight, her footsteps were stomps. She threw the side door open, it boomed with an echo that ran across the entire black, metal room. Then Ashla exited and slammed it shut, sounding an echo that was even louder, bouncing off the walls like a hyperactive child. Her heart pumped, enraged with her family's blood; her eyes took on their icy form as Ashla’s rage continued to boil. She growled again, racing through the hallway to wherever her feet were taking her. She continued on, her dark brown dress flowing along.

She soon found herself racing through the stables, along the western wall… Eventually, Ashla found herself in a familiar place. It was a small area beyond the castle, further down the large plateau. It was a circle shaped cliff. If one looked down from the edge they would be able to see the entire lake quite clearly. The surrounding area was walled up and crowded with large pine trees, only about ten feet from the very edge was where the earth was barren. Just within the last several inches of foliage was a humongous rock which was a perfect place to sit, lean against, or even lay down on. Ashla had found this place by mistake when she had first been given to option to remain in Eiskalt and start a new life here. She had wandered off in thought and stumbled across this place.

As always, the snow was falling lightly here, the trees covered in a heavy blanket of snow. Due to this the ground was in shadows. Ashla brushed away a small pile of white that had settled on the rock since her last visit. Then sat on the very top. A harsh wind briefly sent Ashla’s long, black hair flying in her face and the air. Goosebumps popped up everywhere and Ashla wrapped her wool cloak tightly around her skinny body. Ashla just sat there, gazing out to the lake below. She simply sat there for a while, her face seemingly emotionless and cold as a statue… Then trickles of water fell slowly from her eyes.

Ashla was completely alone, thus she had the right to let it go. Tears fell; gliding down her cheek and dripping from her jaw. For the first several seconds the rest of Ashla's mind and body did not reply to this. Then the girl suddenly pulled her hands to her face and wept uncontrollably. She had needed this for so long, to just let her emotions run free. Ashla felt cold, weak, angry, scared, and insecure. So much had happened since Ashla had first stepped foot into Eiskalt and settled into old man David’s cabin for a brief time. Ashla had finally found herself, she was an Icebreaker. She was a duchess, lady, warrior, and keeper of justice and mercy … Why was a fighter crying?

Ashla slid into the chunk of rock which made a surprisingly comfortable bed. She pulled her cloak over her thin body and whimpered, “Why? …” She was crying because of everything besides the already mentioned. She had found excellent friends in her cousin, the king; and Julius Tabor, the prime minister. Julius even loved her. Ashla curled up into a stiff ball and pressed a finger against her lips, lips which Julius’ own had touched. Julius was the only one who had kept her going when they had worked together to put down all those mercenary groups. Julius had been the only one who had kept her energy up as she slowly, but surely, gained the trust of the people of this country. Julius had been the only one to give her any signs of sympathy when she had opposed the Alerar "negotiations" with Eiskalt. He was probably the only reason she was still alive today. And Ashla felt like a burden to him.

Now, Eiskalt’s government had realized the charade Alerar pulled. No friendship was shared between the two any longer and a full scale war had been unleashed. Now they had seen the sickness and disease the dark elven country had set upon them. Now everybody who had opposed her would see that she was right all along. Ashla had tried so hard to meet everything with perfection… yet she always came out the loser. Even before Eiskalt it had always been this way, and Ashla’s life had been worthless. It seemed better at first, when she had become the lady if Eiskalt, but now it was all crumbling down on top of her again. Still nobody had truly cared, nobody really listened – at least that was the way Ashla saw it. She shuddered as she cried herself into slumber in her regular hiding place.

03-22-14, 07:39 PM

Ashla awoke with a jerk to see that she was no longer in the hole in the rock but was lying in front of a familiar greatness.

“Adam!” Ashla quickly jumped to her feet and saluted her ancestor. Adam Icebreaker was the one who had started the Icebreaker lineage. He was the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, GREAT grandfather of her family. He was the one who had started it all.

He smiled warmly and motioned her to relax. “Ashla.”

Ashla was within the netherworld of the Icebreakers. Whenever they died they came here to live on forever. ‘Has Ashla died though’? It's a good question.? The answer is no. One person per generation would be summoned to Adam Icebreaker’s presence to train in a special line of Icebreaker abilities under his supervision whenever either chose. Ashla understood that her soul was temporarily separated from her body, curled up in her favorite rock. Ashla blinked as she looked up. “Why am I here?” She wrapped her arms around her body in a sudden burst of paranoia. Was this important? Did her ancestor have a warning or prophecy? Ashla remembered the first time she came here. The lights of the afterlife, the jaw dropping awe of the great Adam himself. The beauty had literally shone in her eyes... get the terror had riddled her like an excruciating viral infection.

Adam Icebreaker lowered her head politely, “I am here to teach you a second Spirit Ability.”

Ashla was suddenly much more happy to be here, “Really?”

The man chuckled, “Indeed. You have mastered Speed well enough. Now, you may choose another.”

Ashla remembered the basic Spirit Abilities. Spirit Abilities were unique Icebreaker abilities only available to the chosen individual of the generation which heightened natural abilities and enhanced the chances of survival – with a physical price… That amongst other things such as summoning abilities and others that required the soul, Spirit Abilities were a gift to behold to anyone who held them. Ashla already had speed down; she could boost her speed incredibly for a limited time at the price of total exhaustion afterwards. Now, she was supposedly ready to take on another. Ashla thought she was! She had been training endlessly for this. She was trying her hardest to become stronger, and now she was overjoyed that her work was paying off.

Adam repeated them all to her. Strength, speed, endurance, health… Ashla did indeed have to give this some thought. There were so many! Last time, Adam had chosen speed for her due to her usual fighting style, but now she was given a chance to pick one out for her own! Ashla knew from the start that she would need to choose an ability that would be able to fit in with one of her weaknesses. Ashla considered herself through. Ashla did already have several missile Icebreaker abilities at her disposal, so she could hold on learning another. Ashla already had her defensive Frost Armor, even though it had its limits it still was effective in case Ashla was unable to block or dodge an attack. Ashla was half elf, so she was very agile and had developed a fighting style that resolved around constantly moving around, dodging an enemy and sneak attacking them at any moment. Ashla’s style was effective, especially when she used her Spirit Ability for speed, however it did have weaknesses. The fighting style was quickly exhausting, if the fight she was in would carry on for longer Ashla would have already lost in becoming so tired from zipping around so much. If Ashla would become so tired, she was easily open for attacks. Ashla was good at dodging opposing fire, but she still was not perfect. Not every attack in the world was blockable. If Ashla was hit, there was a good chance she would die due to a heavy blow. Suddenly, the choice for an ability was clear in Ashla’s head. If she were to be struck down in battle, at least getting out alive was a priority. Ashla needed an ability that would enhance her health.

She looked her ancestor in the eyes, more than ready for this. “I need an ability that can improve my health after being hit in a fight.”

Adam Icebreaker’s own eyes narrowed, “A healing ability?”

Ashla simply nodded.

“Well then,” Adam nodded, “I can teach you that.”

Ashla beamed at this. Finally, a second Spirit Ability! “Yes!” Ashla whooped in excitement, a small celebration for a good choice in a new power. She smirked, “So, when do we start??”

03-22-14, 07:45 PM
Ashla slowly blinked her eyes open when she returned from her first training lesson back to the real world. She felt arms around her. Ashla looked up to see Julius Tabor was holding her bridal style. Ashla suddenly was hit with a coughing fit, one which seemed to scratch her throat with a massive, spiked mace.

The brown haired boy, a year older than Ashla, looked down to her with his dreamy eyes and smiled cheerily. “You’re up!”

Ashla blinked as he explained things, “… You need to stop falling asleep there. You’ll catch another cold!”

In reaction Ashla sneezed, “I think that warning was a bit too late…”

Julius chuckled as he re-positioned her to improve both their comforts. Tightly grasped in Julius’ arms, Ashla looked around. She was inside the Icebreaker Mansion, the Victorian blue wallpapers and lavish decorations dotted across the hallways. Julius came up to a doorway and opened it. The doorway led into Ashla’s chambers. It was a tidy room with a good size to it. Heavy, blue curtains surrounded her large bed and blocked out any lights from her large windows. Various closets and shelves with how many dresses and outfits fit for a duchess were most of what was inside the room. On a nightstand up against the wall which the door hung from, there was a candle and a bowl pilled to the top with apples. A simple weapons rack which held all of Ashla’s weapons was next to it.

Julius carried Ashla across the room and opened the curtains to her chamber. Afterwards, he placed Ashla on the bed and sighed, “If you do have a cold that’ll be a huge problem…”

Ashla sighed as well, “Sorry! I-” I needed time alone.

Julius’ head fell as if he had caught what her problem was, “Hey,” He raised his head again and weakly grinned, “If you ever need me, just ask. Okay?” He then took on the responsibility of throwing the sheets over her and even fluffing her pillow. “For now you desperately need to sleep.”

Ashla chuckled in a mix of his ending statement and Julius’ hand briefly brushing over a ticklish spot, “Alright then…” She pulled another pillow over her head in attempts to get some shut eye. Her head had been feeling like a boulder and her nose like it was bleeding, she certainly seemed to be having another chill.

She quickly began to drowse away. By the time Julius had closed the door she was out cold.

03-22-14, 07:53 PM
By simple luck, Ashla had not caught any colds or the flue. By tomorrow Ashla was testing her Parvabow out in the indoor archery range. The archery range seemed similar to a stable in the fact that the pine structure had hay everywhere! It was in stacks in various corners, on the floor, flying in the air… and of course, hay was used to make various test dummies and targets for missile fighters to test out. Ashla’s Parvabow was a very small crossbow which could be attached to her arm or be hitched to a hilt. Either way, the master steel work weapon made a fine and unique missile weapon. She was using it as being strapped on her lower arm as she aimed and pulled the trigger with her other hand, sending a small arrow into a makeshift target. Ashla sighed in disappointment to see that she hadn’t hit near a bull’s-eye… As with any of her other shots.

Ashla growled, so upset with her bad aiming skills. Fulgur II and Julius walked up to her, each holding their own missile weapons.

“Having troubles learning how to aim, Ash?” Julius questioned.

Ashla blushed, too prideful to admit that she was having a hard time learning a new fighting style. “Uh…”

“I take that as a ‘yes’.” Fulgur responded. “Hey, it took all my life to become as good as I am now.” Ashla’s cousin smiled at her, “Don’t give up yet.” And he then motioned Julius to follow him and continued walking down the isle upon isle of practice targets.

Julius however, stepped up to Ashla, “You don’t have to be afraid to ask for help.”

Now Ashla blushed even more than before. “Uh…”

Julius scoffed, “Oh, don’t give me that look!” He playfully punched her shoulder, “Here, let me give you some tips…”


Ashla closed one eye and focused with the other. Now she kept her arm straight out in front of her, to where she could look straight ahead and still see both the weapon and the target at once. Julius had suggested finding a better angle to aim from with her eyes and weapon combined. ”If you look left with your eye and point left with your weapon, you’re just going to send your projectile flying completely opposite when you shoot.”

He had also suggested better concentration. If she worried about something like how far her target was or how long it would take to actually get a good shot, she’d never find enough energy to simply put into her aim. Ashla took Julius’ word for it and did everything he told her to. Despite this she felt her anxiety grow as she took longer to get herself situated right.

”Concentration is the key.”

Ashla let her arm drop, rolling her eyes massively, and let out an irritated growl. She stepped back and leaned against the closest wooden post and practiced breathing. She slowly breathed in and out, letting the butterflies in her stomach die down. It took several moments, but Ashla finally let some more breath out then pushed herself up again. She reentered her last position, she aimed…


“Bull’s-eye!” Ashla beamed at the score she had just gotten for her shot. It was right in the center of the red painted hay. Now the scent of sweet, honey-like straw was twice the aroma in Ashla's sense. “I did it!” She whooped, “I actually did it!”

03-22-14, 08:18 PM
Ashla was once again, inside her room. Instead of her usual black outfit she was dressed in her old one from three years ago. Thanks to some small bits of knitting skills from her etiquette classes, Ashla had been able to fit it to her size as she’d matured all these years. She wore a simple blue, short sleeved shirt. She also had brown pants and old, brown boots made of leather.

It had been a surprisingly okay day. While yes, war was looming over, Ashla had still found plenty of time to practice her old skills and train herself in new ones. She’d spent almost all day in the archery range and fencing square. Her skills with blades had only improved that day.

So after a peacefully packed day, Ashla carelessly hung all her weapons on her weapons rack and walked over to the bed. However, the sound of the door creaking had Ashla swing around to face it with utter surprise. The door was cracked open for a moment, Ashla was curious, had somebody randomly opened it? Then she looked down…

“Fireleaf!” Ashla was so relieved to see her cat Fireleaf prancing up to her with just as much excitement. Whenever Ashla had first come to the mansion, she had quickly turned her pet tiger cat loose. Since then, the cat would be seen happily exploring the rooms and hallways, catching mice and birds outside, and randomly walking up to random people to attention. Fireleaf, like all cats, was rather independent. However, at the sight of his owner the green eyed cat showed no loss of loyalty to his mistress.

Ashla bent down to the cat and scooped up him in such feelings of joy. Ashla opened the curtains to her bed and let Fireleaf jump onto it. The next half an hour was spent playing and cuddling with Ashla’s oldest companion. Ashla remembered when Fireleaf had been a newborn kitten. She had found him without a litter or mom in a lonely cave in Fallien when she was in her late fourteenth year of life. Ashla had wasted no time on raising the kitten as her own. And having known her since he opened his eyes, Fireleaf was actually rather attached and loyal to his young mistress.

Now, Ashla tossed an apple to the center of the bed. The cat mistook it as any ball and raced after it. Ashla chuckled as she watched the trouble making cat whack and claw the apple’s sticky juices out. While the cat was playing, Ashla slipped off the bed and changed into her white, silk nightgown. The nighttime outfit was simple, but rather comfy. Ashla had never slept in such pampered styles as this, and Ashla just felt like she was being spoiled. For once though, Ashla was glad to just think of herself alone. She made sure she had locked her door, she blew the candle out, then climbed into the large bed. Fireleaf had pawed the apple off the bed and had been destroying it on the floor, but when Ashla went to bed, the cat immediately jumped on too.

Ashla called Fireleaf up to her pillow, the cat obeyed. Soon enough, the two were fast asleep, cuddled closely to each other in a happy reunion. Ashla had fallen asleep with a smile on her face that night.

03-23-14, 12:47 PM
The sword Julius gives to Ashla is the Damascus one I bought from the Bazaar a while ago. This is just showing how Ashla gets it in character. I already bought and updated the blade to everything it currently is.

Ashla raced across the stables. Julius was leaving to take care of some business. A special meeting was taking place in Unum to go over what to do about the war. Fulgur had already left a day ago, but Julius was just getting ready to leave. Ashla hurried across the stable area, heavy with people getting ready to embark on missions off to the war, wailing horses, and hay flying around in the air. Ashla ran around for a while searching for him, hoping that he hadn’t left already… then she finally spotted him. “Julius!”

Julius was just about ready to mount and horse but was trying to keep a blanket covered object tucked between his arm and side. The long object was overlapped with grey blanket, but Ashla could still tell that it must be a weapon of some sort. Julius turned to see Ashla racing to him and smiled. “Hey!” He raced up to her, placing the object in one of his hands before hugging her. “I knew you would come.”

Julius brushed his hair out of his face and took the covered object in his hand and placed it between the gap that they were in. “You had to come cause- uh…” He slightly blushed then held his mystery possession closer to her, “Here, this is f-for you.” Julius blinked. Ashla scoffed as his shyness, it was still hard for her to believe that this reckless but quiet boy was once the heir to the throne and Tabor head. The Tabors had an extremely similar family system to the Icebreakers, but they were a tad bit lighter on their branch members. Julius was the blood destined head to the throne of Eiskalt. He had admitted to her though that he felt himself unready for such a task. Ashla understood his position well, she still had to get used to a new life as an Icebreaker branch herself.

Ashla looked down to the present he was giving her and smiled, “What is it?” She began to tease, “A giant ring?”

Julius was now red as a tomato.

Ashla laughed and gently took the long object from his hands, “Oh, Julius! I was just joking!” She was still laughing as she removed the heavy, grey burlap from what was revealed to be a sword.

A broadsword was inside a brown, leather sheath. “A new sword?” Ashla asked, her curiosity was unmasked.

Julius smirked, “It’s no ordinary blade.”

Julius drew the weapon from its sheath, the bright metal was not steel from what Ashla could tell. Julius explained, “The metal is called Damascus, it is the perfect metal to enchant with spells – in fact, I already gave it one.” Julius handed the Damascus sword to Ashla. Ashla took it. She expected the weapon to be heavy, but it was even lighter than her steel long sword! “Whoa…” Ashla began to twirl the feather like weapon around between her fingers. She smiled, “This is perfect…”

“-And that’s not all!” Julius quickly snatched the weapon from her hands. Ashla silently screamed ‘hey’ to him before she saw him place a grip on the hilt. The hilt, covered in leather, was long enough to grip with both hands, but short enough to still use with one; Julius griped the weapon and twisted two halves of it in different directions. He then pulled the two halves apart to reveal that inside it was a spiked pole! The pole was skinnier than the hilt, but looked strong as steel. Ashla grinned; the hidden enhancement would come in handy.

“So this is for me?” Ashla asked.

“Of course it’s for you!” Julius chuckled, “I only gave it some basics, but from here on out you can do whatever you want with it.”

Ashla smiled as she placed the weapon back into the leather sheath. “Thank you…”

Julius nodded then turned to leave. Ashla sighed; she couldn’t help but have hoped that she could have said something like “Good luck” Or “Goodbye” before he mounted. However, he had already raced off on his stead. All Ashla could do now was clip the broadsword to her belt and smile. “And thank you again…”

Fulgur II had assigned Ashla to keep things going on in the capital under control. Something told the half-elf that this was because her cousin trusted her more than Julius. Why? Ashla was just a branch; Julius would be king now if it weren’t for the fact that the Icebreakers were the current leaders. Was Fulgur afraid of losing his power to him? It puzzled Ashla, but she took the assignment. If anybody dared to enter the castle Ashla would deal with it personally.

03-23-14, 08:23 PM
Sorry about all the darkness and gore and stuff in this post...

Ashla growled as she and Fulgur entered the dungeon cell, “A spy, eh?” She questioned.

A guard nodded his head then pointed to a man chained up to the wall. From the looks of it, he was an ordinary guard. This man was a spy? Whatever he was though, if he was for the enemy Ashla would flay him.

She walked up to him and knelt down to his level, “What’s your name?”

The man spit, “Marebar. Marebar Borel.”

Ashla bit her lip, tapping her finger on her broad sword, “And you gave information to the enemy, correct?”

Fulgur walked closer to the group, his gaze cold as ever, “Take it easy, Ashla…”

The man spit into Ashla’s face, “There will be no need for a trail.” He sneered, “I am guilty.”

Fulgur’s one eye turned to the looks of ice, “Why you-”

The man chuckled, “I didn’t have the time to reach their base before your guarding goons caught me though.”

Fulgur pushed Ashla aside, his anger clearly showing, “How dare you!?!”

The man scoffed, “At this rate, Eiskalt is hopeless.”

Ashla felt enraged at the words, she growled intensely at him. “Don’t say that!”

“Why?” The traitor asked, “Aren’t we allowed to do what we want here, right?”

Ashla had enough, “Not if it hurts us!” And she lashed out at him, drawing her steel knife and slashing it across his cheek, “I had enough of you!” Now it was Ashla’s eyes that were showcasing her own bloodline. She slashed his other cheek as well, “How dare you!?”

The former guard cringed at the pain. He then flexed his shoulder’s – the closest her could get to moving his chained arms to his face. “Not only do we have a pathetic country, but we have pathetic rulers.”

Ashla felt her blood heat to a boil. How could this man? Ashla had tried her hardest to show the people that she was trustworthy. Where had she gone wrong? While it’s true that it is impossible to please everybody, Ashla was the kind of irrational person who aimed for that anyways. Ashla looked this man in the face, her hard work crumbling before her as she raised her knife and stabbed him in the chest, “You’ll pay!!”

She didn’t hit a vital spot, no… She wanted to make his payment long and painful. She pulled out her knife and stabbed again…

Fulgur tried to interfere, “Ashla, stop. He need another form of punish-”

“Shut up!” Ashla screamed at her cousin as she pulled the blade out again and stuck it right back again.

Our country


Does not need


A bunch of traitors…


Like him!

By now, this man was covered with blood. The worst thing of it was, was that Ashla was enjoying this! She had been so innocent, so fair when she had first stepped foot in this country. But the sad thing was: people change. And after figuring out her lineage, her bloodline, and all the rejection she had really went through… Ashla just could not put all her new found hatred behind her. No matter how hard she had tried, it still burned in her. It was in moments like these where it seeped out, and Ashla took the form of a cold, cruel creature. The child smirked as her victim moaned, “How does that feel, huh?!”

And she just stabbed him again.


Ashla pulled her blade out of the first vital spot she had stabbed at, his lungs. She chuckled in a tone that was almost mad; she could not believe how amazing this feeling was. She pulled the blade back as the man let out a hoarse scream, “Please! No!”

She was about the lung again when she felt a man’s hand sturdily grasp her wrist. Ashla looked up to see Fulgur shaking his head. “Ashla! Restrain yourself!”

… Somehow, Ashla’s former self had time to catch up with her. Ashla knew deep down that what she was doing was wrong. Now, when her torture had been paused, somehow her conscious was able to register in her brain. Not only had there been blood on Marebar, but there was also blood on her face and gloves.

Ashla blinked, What the… She stood up, a dreading feeling surging through her bones. “Fulgur… I-is this…”

Fulgur blinked in surprise for a moment then Ashla dragged the rest of her question out.

“Is this what it’s like to be numb??” Ashla dropped her knife and threw her arms in her hair, “What- I- …” And she could just let out an eerie scream on her own. Another form of torture was at work with her. It was internal. Ashla was even feeling lightheaded and nauseous at this rate. What had she been doing? Ashla felt tears surge up as she raced out of the room, pushing Fulgur aside, “I-I!”

03-23-14, 08:28 PM
Ashla had locked her door and thrown her curtains closed. Why had she done that? And why in the twisted world had she enjoyed that?? Ashla sobbed onto her pillow and let out a hoarse plea, “What am I anymore?! …”

She lifted her head, raising her bare arm and rubbing her eyes. “What in the world have I-”

She heard a knock on the door. Ashla screamed at it, “Go away! Don’t come anywhere near me!!” How could anybody see her like this? This trembling monster. Ashla knew what she was. She was turning colder and colder each day. Her innocence was still there; her valor was all the same. However, there were those moments when she lost total control of her emotions and she would just… turn… However, this easily had been the far worst of them all. Ashla had never tortured anyone before! Especially this brutally! Ashla knew that she needed a desperate saving. She wanted her old self back, she desired it… How could that ever come to a worthless girl like her?

Despite her former resolve, a certain voice came through the door that caused Ashla to suddenly open up. “It’s Julius.”

Julius. Ashla realized with a bolt how much he had once been like this. He had become a thief, a criminal after the entire Tabor family had been slain three years ago. And now he was a kind, shy, and truly heroic man in her eyes. How had he turned back? Ashla thrust herself past the curtains of her bed and raced to the door through the utter darkness. She flung the door open, “Julius!” Ashla just pulled the dark haired boy in by his collar and closed the door again, “You’ve got to save me!” She began to cry again.

Julius indeed looked shocked by her sudden welcome. A darker welcome too. Julius blinked, “Fulgur told me about the prisoner. He-”

“-I know!” Ashla cried, “I tortured him ‘till he close to died!” Ashla threw her arms down, her hands clutched in tight fists. “How could I have done that?” Ashla blinked past her tears, “Why??”

Julius sighed and turned to the nightstand, lighting the candle with a small match. As the fire burned, Julius gave her a reply. “I’ve been through the same process. I felt guilty after every single kill I made…”

Ashla took a step forwards, desperate for answers from him, “A-And how did you- … How could you-” She shook her head, searching for the right words in great haste. “How did you get past that?” She inquired, “You’re a new person now! You’re not that monster anymore! If anyone could tell that I can…” Ashla sighed, her head dropping. “How did you do it?”

Ashla looked up past her clouded eyes to see Julius turning back to her, an earnest look in his eyes. “I was able to move past that because…” Then Ashla caught him briefly blush, “It was because of you.”

Ashla’s eyes widened at those words. She took several steps back. “-M-m… me??”

Julius blushed again. “I’d felt guilty for things I’ve done beforehand, but that night when I turned you in to those guards. That was my final line. I finally had found somebody who trusted and cared for me for the person I was… I threw her away like trash.” Julius clenched his fists then let them loose again, “So I left the organization I was in and attempted to start again… I’d known you had escaped from them, so I could escape from myself too.”

Julius walked up to Ashla and rubbed one of her bare arms. “It took me such a long time to become who I am now…” His eyes watered, “Such a long time..”

Ashla began to cry at the sight of Julius crying. She acted by placing her trembling hands on his shoulders and pulling him close. Ashla closed her eyes as Julius just stood there, finishing his story. “When I finally met you again I had become twice as determined to be someone else… And it took all my all restraint and determination not to be the villain anymore.” Ashla let herself relax as she felt Julius’ arms wrap around her waist. Ashla in turn squeezed her hands against his shoulder. She shuddered, trying to find some life in him for the sake of her own. While Ashla’s feeling were still raging like a hurricane, she felt something more positive creep through her body now.

Through her own suffering, Julius had discovered his true self enough to finally let go of all the bad habits he had formed as a bandit. Back in Fallien, so long ago had been when the two had first met. Ashla had been so much more carefree then. She had quickly made friends with Julius, who was really trying to find out if she had really killed two of his teammates or not. And Ashla really had killed them. It had all been in self-defense though! But simple robbers wouldn’t see it that way. Julius had been the part of an entire caravan of robbers who worked together pillaging Fallien one person at a time. Julius had been assigned to find and capture the person responsible for killing two of the caravan’s members – that person had been a naive Ashla Icebreaker. After about two weeks hanging around each other, young love had blossomed from both flowers. However, Julius had to carry out his orders one way or the other, pushing past his intense feelings for his new friend. Thus, one night, he had called some of his colleges to do the dirty work for him, Ashla’s last words to him being a heartbroken plea asking for his reasons behind the betrayal.

It hadn’t been close to two years later that they had finally crossed paths again. Julius had changed since the last and had been doing his best to be the most honest and caring person he could be. Ashla had slammed the door on him at first, still feeling the bitter of his betrayal, but she eventually had learned to forgive him. Since then Julius had done his best to protect Ashla while Ashla did the same for him. It wasn’t until they entered Eiskalt again that they had entered their relationship though, but now the young couple were brutally broken by outside forces on both sides. Julius was desperately trying to keep Fulgur II’s trust and friendship, and was dealing with the war with a more hands on method than even Ashla. Meanwhile, Ashla was going through the obvious.

In their embrace, Ashla had opened her eyes to how much she had actually changed Julius. If it weren’t for Ashla, who knew where Julius would be? The thought of it brought some warmth to her heart, a bit of the ice cold which had frozen over her senses for what seemed forever melting away. Ashla suddenly didn’t feel so worthless anymore. She really was worth something to Julius: his heart. And now she could tell that nothing would keep him from it.

Ashla’s tears suddenly turned from tears of pain to tears of joy. She had finally figured out the reason why he had always been so obsessed over her. She sighed, burying her face in his neck, “’Now it’s my turn’.” She repeated another conversation they had before. Whenever Julius had first saw signs of her weakness he had told her that it was his turn to rescue her from the dark. Ashla smiled, “Please… Do your best.”

Ashla was now admitting something to him, something she no longer felt so stupid about, “If I needed you anytime at all, I need you now more than anything else. Please,” She begged him, “Save me…”

She felt Julius’ head lightly press against hers. His voice was as chocked up as her's as he replied, “I will, Ashla. I promise.”

04-07-14, 08:17 AM
I have permission from Amber Eyes to use her character in this post.

Ashla looked around at the remains of the Throne Room. White ashes flew everywhere like snow, the throne had been crumbled to pieces. Ashla felt a load of emotions come up inside of her. She had fought so hard, yet…

But worse was to come. As Ashla turned to the half destroyed wooden doors, she noticed a limp body in the hallway. She just gazed for a moment… then she realized who he was.

“Black Shadow!” Ashla cried out the name of a very close friend. She jumped through the gate and raced to the black clad man. She bent down to him, desperate, and tried his pulse… it was silent.

Ashla’s blue eyes widened when she realized that he was dead. “No…” Her eyes welled up with salty tears, “No- no I…” He was dead.


She heard footsteps behind her, she could recognize the voice well. “He was a friend?”

Ashla nodded.

The voice of the leader of the Ixian Knights, Kyla Orlouge, was right behind her. “… I’m sorry.”

But sorry, even if it was from a friend, was not enough. Ashla clung onto Black Shadow’s shirt and shook it; as if shaking the man would bring him back to life.

“No…” Ashla shook. “NO!!!"

She broke down, her head falling to the floor besides him. Tears just kept falling as she screamed. “Why!?!” The girl sobbed, shook, and clenched her fists. She raised one of them and thrust it down to the ground. “What did I ever do to deserve this?!" She continued grieving, “Why is it always me?!!”

Kyla’s soft, sympathetic voice came up from behind, “This is war, Ashla. These things are bound to-”

Ashla sharply turned at the woman, her voice needle sharp in emotions of rage and guilt, “SHUT UP!!” She threw her arm down then fell much more silent. “… I… couldn't save…”

She closed her eyes, still shuddering, then suddenly remembered something. “K-Kyla?”

Kyla was right there. “Y-Yes?”

Ashla sighed, “You ordered the Ixian Knights to just kill as many enemies as they could now; r-right?”

Kyla too sounded grieved, “Yes. … Why?”

Ashla now opened her eyes to reveal her Icebreaker eyes. They looked like chips of ice and reflected her storm of emotions right there. “Well…” She growled, “Keep doing that. Keep on killing them. Just keep killing them- and when you get to their leaders. When you do- …” And extra heavy shake escaped her, “I want their heads on a platter!”

She got up, her feelings driving her beyond her normal moralities, and stalked out of the castle. On the way, a loaded, heavy heart kept the child crying even when one would think her tears would finally run out.

04-08-14, 10:43 AM
Ashla was just... unusually happy today.

There was the war, the plague, the starvation... And yet she felt some kind of joy overtake her...

She walked out of the Icebreaker mansion with a satchel flung over her shoulder. She walked down the muddy and snowy streets. Despite the war, other people were uplifting each others' spirits as well. Ashla looked towards the entry door to a hospital to see another teenage girl, about fourteen years old, half staved but still running around chasing a group of five year olds with an old puppet.

Ashla scoffed, her heart was warmed up a bit from this girl's efforts to keep the children up and running. And from the looks of it, the blonde was doing an excellent job. Ashla walked over to the girl with a smile on her face. The young woman was currently tickling a red-headed boy whom she had just tagged. She too had a massive smile on her face. This girl was wearing burlap raps and had goosebumps even on her face... yet she was so happy. As the younger teenager let go of the little boy who immediately went to running in circles with the other kids, Ashla spoke to her.

"What's your name?" Ashla asked her.

The girl looked up at her and in a flash was kneeling, "M-M'lady??"

Ashla rolled her eyes at her reaction, "Hey, you don't have to treat me like a king!" She told her. She smiled at the girl, "Now, what's your name?"

The girl still stammered, "M-Melanda."

Ashla pulled her bag from her shoulder and gave her an earnest look of approval, "I admire your determination, Melanda." She reached into the bag and pulled out a large, red apple. She handed it to her, "You have something I lost awhile ago..."

Melanda's eyes widened at the sight of the apple, she took it and started eating it immediately. Ashla's eyes saddened, this girl reminded her so much of herself just several months ago. Those months felt like years though, and Ashla was worn down. Despite her own condition though, Melanda kept on giving and kept on encouraging others like with this group of children. Ashla placed her hand on Melanda's shoulder, "Don't lose it."


For the rest of that day, Ashla walked around giving the starved ones, particularly the children, all of the apples she had. They had been sitting in that bowl in her room, and Ashla knew that these people needed them much more than she did. That was why she was out here, trying her best to even make a small difference and boost their morals. As the duchess, Ashla knew that these people were still part her responsibility, she knew she had to take care of them as if they were her own children...

05-20-14, 04:45 AM
About a week had passed...

... No signs of the enemy.

Both Ashla and her fellow council were worried.

"Are they chicken?" Ashla had asked once.

"No", Fulgur II had replied, "They're just waiting for us to die off."

And so they must have... The plague was taking a large toll on the citizens since it even started. It pained Ashla to see these people, people who were depending on her, die off like this. There was no way she was going to take it. She had spent countless hours pulling funds into, not a better army, not more weapons, but a cure for the sickness. She herself had inspected most of the research... so far there was no effect.

The Icebreaker was tired out. Only a very short while into the war and she already felt at her limit. Most others could catch on too. Julius constantly told Ashla that she could sleep in or go to bed early to reduce the circles under her eyes. He also urged her to check if she had the sickness. Fulgur was able to tell that with her stress, her temper, was growing. She was constantly lashing out towards just about anybody who spoke to her! She even spoke up to the other rulers of Eiskalt. The rest of them knew that it was the war being hard for her, but Julius was still trying his hardest to compromise her to let it out in another way.

However, no peace would come for the girl anytime soon, as a lifelong old companion would reenter her life...

06-28-14, 09:18 PM
Ashla sighed as she exited the doors of the old Icebreaker Mansion. The wooden doors creaked and groaned as they slammed shut behind her. Ashla didn't mind. The girl walked aimlessly across the snowy streets of Tyranta. It was unusually quiet, due to the war most people were staying inside their hatch roofed cottages. The doors were shut, the windows had boards thrown across them, it was like a ghost town. But Ashla was not scared.

Loneliness was not too much of a problem for Ashla. She had dealt with it her entire life. But still, she felt the same ache burning within her heart. Ashla felt it numbing her chest like cold ice, but she was strangely calm. She felt numb inside, she felt nothing the entire time. Yet she didn't care, as she did not feel the care. It was still uncomfortable though, as when one was numb, apply too much pressure and the feeling that followed was all but too strange and remote.

Ashla walked alone in the streets, her eyes were closed as she breathed in the brisk Eiskalt air. Chilling but, oh, so awakening. It made you come alive. Ashla's eyes opened and she smiled, looking up into the blue sky. Today was a clear day, all was silent and calm within Tyranta's streets. There was rubble and war waste everywhere, and dead bodies still needed to be buried. However, the air carried smells not of decaying flesh and rotten bones; but of the fresh white snow and the burning cold. It actually seemed like a nice day.

... But it seemed as if Ashla was just doomed to live a life of nothing's perfect...

Ashla looked down the street to see a hooded and cloaked man walking along. His outfit and cloak alike were torn and stained. However, he covered his face completely with whatever hood there still was. Ashla's head tilted innocently, she blinked. This seemed like a homeless man, along and out in the cold. Ashla liked it out here, yet seeing this poor man hunched over and shivering broke her heart.

Ashla blinked her blue eyes once more then smiled, raising her hand to wave at him, "Escuse me, sir! Do you need help getting home?" If you have a home...

What she was about to see next would knock her off her feet. The man remained silent until he came right up to her, "A-A-Ash-l-l-l-l-l-ll...la."

Ashla blinked, a bit of her royal demeanor suddenly taking over, "My first name??" She asked. Why didn't he use her formal title: Lady Ashla or Duchess Rose Icebreaker? Then the man lifted his head. The first thing Ashla saw was that familiar blue pair of eyes. And the warm smile. Ashla gasped, "Y-y... You?"

Monte Icebreaker chuckled weakly, "H-Hey, Ashl-l-a, ittttttt's bee-been a l-long time -h-uh?

01-10-15, 10:12 PM

That was all that could portray the Duchess of Eiskalt in that moment.

The young and confused Icebreaker walked silently through the halls. She had brought back to the palace a man she had thought was dead for a long three years. Her uncle, Monte Icebreaker, somehow lived. He had explained it in the throne room. He had faked his death on that fateful night and then smuggled himself to the mountain outskirts in exile. Ashla could not believe it. Her suspicions were further confirmed, he was just like the rest of them. Traitors. her family, every single member, deceived her and rejected her from their regular lives. They all made her miserable. Her uncle was back with her, and now, Ashla could not speak to him. She kept on asking in her head, "Why?", "How could he?", "Why would he do that to me?" But as long as her throughts remained in her head, she could find no answers.

She wanted to vent her emotions out. Her betrayal and loss of trust. But she didn't know who to. Julius was busy giving orders to one of the surviving officers from an extra bloody battle near the farmlands of Krovsmert. Fulgur II was busy dealing with the country's economy and was seeing to it that Monte was given a room and something to eat. Ashla knew that she herself should be doing something! Not only would she be doing her part to help her country, but her duties would distract her from her pain. Ashla stopped dead middle of the random hallway within the palace. She blinked once, determination taking over, then turned to go to Fulgur II's office.


Ashla walked into the room, the door swung wide open. There were no windows in Fulgur II's office, only several candles a lit. They burned like dead august leaves in the forests of Corone. Ashla knocked silently on the door, and her cousin looked up in response.

"Can I come in?" Asked the human-elf hybrid.

"Yes." Replied her cold relative instantly.

Ashla walked into the room, "Is there anything I can do?" She was getting right to business.

Fulgur's one eye blinked, "Perhaps. Depends on what you want to do."

Ashla's fists clenched instantly, "I want to improve the war effort!"

Fulgur scoffed, as if he found her reply amusing, then turned a page to a book he was examining. "You could do one thing." He mumbled as he buried himself back into the pages.

Ashla pulled her hair behind her ears, "Yes?"

Fulgur looked up again and looked towards a pile of books, papers, and scrolls that cluttered a major portion of his black desk. He pulled a small scroll out of the pile and handed it over to his older cousin. The girl, in response, took it and read it silently.

"Since the Ixians have went full out berserk since the raid on the castle," Fulgur calmly explained, "We have made efforts to double our defenses so we can build up while the Ixians do the dirty work."

Ashla's eyes narrowed, she did not like how he was wording this.

Fulgur continued, "Thirty miles of Krovsmert, there is a single farm owned by a man named Gorje Muddly. He recently has slaughtered his pigs and has offered them up for our rations. I would like you to pick up what's good the pig meat and take it over Krovsmert for the survivors. Julius is currently taking care of their defenses, so you don't have to worry about that."

Ashla nodded, determined to get this right, and spoke, "Getting right to it!" And she immediately turned to leave.

"A-And, Ashla!"

Ashla twirled around, her hair whipping as she moved, and replied, "Yes?"

"Be careful. I heard the Crimson Hand has a camp close to the area..."

09-19-15, 12:56 PM
I'm never going to complete this thing. xD Closed!

09-23-15, 08:30 AM

Ashla is a good character, and the backdrop against the war was a good way of highlighting some of the story that was hidden by the war. The range of characters was also good, there is certainly a lot of history that surrounds Ashla and informs the sort of character she is. I’d have liked them to be in it a bit more, and a bit more exploration of the relationships.
As you progressed the thread I thought your writing and mechanics improved. The start of the thread with the poem was good, I have to admit I use the same way of kicking off a thread sometimes myself.
More blood! The tourture scene was probably the best. Not because of the gore, but because of the contrast you drew of Ashla. Little nice Ashla stabbing some guy over and over. It was probably the most telling and intense section of the thread.


I’m sure you’re aware, the thread sort of jumped around. I thought I’d see her learn a new ability at the start, then it was back to the war, then slice of life, then the torture stuff, then back to war, then it stopped. That really hurt the story overall.
When you’re learning to improve your descriptive writing I think you go through three stages. The first is very bland writing; “Bob walked across the room”. The second is adding description at the end, or adding a few words during; “Bob walked quickly across the room, his cloak billowed behind him”. The third is to combine the whole thing into a more fluid sentence, “Bob’s cloak caught the air as his feet clicked a hurried pace across the room”. If you can get into the habit of structuring your sentences to join the two together it would greatly improve your setting and description.
When you write a story, it’s vital to decide what you want to do with it. What is it that will capture the reader? I don’t think you’ll ever see a writer get 10 in every category, instead they have really high scores in one or two. This thread lacked direction. If you wanted to make it slice of life, then it needed to be slowed right down. Lots of dialogue, lots of setting and slow measured pace. If it’s about a dissent and salvation of Ashla, then much quickly movement and summarising the slower sections to set the scene.

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