View Full Version : Six years. Wow. Time really does fly.

Valentina L. Snow
03-22-14, 03:31 AM
Been a good long while since I've been to this forum. Some of you on the forum knew me as this character, Thursday, Ruina, or Azaria Starshadow, and others may have known me by my real name of Jessica (my worst character). The clever lad Lye found me hidden away on another forum and told me I should come check things out again. I am doing just that. I have no idea what my intentions are, who is still here and who isn't, and absolutely no clue what I thought the point of this was... but god damn it, it's good to be back!

If none of the names above ring a bell, do not fret. I am saying hello to you all. I'm looking forward to seeing what a new crop of posters has brought to the site. If I decide to get back into the fray I'm looking forward to eating said posters as well.

03-22-14, 03:50 AM
I already caught you in the chat room but here goes the official one. WELCOME BACK!

Slayer of the Rot
03-22-14, 03:53 AM
Where the hell did they dig you up from?

03-22-14, 03:54 AM
Welcome back!

Solar Haven
03-22-14, 04:36 AM
I have already spoken to you in chat.

might as well make it seem official so people don't think i don't read anything. Welcome Back! may your stay be long and eventful

03-22-14, 06:29 AM
You read some things. Just not what people want you to.

Anyways-Welcome back, have a good time!

03-22-14, 07:01 AM
Welcome back, Valentina!

03-22-14, 07:08 AM
Welcome to Althanas anew, Valentina. Lye's been trying to lure you here for weeks. Maybe now he'll pipe down, the loon!

03-22-14, 07:42 AM
Welcome back! I'm afraid I'm far too new here to know you, but I'm glad to see many of the older faces returning.

I hope you have a long and joyous stay, and nice to meet you!


03-22-14, 07:55 AM
Welcome back! I've heard a lot about you. ; )

black shadow
03-22-14, 09:12 AM
Welcome back!

03-22-14, 09:12 AM
Holy shit! Welcome back, Jess!

Roht Mirage
03-22-14, 09:25 AM
OH MY GOD! Lye's veteran harvest is getting bloody surreal! I'm so happy to have you back. =D

I was Shadar. Just returned as this character in the middle (I think) of last year. We have an awesome crop of people, some new some old. The collective inspiration of their brain meats keeps me writing.

Also, I don't know if Lye mentioned it. But, I did say that I would restart Adventures of Ben if you returned. So... might have to start planning for that. <_<

Silence Sei
03-22-14, 03:15 PM
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfu ckfuck!!!!!


Zook Murnig
03-22-14, 05:47 PM
I don't normally participate in these, but given the legendary figure, I thought I'd welcome you back. I'm afraid everything I know about you comes second hand from my wife's stories and her explanation of "Pray Val Eats Us." Something about Wendigos and cannibalism.

03-23-14, 07:54 AM
Six years? If my math holds to be true, that's like 106 dog years! My grand grand grand pappy used to tell me stories about you, in between shots of vodka and lemon slices (he was part Siberian Husky).

03-25-14, 10:42 AM
Welcome back!

I don't know when, but I am dying to see you start writing again! I missed your work, and I am happy to have you back. If you need anything, flag me down.

04-02-14, 06:30 PM
You are the reason I have a gmail account today ;-)

But seriously, I always enjoyed reading what you wrote.