View Full Version : A fairy tale of the darker sort...

09-18-06, 08:54 PM
I just finished this book. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm totally biased, in that the author/illustrator is one of my favorite artists.


Known for his depictions of monsters, fetish, fantasy paintings, and post-apolcalyptic imagery, Brom really is one of the coolest modern painters around. He wrote a book called The Plucker. I highly reccomend it. It reads like a children's book.

Do not give this to children, please. :)

Anyone read it already? Thoughts? It has already influenced my character to a great degree. It has to do with voodoo type magic, which is something my character was going to explore.

The Emerald Hind
09-19-06, 09:05 AM
Oh, Brom is wonderful. I drew from him quite a bit when I started drawing seriously, and that influence remains in my art even today. He is one of my absolute favorites!

I will definately have to pick up the book. I could use a read now that I've finished off all my other books...again...

09-19-06, 08:09 PM
Yeah. He and Frank Frazetta are my favorites.

William Gray
09-20-06, 08:02 AM
The only fantastical artist I'm really familiar with is... Vallejo? Boris Vallejo?

The Emerald Hind
09-20-06, 09:58 AM
I like Frazetta, also, but I'd have to say I enjoy Vallejo's work a little more than Frazetta's. Vallejo and Belle (his wife) do amazing painting and sculptures.

09-20-06, 03:02 PM
Yeah, Vallejo and Belle aren't my kind of art at all. If I'm interested in that kind of thing, I might as well look at porn. They're incredible, but usually not my taste or fancy.

That, and Vallejo has a huuuuge fixation on butts. He spends a lot of time on butts. He made had an entire photographic collection of butts he photographed in a book called "Hindsight." I often feel sleezy just looking at it.

09-23-06, 06:01 PM
Brom is god.

That is all that is required to be said.