View Full Version : Clash of the Dragons II (closed to Kai)

Falcon Darkflight
09-19-06, 05:43 AM
It was a rivalry with the utmost intensity. Canen knew this. He felt it, every single tinge of excitement, every pump of his black heart.

Sipping the final slither of brandy from the bottom of a crystal glass, savouring its strong flavour as it splashed the lining of his throat with a warm tingle, he tipped his head back and allowed a rush to sweep over him. The feeling that coursed through his veins whenever he had faced his brutally tough adversary, it could have been described as an almost controlled hatred. The feeling of absolute abhorrence, controlled and focused and narrowed down into an emotion that had the force of such an extreme emotion without the spite. It gave Canen the fuel he needed to fight, to win.

Even more so now.

The bottom of the glass tumbler slowly touched the gleaming marble surface of the small table in the waiting room of the Citadel, a quiet, humble space that allowed a contestant to rest and prepare before their predetermined appointment in the arena. At this time Canen was sat alone, weaponless, for the monks would only allow such tools in the arena alone, a rather sudden change in attitude towards security, it seemed. Fair enough. After all, it would probably be easier to tear this place apart from the inside out, and one could never be too sure what kind of darkness would surface in these times.

Canen peered into the bottom of the empty glass, checking for any remaining liquid, and cast his mind back onto Kaiser. His memories of him had almost always been of war, of blood. The Silvet was a mass of complexes on the inside, much like a labyrinth. In mythology, tales of one who would work his way through the twisting maze, slowly learning the path as he went, testing each corner along the way to try and make progress, to try and find the heart were more often than not. This was not so different from his experiences with Kai. It had taken many years to figure the Silvet out as well as he had done, and yet there was so much more underneath that lay undiscovered, the far reaches of a "maze" of personality, history and legend.

This intrigued Canen. Why? He liked to know his rivals, how they behaved, what they knew, what they knew about what he knew, and so on. He could gauge himself against the Silvet, use his strength as a comparison to his own. But that wasn't the problem. The conflict lay in the fact that one part of Kai was the happy-go-lucky and somewhat predictable exterior, but the far deadlier part of him was the hidden beast, the very beating heart of that twisted maze. No matter how much he tried to compare himself to his counterpart, the Nocturn hadn't been there to see what new things the Silvet had accomplished.

But, after all, that could be a good thing. He needed the challenge.

He also reminded himself that Kaiser had likewise been absent for the majority of his own experiences. Canen, through various means such as the Lornius Corporate Challenge and most recently The Cell, had gotten stronger. This kind of strength was not a single definition: physically, mentally and spiritually he had gone all out and expanded his horizons, pushing himself to and past his limits with every droplet of strength he could muster. Canen had spent every waking minute in the aftermath of his defeats to learn and re-learn his strengths and weaknesses, to take everything he thought he knew back to school to learn it again. And again. Through his almost endless endeavour to better himself, he had reached a level of strength previously unknown to him, ascending, shattering the barriers he himself had erected, perhaps without knowing it.

"Canen, your arena is ready..."

The call came after what seemed like a lifetime. Canen rose to his feet, smiling as the last sentence raced through his mind. He had ascended. He had finally surpassed himself. Surpassed other people's expectations of him. Surpassed even what Gideon expected of him. After a lifetime of training, fighting, meditating and learning, after an age of pain, loss and blood, only now did he realise, did he understand what it meant to be a true Nocturn.

As the white noise portal whirled into life in front of him, inside a small beige stone cove, Canen stopped for a moment. He looked back at the puzzled monk, momentarily closed his eyes, and spoke softly.

"Tell Kaiser to come straight in. Don't keep him waiting..."

The monk looked further perplexed. "...What is so special about all of this, if you don't mind me asking?"

Canen simply smiled. "...unfinished business..."

With that said, the Nocturn fizzed out of view through the bright blanket, and the room fell back into preoccupied silence.


The glowing orange and scarlet hues of the looming sunset lit up the horizon, a soft blanket of light falling upon the many silvery obelisks grounded on a wide stretch of tarmac that was secluded by a green belt of fir trees. A river of stone landing pads meandered through the docking bays of the airfield, each one sloping up to the open and empty cargo bays of the experimental airships that had often been seen passing over the dark palace of Valsoth, delivering their huge quotas of coal to power the ever burning furnaces of the black workshop.

As the sun slowly kissed the metallic airfoil surface of the buoyant vessels, Canen felt the lukewarm breeze of the dusk wrap him up in a veil, the sensation of touch the first sense to come to life in this magically emulated arena. The remnants of his body came together in a fashion similar to a mirror smashing in reverse, the fragments of flesh and bone fitting together like the finished product of a childs puzzle board. As sight, smell and hearing all followed suit in a sensory wave, Canen took the first stable footsteps across the stone decking towards the hangar area, his black coat whipping the chipped surface as it trailed.

The large airships, moored by lengthy steel cables to their docks quite securely, seemed dull and lifeless up close. The hangar area, located behind the moorings, further discoloured the surroundings with a boring and sore grey scheme that did nothing to satisfy the imagination. Its structure towered over two of the silver ships, its rusted wrought iron doors slightly ajar with only a crack of darkness peeking through the gap.

Canen's eyes complained, sliding over the horrible terrain with disdain. Even he, the epitome of black, couldn't stand to see such mind numbingly ordinary decor.

But admiring the scenery was not something one came to the Citadel for. The reason for his disgust was simple: He couldn't find anything he could use to his advantage on the outside. It was mainly all flat tarmac, christened with the occasional airship that was too big to use in any form anyway. Their shape meant they were difficult to climb. The cockpits were locked. The cargo bays were empty and contained nothing of interest.

It was only when he headed into the hangar his emerald eyes lit up like two blazing fires of hope, strolling past the massive cargo vessels without so much as blinking another eye towards them. Putting all of his strength into his powerful arms, the Nocturn forced the creaking iron doors further apart, the rusting metal almost disintegrating on their buckled iron rails as they slowly screeched open. When the sliding panels finally came to a stop, the dusk's light poured through the gap and illuminated the hangar.

The first thing he noticed was the sheer size of the depot, which was easily large enough to hold two full airships side by side, and did. The airships in question were, or didn't appear to be, the same proportion as the other ones out on the airfield. Instead these were much smaller, about half the size of their counterparts and were moored to the floor with an anchor on each side of the airfoil via a set of interlinked chains. Their shape was also different: each one had a half spherical underbelly with a flat deck at the top, which overhung the forward tip of the ship. There was no cockpit. Instead, some sort of scaffold rails twisted around and under both vessels, giving the impression they were still under construction. Or deconstruction. Either way, these airships looked very similar to the experimental ones used by Alerar.

Canen paced around the hangar, and peered upwards. Above him, a metal plate about a metre in width served as a walkway on a 'first floor', level with the decks of the two airships without a handrail. There were many cables, hooks, pulleys and cranes hanging from the depot ceiling, all of which seemed to be used for hauling equipment up and down the scaffold.

"Perfect." Canen muttered under his breath. This was much more like it. It was clear to see that this was the intended battleground for his challenge, abundant with resources and tools to use. The plain, untrained eye would see that this was simply an airship hangar. For Canen and Kaiser, this would be a vast playground of pain.

"When a pencil needs sharpening, you use a razorblade to do it..."

09-19-06, 02:49 PM
((This post was made after a 3 hour straight lesson in GCSE Maths, I swear that class is gonna turn me EMO))

Two days ago

“Hey! Get a room if you wanna sleep”

The silvet snapped back to attention and looked at the barkeeper cleaning one of his prized trophies. From his little collection kai guessed that he must have been quite the hunter, he probably had a full head of hair back then too. His eyes began to wonder around the docile pub, it seemed like it was somehow representing his current mood, dull and somewhat boring. Kai groaned and waved his hand before returning it to grasp the now warm glass drink he had purchased some time ago.

He questioned his own mood; he had not touched his drink once, that and his own mental exhaustion, contradicting his physical self. Kai sighed and leaned forwards, almost back into his half asleep position he had found to be comfortable, but the barkeeper’s attention on him seemed to dispel this need to just go to sleep.

“Rough night?”

The barkeeper asked curiously, to which kai just groaned a reply and like a possessed puppet forced himself up straight once again. His eyes still focused onto his drink, but only lingered before he turned his attention back to the barkeeper.

“Not really … God knows why I feel like crap”

Kai figured it might have had something to do with getting lost on Scara brae for over three weeks, an impossible feat to accomplish considering the size of the island, kai was adamant that he had actually not been lost and instead just having a look around. On the other hand, he did have a spot of trouble while having his look around, he had accidentally gotten involved with a personal vendetta for vengeance against some crazy siren like creature.

That wasn’t even including the first town he had come across when he finally returned after an absence, or the brutal cage fight he got into with a fellow martial artist. All of them had valid points as to why his body should be feeling like crap, but his mind was a different story, headaches had been plaguing his mind recently, and if not that it was sheer mental exhaustion.

“… Screw it … bottoms up”

Kai tried his best to snap himself to full attention; his face seemed to gather its usual life as he gripped the warm glass, determined and convinced that downing it would be the slap he needed to get back on his ego horse. But before his mouth could even touch his lips, someone literally shoved a piece of paper between them, shortly followed by a voice, young and irritating at that.

“Excuse me, aren’t you Kaiser Nightwind?”

Kai sighed and put the drink aside and looked at the young mail boy, in truth kai didn’t know what the hell the kid was supposed to be, or maybe some kind of curiour with a large satchel with countless letters listed in a seemingly perfect order was shown on display. If that was the Case then kai had to wonder how the hell did the boy have in the slightest guess that he was Kaiser Nightwind, although with his agitation came the violent swings of his tail, reminding him that it was there, one of his identifying traits he had forgotten.

On that note how the hell did the kid know he was in this place?

“ … Wait, this is a citadel challenge right?”

Kai snapped to realise that he had received a few of these before, his most memorable one was when Canen had sent his Familiar Crow to personally deliver it, the bird should have ended up on the silvets plate after the trouble it caused. Yet when his eyes fell back onto the boy he realised that he had blankly stared at the boy as he left after downing a glass of water free from the bar keeper.

“… Wonder who would be dumb enough to consider fighting me?”

Kai pondered sizing up the sealed latter, it was very typical of the Citadels standards. Inside would be a formal letter describing in detail that some person has challenged them to a fight and that it will be taking place on whatever date and time they specified.

“Ale please, the monkey is paying”

Kai was about to open the letter yet he realised that someone had just referred him as a monkey, and that he was going to pay for a complete strangers drink, no matter how cute the girl sounded there was no way. For a moment, as soon as Kaiser’s green eyes settled on the cheeky girl, he almost forgot how to breathe, then after recalling who it was, and what kai knew she was capable of, he frowned and looked to the barkeeper.

“The young lady can pay for herself”

“Young? I am older than you”

She countered getting almost hysterical about the statement, which was when kai slammed the now forgotten letter on the table top and glared at her.

“Oh, I seriously doubt you’re over 30 much less than 300”

“Thanks for the compliment, Ohh hey what’s this, a love letter for me?”

The Neko snatched the letter away from the silvet, and instead of even trying to make an attempt to grab it he just blew her off instead deciding to ignore her until she gave it back and decided to not be so damn commanding. The Neko was Sera; a female Kunoichi kai had met briefly in that little vengeance trouble, she along with a jester also got tangled up in the mess. The silvet pondered about her before gaining a question as to what she was doing here? Kai thought he had left this slightly sadistic Cat girl back in the forests of Scara Brae, and seeing her now in Corone was less than comforting.

“So what are you doing here?”

“Business actually, I took up some mercenary odd jobs of sorts. I saw you in here and wondered if I could get to drag you along”

She explained without really looking at kai, her whole attention was mainly on the letter as she carefully started to open it with a steady hand and a cat like claw kai had failed to notice until now. Kai didn’t answer, but he did keep an eye on her as she dove her nose to the letter quickly reading the challenge.

“Someone wants to meet you in two days … is it a date?”

She teased handing the letter back to kai who snatched it rather rudely, around the same time the bartender put the drink Sera had ordered in front of her. Sera flicked a strand of her dark purple hair away from her eyes watching kai’s miffed expression turn into one of horror.

“Deer god I am gonna die”

He meekly stated putting down the letter, all he really needed to do was proof read the thing looking for the name of the challenger. And upon learning that Canen had issued the challenge, kai felt to tell his old friend something about being repetitive, and to tell him to stop challenging kai to these Brutal one sided duels. Sera was intrigued, after witnessing how kai fought once already, she had to wonder who or what could make kai’s mood change so drastically so fast, like they had set there horse against a pet puppy.

“So who is this Canen” Sera asked, and kai groaned at the name

“Old friend of mine, we go way back and he thinks I am his rival or something. Argh, why the hell is he challenging me like this now, I just get back to Corone and before I can actually join any sort of adventure he is yanking me to the citadel to “test each others strength” not only that, but the guy is so gothic even Wraiths envy the him and he wears more makeup than a girl!!!”

“… That before or after meeting you”

Sera light-heartedly asked, earning quite the menacing gaze from kai, who couldn’t hold it for very long in his state of woe, kai grabbed his drink and downed it, almost choking it all back up the next second due to its distasteful warmness.

“So, wanna tag along on one of my little missions”

Kai thought about it for a moment, on one hand he had the option of taking the challenge and going up against Canen one on one dealing with whatever mental state his friend was in, most likely needing kai required to slap some sense into the poor guy. On the other hand he had the option to travel with a sadistic Neko ninja.

“… I better go see what Falcy boy wants. Last time I pissed him off he made it a clan’s mission to hunt me down and bring my head to him” Kai groaned at the memory.

“Wait, this guy is a friend of yours?”

“When he isn’t trying to kill me, yeah” Kai corrected Sera

Present day

The sensation a person usually gets when the enter the Citadels arena was one thing, for a silvet it was quite a whole different story. As soon as kai emerged in what was to be his and Canen’s arena he was instantly on his knee’s trying desperately not to lose his lunch. He cursed and groaned, wondering when those damn monks were going to fix that problem he had reported to them many years ago.


He questioned looking at the dull grey ground, then slowly looking up at Canen’s choice of arena, at first the sight of the airships made the silvet feel a little nostalgic, remembering a certain little thing from a certain little war. Kai wasn’t too sure where this arena was supposed to be based, and as he got the strength to stand up once again he looked around admiring the orange hued sky, as the sun cast a rather unique flavour over the airstrips.

“… Sweet … oh right … Canen, Canen, where is the Canen?”

He pondered looking around, he at first noticed the opened cargo doors on some of the airships, while he had a general knowledge of one, he had to admit these were of a very foreign design to what he was used too. Fight’s in places like that would offer him more of an advantage, if he was better at close combat, kai figured he would need as much room as he would need in a fight against someone like Canen. Then he noticed the old iron door, something about it stunk of Canen, not that he could actually smell the Nocturn, but knowing his old friend he would want the battle to take place in the darkest place he could find.

“… oh so very Nostalgic, I wonder if there’s going to be a cage with a pitfall in there too?”

Kai shook his head, knowing it would not be fair to think that Canen would repeat any of there arena’s unless he intended to want to rein act a moment in history, most likely one where he lost a certain scenario. Kai started to walk over there; he took his time groaning with each step he wished would take ten times longer than it actually did. He wasn’t looking forwards to this match up, there was no reason too, he guessed his friend’s strength would be greater than his own and all he would need to win was a well placed poke with his sword.

“No doubt the Valiance”

Kai reached the large rusted iron doors and leaned against them at a certain point that allowed him to stay outside while at the same time look inside the large place Canen had found, Two airships stood, incomplete, cables and wires and chains scattered around, attached to something that looked important, and expensive. Kai could instantly imagine himself swinging on a few, dodging a few close calls with a dark matter spell exploding on the walls behind him. With that thought of destruction aside he looked to the centre of the room, the darkness was not so dominant that kai failed to spot his old friend literally stood in the centre as if he would wait an eternity for the silvet to come.

Canen didn’t look very different from the last time he had seen him, infact kai was almost dismayed at noticing almost nothing had changed, he began to wonder if Canen ever changed his clothes, or he just had a huge selection somewhere of the same back garments. Still it was nice to see an old familiar face, even if he was used to the bad makeup, and that crazy mask he once wore into battle, and better news was that stupid evil crow of doom was nowhere to be seen.

“OK, Canen it’s nice to see you too but I have a major bone to pick with you!”

Kai grinned as he looked to his open palm, letting his tail freely swing with a mind of its own as he was about to list off several good reasons why this challenge was as pointless to him as colour was to Canen.

“First of all, the only time you write me letters is to announce that your going to be in the citadel wanting to kill me.”

Was the first thing he noted off, he was currently wishing that he had a somewhat normal friend who would buy him drinks and then suggest the citadel challenge? Canen was far from the normal, but he was also smart enough to know it takes more than a few drinks to make a silvet truly drunk.

“Second of all, I recently went through a real personal hell. And I have had to raise a little tyke of terror, and yet you still want to kill me”

“Third of all, I passed up a date from a really hot chick just to see you, god knows why I didn’t just leave you hanging here dude, but I figured you would send some more people to hunt me down if I did that again”

“Fourth: I am really not in the mood for this actually, I really don’t suppose I could persuade you to jest come to the local pub with me to get really drunk could i?”

“Oh yeah, and good ol fifth reason, you wouldn’t strike a defenceless, unarmed opponent, that happens to be one of your best friends would you”

“ Hmm, I think I might be pushing that last one ”

Overall he felt that he gave the impression that he really didn’t want to slug it out, he was sure he made that point clear already. But his voice surprisingly was calm, making a joke of it, light-heartedly; this must have been his care-free side being dominant. Strange for that to happen, usually when around Canen he had a strange desire to be serious himself, but this was more like when he used to lounge around one of the many clans with him in the past, not before a fight.

Falcon Darkflight
09-20-06, 06:57 AM
"Number one..." Canen retorted with a rarely displayed glimmer of humour in his tone. "...it's difficult to write letters to somebody if you don't know where they are...and it's not like I even have the time to sit and write essays to you about everything that's going on in my life. Dear Kaiser, weather is nice in Corone, the raging Haicheyanne demons spoiled it a bit but at least I can look forward to that after-work pint of ale at the Silver Inn with my non-existant friends. Hope you aren't going round punching the locals like you used to 'back in the day'. Behave yourself. Hugs and kisses, Canen."

"Secondly..." He continued, going deeper into his usually hidden 'personality'. "Your daughter Kaiserin, as...lovely...as she may be, needs no more 'raising'. She needs sectioning under a mental health act."

"Thirdly, I don't believe you. You never go on hot dates. Why do you never go on hot dates? Because there are no more Silvets. And besides, I don't have the manpower to hunt you down this time. I like doing things for myself since I left the Order..."

"Fourthly..." Canen couldn't believe he was actually retalliating to Kaiser's mockery "...why would I want to pass up this wonderfully presented opportunity to get revenge for the last time we fought to go and get slapped up in a bar, when I can beat you here and then treat you to a nice couple of rounds in Radasanth as a consolation?"

"And finally..." Canen took a large breath. It was hard work keeping up with Kaiser's verbal outpouring. "Yes, I would, and I wouldn't look back."

A still silence swept over the hangar that brought Canen back down from the cloud he had perched on for a short while. He couldn't believe how much he had changed since he first sailed into Corone. If his pale white skin could turn red, he would almost certaintly have blushed in embarrassment. Canen, usually the very definition of serious, was slowly but surely developing some sort of personality. If you could call it that.

"...You've been away for a long time Kai. Not once did you contact me. I didn't take it personally, but..."

Canen paused, walking towards the scaffold legs. He carefully unhooked the chain of Faustus and Mephistopheles from the back of his coat, where it had been hidden underneath the lining, and kept his front to the Silvet. The scaffold tower he stood next to was brittle and loose from the airship moored next to it, and carefully and quietly he felt around for one of the pole edges. As he found the smooth surface of an iron bar, he quickly hooked the curved blade of the Faustus end of the two linked sickles around it, and yanked quickly.

"It's always good to get my own back on you..."

Canen grinned as the large scaffold tower wobbled from side to side, and began to crash down and fall apart right over Kaiser's head, pieces of scaffolding splintering in mid air and raining down harshly. The Nocturn dived underneath the first floor metal catwalk for protection from the deadly shower and looked to see if Kaiser had been caught up in the mess.

09-22-06, 06:43 AM
So that was what mental state his friend was in, a little personal vengeance from when he got stabbed with kai’s now broken dagger. On the other hand kai was surprised that Canen had retaliated to his little rant, the Nocturn would usually just ignored him. Kai chucked at the way he responded to each of his own reasons by giving out reasons himself. He was insulted with the way he had called his daughter, but that was just fatherly pride, he had raised her no different from the way his mother raised him, except that his mother was not quite as laid back.

“ … Jackass”

He said silently and with a grin, he had no intention of ruining Canen’s retorts with such a simple word and so kept it quiet. On another note Kai was also insulted that Canen had not believed him about getting any hot date, Kai retaliated that it was because Canen’s last love interest, or rather his last score was at least 50 years ago. Actually that might not be a bad idea, not to mention an answer for future problems with the insecure Nocturn. all Kai had to do was find a girl who could handle Canen, and now that he thought about it he recalled a story about some kind of dominating woman lurking around or something.

All with the fun over Kai noticed Canen start moving, and Kai knew by now that when he started moving it was as good as a warning signal that he was getting ready to plan something devious. However When Canen stopped close by to a Scaffolding tower, Kai instantly figured out what he wanted to do, and was far from being impressed as an opening move.

“… You suck Canen, you seriously suck”

Kai Taunted with that grin and began to run further into the warehouse, even before Canen had triggered the reaction for the Scaffolding tower to fall, and even Then Kai could have stopped to watch it wobble before it actually did decide to go and fall on him, or rather, where he was. Kai Heard the crash and now saw the wreckage in the corner of his eye as it served as a barrier, preventing them to go outside. The wreckage was not really of any concern to him actually, Kai quickly guessed the distance he was at between himself and Canen, around 30, no 25, and he quickly closed the gap to 23 feet giving his plan a little more swinging room.

Kai stopped on one foot, and reached back quickly for an item waiting in his back pocket. He lunched the item quickly and accurately, confident that an iron Hook being thrown into someone’s chest would at least wind them. Kai had closed the gap between them to 23 feet for a reason, the rope his Hook was attached to was 25 feet, so just incase Canen decided to dodge back, kai would surprise him with that extra 2 feet, and just incase that went wrong he was ready to snap his weapon back to him with his right arm still loosely holding onto the rope.

Falcon Darkflight
10-04-06, 07:30 AM
The Silvet's speed, no matter how much Canen anticipated it having known him so long, was still strikingly difficult to keep up with. He admitted the scaffolding collapse was far too predictable to be used as an effective attack but was not displeased Kaiser had dodged it. The Nocturn had simply wanted to see how quickly Kaiser moved, and he got his example with a front row ticket.

His eyes followed the smooth movements of his self proclaimed rival through the warehouse as the furry form of the Silvet darted in-between ropes, over and under moorings and finally circled back round to face Canen a sturdy twenty or so feet away, instantly fumbling through a back pocket to produce a strange looking item that resembled a grappling hook.

What the hell is he doing? Canen thought to himself as his left hand replaced Faustus and Mephistopheles in the specially made holster in the lining of his coat, his right palm clenching around the tethered hilt of The Valiance by his waist at the same time, drawing a couple of inches of metal from the sheath without taking out the entire blade. His precautionary instincts proved to serve him well as an iron battering ram of a hook flung through the air, Kaiser's natural strength ensuring the momentum would be enough to cover the distance, aimed towards his face. Canen spun to the side and unsheathed The Valiance quickly, executing a quick and precise ten-uchi downwards cut, and the hook flew past its target and exposed its rope to the razor sharp edge of the blade. The metal hazard dropped to the ground and clattered into the rusted iron door of the hangar as the severed rope dangled slack in Kaiser's hands.

Still so fast...but still full of tactless approaches Canen lamented as he picked up his feet and moved swiftly in towards the Silvet, opting momentarily for a close combat offensive. The Khaian had, for so long, been used to fighting Kaiser blade-on-blade, and in secret wondered why his long time rival and friend had so heavily changed his approach, having currently seen no sort of physical weapon that posed him a threat.

Don't dare disappoint me!

Canen's feet slid gracefully over the laminated black surface of the depot floor as he skidded to a halt, bringing the Valiance round from his right into a quick spin. His grip on the blade suggested a very tight and strong horizontal cut with the breadth of his broadsword, and his feet locked solidly to the floor and held a firm stance as the cutting edge of his blade swerved in to the Silvet's left side viciously.

10-04-06, 03:04 PM
That could have gone a whole lot better, the silvets mind initially thought as he snapped the rope back without the hook which had been cut off. Well whatever, kai put the rope back to where it usually belonged on his being and quickly calculated what Canen would do next. Either a Dark Matter orb or he is going to come in close, either way kai knew one flaw about Canen. Canen chose the direct method, getting up close and putting his strange weapons away for the Valiance. Kai grinned, his friend was getting predictable, although there was no telling what he may do with those other weapons, or if he had developed any new attacks besides the one that exploded in his face.

“Heh, there’s that sword of his … I knew he would be using that soon enough”

Kai adopted a fighting position, one that should be comfortable to react in when Canen attacked. He held his left side to his opponent with his left arm held up for his defence, his right was tucked by his side concealed and ready to strike out at any opening his left arm made. His feet were spread apart, naturally bent with the weight being carefully adjusted by his ever moving tail. Kai could think of thousands of outcomes to this fight, each one was settled on the obvious power difference between the two.

It was True, Canen always held an upper hand over him, always sticking to his strengths and strengthening them over and over until he was simply scary. Kai on the other hand had adopted many different forms of combat in his past, always changing, and never the same for too long; Kai hoped that the changes could throw Canen off so much that he would be unable to predict the silvet, while Kai hoped he could very accurately predict Canen’s movement.

With the Valiance by Canen’s side, Kai was doubtful he would attempt a strike from that side but then again. Canen did attack from that side, his movement seemed to cause his coat to dance around, this wasn’t magical but was full of grace, it was almost confusing to watch but deadly if he didn’t. Kai retracted his arm and swung it out to meet the blow of the Valiance with his own iron bangle. It was such a simple defence it was almost laughable, except for the fact that Canen’s sword was stronger than his only armour and instantly carved a scar into its surface, almost threatening to cut right through to his arm.

Here it was, presumably the first opening off the match for Kai, Although that would be a good thing, he still needed more of these opening to win, much less than what Canen could do with a single thrust of his sword. Kai’s desire wasn’t really to fight; Canen’s repetitive challenges had gradually worn away Kai’s resolve to actually confront the Nocturn until it was absolutely necessary. There was a desire to end this quickly, that way he could soon go back to town and lay about without a single care.

“I don’t suppose you would quit right?”

There was a sudden shudder around his body, whipping out his tail and his rope like ponytail outwards, hopefully that little stunt wild cause Canen to flinch or something. The point of it was that it was a sudden surge of power forming in one spot to create his Psion blade, a blade with the cutting power of steel and the durability of butter, but it would be enough to end it.

Kai swung his right arm for Canen’s left arm as well as his left in attempt to grapple onto what he could to stop Canen swinging that blasted sword of his. But his Psion Blade was nowhere to be seen even though he had just spent energy to forge the translucent green blade. The Blade had actually appeared on his left foot, like it was attached to the back of his boot. Kai raised his left leg up and spun his lower body with precision so that he would be able to stab Canen in his left side also.