View Full Version : A search for an enchanter

Fox Owen Xavier
03-29-14, 09:57 PM
“Sigh, I wonder if it would be worth tracking down that kitsune enchanter. All these 'merchants' here seem to be cutting corners on their quality or else seem completely clueless on how to make my request. A whole day wasted!” Fox tiredly thought as he walked out the eleventh shop. “That last one was probably the worst. Seriously, did he think I was blind and didn't notice the cracks in his wares? And even a fool should be able to tell some of those enchantments on the merchandise were messed up.”

With another sigh, Fox began walking back to the inn. The last rays of the sun produced a beautiful sunset but even that didn't cheer up the tired kitsune. He passed by the closed stores and homeward bound merchants. Unfortunately, Fox found himself in an unfamiliar street. Somehow or another, he had taken a wrong turn. Instead of the nice row of stores, these were run down with broken windows, holes in the wall, and had an unpleasant smell to them. Giving another sigh of frustration, the worn out potion crafter turned around and tried to find his way back. Along the way, he noticed a few lights coming from a shop that apparently either hadn't closed yet or was some type of night store.

“Magic Shop: Enchantments, Potions, and More... Well, I assume that's what the sign says, it's missing quite a few letters. Store doesn't look much better shape either. I should probably get back to the inn now instead of stick around but I am looking for some enchantments... Already wasted so much time today, what's a bit more... But seriously, if they can't even keep their place together, why would their wares be any better,” Fox observed the tiny building that seemed to be on the verge of collapse. “Well, let's leave it up to lady luck. I'll flip a coin, heads I go in, tails I go to rest at the inn.”

“Damn it! The wind must have blown that coin toss and made it land on heads. Guess that means it didn't count....”

“What! Stupid wind keeps coming out from nowhere and messing up these coin tosses. Must be an unlucky coin. Let me ignore that toss and use another one.”


“Seriously? Where does that wind come from anyways... Whatever. I guess I'll just accept those three heads and go in that store. I bet it's an old hag, a disgusting smelly man, or an evil looking crook running the store. If I see any of those types and not something like a pleasant looking elven lady or an honest, clean shaven man, I'm getting out of there,” Fox grumbled as a sudden breeze appeared again.

Opening the wooden door carefully as to not cause the whole building to fall down, Fox peered into the small store. Dusty old books lined a few decaying bookshelves, a single wand was in a wooden bin off to the side, and the wooden counter or rather what was left of it, had some herbs that looked at least a decade old. The owner was no where in sight but there was a door in the back.

“Knew it. The owner must be an old hag or else dead. Even if she or he was alive, I highly doubt I could get a decent quality enchantment that I'm looking for,” Fox spoke aloud as he turned to head out of the shop.

Fox is looking for an enchanter to make some stuff that I made a thread on in the past: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26872-Price-checks-for-some-basic-stuff-a-pair-of-glasses

Anyways, I'm open to having the thread taken some other way than just buying something. Could be a quest to find a decent enchanter or whatever the Bazaar mod would like to do. Also, I know people are busy and so I don't mind waiting to hear a reply if there are other stuff that they need to finish first.

Fox Owen Xavier
04-15-14, 07:32 PM
Just realized that the glasses would count as an ability. Since I don't have the ability slots for it. I think I'll ask for this thread to be archived/deleted.

05-16-14, 03:39 PM
This thread is being marked as incomplete. If you would like to have this reopened, please PM me.