View Full Version : A Night On The Town [solo]

03-30-14, 08:23 AM
"Don't run too fast!" She barely got through the wordsout before giggling wildly.

It was autom, the streets filled with yellow leaves clogging the streets with their burnt orange and gold hues. Tiloredforart,paved by and invisible brush of god kt was easy to get lose in the wonder of the changing seasons. Especially that was if you were only ten years old. Mary giggled as she ran through the piles of leaves heapsed high by the foot traffic of the adults that were to busy to reme her what it was like to see the world full of wonder as little Mary did. Her black leather shoes alternated between the crunch offreshleavesamd the click of stone with each step. Mary turned the corner and ran into her brother. The older boy barely noticed his sister, it was only as she raised her voice in protest did he raise a hand to single her silence. Mary's blue eyes followed his silent gaze to the crowd of people that was just a head. They were cold, silent even. Although there was quite a few of them they did not completely bloke the view of what they were looking at. There was a body, partially visable from under a pile of leaves. Some policemen were standing next to him, block Mary and her brother from seeing more.

Mary tugged at her brothers arm, dragging him back from the scene.

"John! I want to goooo home." She said, her voice pleading with him against seeing more of the body.

John turn back to his sister to deliver a snide remake, but one look at her face filled with fear silenced him. He nodded instead and took her hand. The pair walked slowly back to their house. Their youthful exhuberance clouded by the morbid events. Behind them the police men pulled away the rest of the leaves. An audzble gasp ca,me from the onlookersnas the mans bosy was clearly cut completely away from the waist down.