View Full Version : The Broken System...[Closed]

04-02-14, 05:26 PM
(Note: This takes place after Sin (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26449-Ixian-Knights-SOLO-The-Heavy-Burden-of-Sin) thank you. )

The great Nation of Corone was in shambles.

Outlying towns were forced to depend on their own depleting resources whilst the hated Empire worked to undo the freedom that Radasanth proper once held. The Empire, too, was in shambles as it's own enemies and in-fighting began to tear it apart. One of the outlying towns, a place called Amber Gem, represented the free Corone. Or those in Corone still trying to resist Empirical oppression. Amber Gem was freed by swift intervention from Sei Orlouge and members of his Ixian Knights. Most notable, the mysterious Paladin named Lorenor. Having earned the trust of Amber Gem's citizens, Lorenor worked with the locales to help liberate the town. There, he currently resided as a constable. Lorenor was a squire for the Paladin order, and had achieved much in a relatively short period of time. It was in those conditions, that Amber Gem found itself in. A meager courthouse, cathedral, and training center. The hunting grounds was comprised of Concordia Forest. Lorenor and the worked to train the militia to prevent another insurgency from ever occurring again. He knew the name of his enemy: The Warsong Battlefolk. They were a loosely meshed together federation of rebels seeking to lay siege to Radasanth in it's time of unprecedented weakness. Lorenor found a way to crush the insurgency using his faith as his shield. Once the task was completed, he worked as a guide to lead Amber Gem back to some state of prosperity.

Due to Lorenor's fairness, and open mind, the people elected him as constable and a temporary judge until the local magistrates were back in full working order. Lorenor took the job very seriously. Commanding The Holy Light, he used his profound wisdom to learn Corone's legal system. It was a momentous undertaking, one that took several months to complete. He never complained once. After he learned Corone's legal code of conduct, persecution, legal system, and punishment systems, Lorenor was fit to be a judge. He helped reside over many trials over the criminals that were taken into custody. He did not know, that the biggest trial of his life was lurking on the horizon.


That night was a night like any other.

In the hours he worked as a Judge for Amber Gem township, he tried to recite the full extent of "the law." At that time, he was studying legal documents and old tomes that dictated how a Judge should act during war time, and how a Judge should act in general. Lorenor would lead by both example, and with his leadership talents. He rose to the mantle that the locales gave him. The law of Corone was kept across a local library of tomes and books that had several key laws and other notes. By the third week, Lorenor memorized more than half of the library. People around him were immediately impressed with the Paladin's thirst for knowledge. He was as a chalice, attempting to be filled to the point of overflowing. Lorenor was studying in his chamber, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come." Lorenor said calmly.

It was Chancellor Uric. One of the local court administrators that had served in helping Lorenor get up to speed.

"Chancellor." Lorenor greeted the man warmly and closed the book he'd been reading. "Glad to see I am not the only one still up."

"Do you even sleep?" Chancellor Uric asked, and then chuckled warmly. "I suppose someone like yourself doesn't need to sleep, do they?"

"You're right about that. My kind apparently don't require sleep." Lorenor said in response. "I prefer to be doing something constructive anyway, there's a lot of work left to be done."

"You're right about that." The Chancellor walked towards Lorenor's desk, grabbed a chair and sat down upon it. "Lorenor. I know that you haven't been with us that long and you're simply trying to catch up and do right with the mandate that has been given to you. But consider this... most Judges spend their entire lives learning what you've learned in a few months! What you've been able to accomplish is nothing short of miraculous."

Lorenor laughed at that. "Have faith, Chancellor. Have faith." He looked at his friend. He sincerely considered Uric a friend. "The All Thayne has placed me here to do his work. I will see his work done as one of his Agents." Lorenor said matter of factly. "I am simply trying to do a good job so that I can be of some use."

"Lorenor." The Chancellor said. "I know that you have a checkered past, but what you have been able to do goes against all our known knowledge of the enemy." He continued. "Lord Yeshua tells me that you were formerly one of N'Jal's most powerful Agents. How did you break free from her grasp?"

"One must preserve professional secrets, now, wouldn't you agree?" Lorenor said with a growing smile. "I am glad that you are interested in what went on during my Reformation period." Lorenor closed his eyes, and the blue glow seemed to fade away for a moment. It left his face in shadow. "Let's just say, five years in a cell in that place will change anybody." Lorenor sighed. "I know it's not the type of answer you are looking for, Uric. But it will have to suffice for now." Lorenor continued. "Reformation worked for me and one other. It can work for others who are infected."

"You call being Spider Magi an infection. Is N'Jal a virus then?" Uric asked.

"Imagine if you would for a moment. The most intense hatred you could ever find yourself having, then magnify that with a conducting rod. You have something close to N'Jal as a result." He shook his head. "I have made it my sworn duty to defeat N'Jal." Lorenor said, a hint of rage in his voice and something like fear.

"So N'Jal is hatred?" Uric had a sincerely interested expression on his face. "Yeshua also said you KNEW N'Jal intimately. You were able to achieve a perfect union with one of the Thayne."

Lorenor laughed once again. "Not a union that was perfect, Yeshua over states what actually happened." His expression returned to normal. "I was merely a dedicated servant who was discarded like one would discard a broken toy. She used me, she used all of my people." But in the end, I will have vengeance. "I have been seeking a way to destroy N'Jal forever." Lorenor said calmly.

"Is such a crusade possible?" Uric asked.

"There is always a way." Lorenor said calmly. "When one has Faith the size of a mustard seed..." He smiled at the old religious anecdote. "But regardless, I intend to destroy a Thayne." Lorenor looked at Uric with a very serious expression. "My path is my own though, I don't expect to have many tag along on my fool's quest. Perhaps what I am attempting IS impossible. I do not know. But, I have made it my sworn duty to destroy N'Jal, and that's what I shall do."

"Lorenor." The Chancellor said. "You have my full support in your crusade against The Thayne."

Perhaps, it was a grandiose statement. Perhaps, Lorenor was indeed a fool. But, if someone like he could survive the reformation process of the Ixian Knights...maybe there was hope. Somewhere on Althanas, N'Jal waited, schemed and plotted against all of life. Lorenor would be ready to face her someday. All he needed was the three pieces of the legendary Quadratic Key. Further, once he combined the three pieces, he would find out where the last element of the puzzle lurked. The Gates of Sensibility. If Lorenor's scheme was correct, he could banish N'Jal and her minions BEHIND The Gates of Sensibility and her influence would forever leave Althanas. He didn't know if he would succeed, he also didn't know if he was indeed chasing a fool's dream. But one thing was certain...

I will chase her to the ends of time...N'Jal. N'Jal is fucked.

And so, he continued his conversation with chancellor Uric the entire night through.

Crafters Three
04-02-14, 06:45 PM
It was a clear night, and the stars twinkled in the sky. And this fateful night. Blood would be spilled. Those of a man whom a certain judge had befriended. And for that night, another would be blamed for the death of Chancellor Uric...
Five echoing through the night. Louder than a storm, yet as quiet as a mouse. And those five heartbeats was all it took for the shaman to formulate his plan.


The knife would be poisoned, extraordinarily deadly, making sure that Uric would die painfully, but seemingly of a very powerful, fast working sickness...


The night would have to be blacker than the form of his Nightmother, and once more, he would have to creep, without noise, into the Chancellor's home and strike.


The escape would be flawless, and the dagger would be left on the bedside table of a nearby inn. He would be free to roam as he might wish.


The forest would welcome him with open arms, the tender touch of the trees thanking him for the death of that horror. The one who accepted the weak.


He would steal away. And none would be the wiser....


Vorkal looked around him, his heart pounding. The people surrounding him would make getting into the house of Uric a very difficult job. Though he may be a careful man, this man was one who could improvise when he needed to. Only thing he would need to do is make sure that he looked like a real homeless man. The chancellor was so gullible. And normally welcomed the homeless and derelict into his home for a night or two, providing they don't betray his trust. Yet this, carefully planned death would be the ultimate betrayal on his side.

And yet on this fateful night there would be a solitary man out in the blackness. Enter Vasil Mirkglaive, Man of Beasts...

Vasil stood in the street his eyes closed,his faithful companion, Quan beside him. The white mountain tiger was looking up, to a rooftop far away, not seemingly in the view of any human eye, but he saw a shadowed figure looking into a study, where one man,and another, sat conversing. Vasil looked down at his friend.

"Quan, what's wrong?"

The tiger, sadly incapable of speech, only gave a dejected growl at the window off in the distance. Vasil looked on, and a bell was heard ringing through the night piercing the silence with it's deep tones,and then, a scream. A knife clattered to the ground, abandoned in the mad quest for shelter from the town's small militia. Vasil ran towards the sounds, cutting through side-streets, only to find a man dead on his doorstep, and a bloody knife next to him. He tried to pick up the Chancellor, to restore his life somehow, but his only reply was a gurgle of blood from his slit throat. It cascaded down his chest like a fount of bright wine, coating Vasil's hand in the thick, hot, crimson liquid. The few farmers ran in and looked in horror, at the scene, one of them jabbed out a scythe at the dagger on the ground, and the blood on Vasil's hands.

"It's him!"
"That's the killer"
"Take im' away!"
"Murderer! Death! How do ya feel now?"

The villagers chorused a series of insults at the innocent breeder, their eyes and minds straying to the fact that they needed someone to blame even though the true culprit was only a minute's walk away...


'We of the Common People seek death for the Murder of Chancellor Uric, to all parties responsible."

And in chains, at the back of the court, Vasil only sighed...

04-21-14, 06:54 PM
People have a mob mentality. I have never even seen this kid they are saying who did it before this whole sordid event began. But the facts never sat well with me. They say he was by my friend's side even up until the end. No murderer acts that way. I have to play along for the will of the people for now. But I am a student of the truth, a seeker of knowledge. And my mind tells me that this is not what it seems. Something else has happened here. I have had a chance to examine the dagger that killed my friend. The boy's scent and personal effects are not on the dagger. This doesn't make sense. I have had a chance to think clearly and get my head straightened on this matter. The people of Amber Gem are a passionate lot and they demand blood, but I will not spill the blood of someone innocent. My mantle will mandate that I must decree on the side of justice. The trial had been underway for a few days now since the capture and arrest of the mysterious boy named Vasil. Lorenor gathered the notes and evidence that the guards had presented him.

He looked in Chancellor Uric's chamber. That is where he stood that day. Seemed only yesterday he and his friend were sharing a few jokes, or talking about Lorenor's grand plans for them all. Now, Uric was gone. "I can't believe it." Lorenor closed his eyes tightly, letting the will of The All Thayne fill him. The Holy Light. Lorenor saw more than lesser men could. His glowing blue eyes faded as his eye sockets closed, and his face momentarily fell into darkness. Something was bothering him. He believed in the system, believed in the duties placed on his shoulder through the justice of Radasanth. I'm missing something. Because Uric had been one of Lorenor's closest allies, the paladin didn't want to miss anything that could be used in the trial. To either condemn or free Vasil from the burdens of guilt. He didn't know Vasil, but the boy's eyes did not appear like the cold eyes of a killer. People can mask their emotions...that is true too. However, I need to know what happened here. Lorenor knelt down at the exact spot where his friend's body lay. There was still crimson stains of blood, and the dagger was present. It was in Lorenor's possession and he had to examine it thoroughly in order to gleam what evidence he could.

Kneeling down, he was no stranger to the sight of blood. Lorenor knew the blood held secrets. As a spider magi, he once thirsted for blood and flesh. Old habits die hard. Lorenor touched the stain of blood for a moment and kept his eyes closed.

"What do you suppose he's doing?"

Lorenor could hear nervous chatter from the guard folk out in the hallway. They are afraid...they should be... When Lorenor touched the still warm floor, he heard something. A voice. Lorenor half expected to hear the call of that bitch, N'Jal, once more. But alas, it was a different voice. It was the voice of his new Master. The All Thayne. Lorenor whispered back to the presence in his mind. Paladins were followers of The Thayne in general, but his mentor, Yeshua, was a follower of The All Thayne. Lorenor formed a covenant with The All Thayne long since. Through that covenant, Lorenor could commune with his master, and learn the truth in mysteries. Amongst many other matters. The All Thayne could speak through The Holy Light, though he did not achieve a perfect union just yet. There is a mystery for you to solve here. Lorenor kept his hand on the still warm floor. As The All Thayne communed with Lorenor, something happened. Lorenor saw a quick flash of a shadowy figure, Uric's throat slit, and he felt the pain of his best friend's death. He fell backwards for a moment as the flash pulsed in his mind. Is this evidence? Lorenor asked. Lorenor knew that The All Thayne's images were few and far between, blessings his mentor called them.

Lorenor was helped up by one of the guards.

"Are you all right?" The guard asked.

"I saw something..." Lorenor said carefully. "The All Thayne showed me an image..."

"What sort of image?" There were some who believed Lorenor was a prophet. The guards were looking at one another with a confused look.

"There was someone else here..." Lorenor stood up and regained his balance.


"I don't know yet." Lorenor admitted, it was still too early in the investigation and trial to figure out what was going on. "Might be a coincidence. But my gut tells me something else happened here." Lorenor turned and looked at his companions right in the eyes.

"What would you have me do?" The man asked, and his friends were ready to give their lives for Lorenor.

"We have to proceed very carefully here." Lorenor said quietly. "You two. Do you swear your lives for The All Thayne?" Lorenor asked.

There were several guards present, but Lorenor was asking TWO specific men their loyalty. "We do." They said in unison, without hesitation.

"Listen to me very carefully."


"All rise for the honorable Judge Lorenor."

Funny that title still makes me nervous. Lorenor wore the robes of a fully fledged Judge. Granted, his jurisdiction was in the courts of Amber Gem, the small province in Corone. He had no formal jurisdiction just yet, until he was elected as a Grand Judge. Lorenor understood that the trial that was underway would make or break his career. If it was the will of The All Thayne, Lorenor would see it done. He looked at the gathered crowd in the audience. The accused party was there, Vasil, and Uric's "defenders" were present as well. It was a neatly laid out court room. The gathered crowd were present as well as several armed security units. Lorenor took his place at the head of the court house and sat down upon the seat. For a moment, he could have sworn he saw several people before him. People who were not physically present in the court, but the spirits of various other Judges before him. He nodded to them. Then, he took on a commanded voice, as he sat down. "All be seated." Lorenor said calmly, his glowing blue eyes swirling like a vortex, creating a surreal effect on the judge's position. Lorenor looked at Vasil for a long moment. Then he looked at the court mandated legal defenders. The lawyers. "You two to my presence." Lorenor suddenly said.

Curiously, the two lawyers looked at one another as the unorthodox Judge began the preceding of the trial.

They both walked towards Lorenor without hesitation. It was Uric's defender who spoke first. "Yes, your honour?"

"You two have studied all of the evidence presented forth?" Lorenor asked. "Be careful, both of you are under oath."

"We have." They said together.

"All right. Then we may proceed with the trial. Lawyers back to your seats." Lorenor said. Lorenor took a deep breath and then looked at the gathered towns. "Today, we stand before The All Thayne." Lorenor began. "We, as a community have been tasked with discovering the truth about Chancellor Uric's murder." Lorenor paused for a moment. "Be advised, that I considered Chancellor Uric a very personal friend. So I have taken this loss very seriously, we all have. The guilty will not walk away from this event. The guilty party will be found and convicted to the full extent of Radasanth law." Suddenly, several guards entered the court session. Lorenor spotted his friends as they entered the court and walked towards Lorenor with a sealed package marked "Evidence." Lorenor took the parcel. "The court acknowledges receipt of the parcel marked Evidence."

"Your honour?" Uric's defender suddenly asked. "We were not told of this..."

"There is no need." Lorenor rebuked. "It is my duty to weigh all evidence presented before me, and come up with a suitable mandate to the full extent of Radasanth law. You two have your duties as well, but they do not supersede the mandate of the court, am I clear?"

"Yes, your honor." Uric's defender said.

Lorenor looked at Vasil's lawyer. "May the defendant and his lawyer please step forward."

Crafters Three
07-14-14, 08:42 PM
Vasil walked up to a medium sized table in the front of the courtroom. His eyes were bloodshot and sunken. He had clearly been up for the past couple days spent in a surprisingly comfortable “cell.”

“Vasil, known by the surname Mirkglaive, do you swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but said truth, with the All Thayne's eyes as your witness?” The bailiff asked, nodding his head curtly in the direction of the accused. The man was of fair height, and was heavily set, definitely older though.

“I swear, under the All Thayne.” Vasil said in response, his eyes drifting upwards to the judge, a man with two points of blue light for eyes, but still had a vaguely kind look on his face. He looked at the defense's table, his eyes focusing on the burly man in a white robe, that was supposedly a witness. Vasil's lawyer stepped forward, beginning his statement.

“Vasil is innocent, and he pleads as such. The evidence will prove this.” The lawyer began. He then reached into a small case on the table, producing a key.

“What does a key have to do with ANY of this!?” a man shouted from the back, and the bailiff immediately glared at him, and he sneered. The burly man stalked to the little gate between the tables and the viewer's seats, and quickly shushed him with a pat of the shortsword on his hip, and the little ring that glowed with blue light on his finger.

The man quickly sat down with a hasty apology, and the defense growled at the bailiff. He said nothing, lest be charged for a crime himself, but still let out that little sound of defiance. Vasil glanced at the key on the table, and remembered a small key on the front doorstep, one that-

“As I was saying, this key was found on the front doorstep. Is such a young lad supposed to be able to form a perfect key to the door of the chancellor?” The lawyer then motioned for an armor clad man to come up to the front. On the back shoulder of his armor there was a strange insignia, a line, and a rising sun. Vasil raised an eyebrow. There was somewhere he had seen that insignia somewhere before.

“Surely, this child could have been around this town for months, and it takes little time to convince a blacksmith that you had a mold of a key made for safe keeping.” The defense argued. The white robed man nodded, and then raised his hand, holding up a leash, one made of leather, and it had bits of white on it.

“No! QUAN!” Vasil yelled as two men dragged in his companion, who had blood on his fur. He growled and raised a paw, but one of the men kicked him and he went limp. Vasil stood up from his chair, his eyes full of pure rage, and sadness.

“This, animal-” The man spat out the word, almost as if it were a bad taste in his mouth. “-Was found near the scene, following the one you call Vasil. When going through his bags, we found this leash... Obviously the thing was free, and ready to kill anyone.” The man walked over to Vasil's tiger and sneered at it.

Vasil stalked up to the table, his face twisted into a grimace of sheer determination to save his friend.

“I raised Quan from a cub, he'd only ever hurt someone who hurt me. So get the fact out of your mind that he's some killer of all, and I don't keep him on a leash, he doesn't like it.” The massive cat growled in assent, and in Vasil's mind, it translated to “No, I'd also hurt murderers, torturers, hunters of rare animals, and the such”

Vasil's lawyer was standing there stunned, his face showing a mix of emotions. He replaced the key in the case, drawing out a document.

“Since when can they take the defendant's items and companions? I never got to see those packs. It explicitly is stated in Article 4 of the Radasanthian Civil Dispute Agreement that the defense must see the same evidence that the prosecution sees.” He said eyes scanning over the evidence list. He shook his head, and shrugged.


The bailiff barged into the middle of the room, his eyes frantic.

“Judge Lorenor....” he started, coughing, a wet hacking sound. “I'm afraid there are two more dead” he ended, falling to the ground, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

07-27-14, 10:44 PM
"Order in MY court." Lorenor's voice suddenly boomed through the room.

When that last interruption came, Lorenor paid careful attention. "Who was hit this time?" Lorenor asked, as if he half expected that there would be MORE murders. He already knew the answer and logical answer to the case, Vasil was innocent. Though he had authority to simply release Vasil right then and there, there were legal procedures that had to be followed. Lorenor looked at the guard who was beating up Vasil's friend. "If you harm that animal in my court once more, I will send you to the gallows for capital punishment, am I understood?" Lorenor was deadly serious. He returned his attention back towards the newcomer. "Who was hit?" Lorenor asked.

"Two guards. They were caught completely off guard, never stood a chance." The man was openly crying. I'll have to inform their families of their loss myself since I am their superior officer." The man said.

"Their names please." Lorenor said in response.

"They were cadets, barely out of Radasanth's military school. Ryngol and Shenks." The officer said in between sobs.

Lorenor listened to the names as they were spoken. He took loss of life VERY seriously. Then, he knew there was a matter that needed to be attended to. "All rise." Lorenor said. "Will the two lawyers and the defendant step forward please." Lorenor was CERTAIN of Vasil's innocence by then. They had sent the wrong man to jail in a moment of weakness and despair. At that point he was glad that the law was impartial. Men like Lorenor could interpret the law in a fair and precise way. Lorenor had already weighed the evidence that he was shown, that he KNEW about that the lawyers did not have acccess to but he did. It was his job to interpret the law as fairly as he could. Once they were all before him, Lorenor began to speak.

"As a Judge, it is my duty to be fair and unbiased towards everyone. I am a student of The Law." Lorenor said. "So far, I have weighed the "evidence" both for and against the defendant. And first, let me tell you all one thing." Lorenor looked at Vasil for a long moment, with an apologetic smile. "This court owes Vasil, the defendant, and his ally the deepest and most sincere apology. Regardless of what any of you might think, he is not the one who murdered Chancellor Uric." Lorenor said. He motioned towards the nearby bailiff. There was a stunned reaction from the crowd. "Release Vasil from bonds." Lorenor said calmly. "Further, release his companion from bonds as well. Make sure they are both given a hot meal and well deserved rest after their long ordeal." Lorenor said calmly. Then, he shot the Uric's lawyer a serious expression. "I have never seen such a blatant disrespect of the law in my time spent as a Judge." Lorenor continued. "I am going to recommend that you be put under review for your actions towards Vasil and his family, and further, that you never be allowed to hold the title of Lawyer ever again, This motion is to be enacted immediately." Lorenor suddenly slammed the hammer down on his podium. "One last thing. Chancellor Uric's killer is still out there. I am recommending that Amber Gem be put on full alert. Double up security everywhere until this mad killer is found and put to justice for the death of a loyal defender of our community." Lorenor said.

The crowd was immediately in an uproar. "I have seen a lot in my day." Lorenor continued. He was addressing Vasil and the gathered. "Chancellor Uric was a good man whose death will NOT go unpunished. But we are not in the business of revenge or savagery." Lorenor said. "I will personally launch a FULL investigation into locating the TRUE killers identity." Lorenor hit his hammer against the podium again. "This case is now dismissed and the defendant is Innocent. Court's adjourned." Lorenor said and approached Vasil after he ended the court session.

"Child, might I have a word with you?" Lorenor asked of Vasil as the people in the courtroom, civilians and guards alike, left. Lorenor was thankful that he'd assisted in the salvation of an innocent man.