View Full Version : The Mantle of Justice. (SOLO)

04-05-14, 04:10 PM
(SOLO Unless someone shows an interest. This is part 3 of a series thank you very much. Sin and Broken System are the first two parts of the Lorenor chronology.)

It was a Monday. The wind came in comfortably at about six or seven miles per hour. It was a bit on the chilly side, with a few clouds clinging to the heavenly vaults. Constable Lorenor patrolled Amber Gem, a small township on the Yarborough district area of Corone. Lorenor and a man named Zarkin recently freed Amber Gem from the iron grasp of a madman's cult. Though the cult was not completely defeated, and several of it's members escape that day, Lorenor had grown fond of Amber Gem's populace. Lorenor quickly made friends with his bold rescue of Amber Gem, and found himself as an apprentice to the local judicial magistrate overseeing the feeble court system there. There was ONE court house to be sure, and old building with a lot of history. Amber Gem was a small township with several key structures and an embattled economy. But those days, Corone was in short supply of economic success. The Empire had seen to that.

Corone needed it's stalwart Heroes and defenders of justice now more than ever. Lorenor was one such Hero. He worked to learn Corone's legal defense system so that he could teach it to others. So that he could help defend the government of Radasanth and it's ways during it's darkest hour. Lorenor would need to rally the citizens of Corone someday against The Empire's forces. For now though, Lorenor thought on a much smaller scale. He was trying to free local districts and towns from a recent crime spree of anarchists and rebels plotting a hostile take over of Radasanth. Lorenor would see that this shift in Corone's paradigm would be stopped right at the source. But first...he needed to earn the trust and faith of the people.

To win freedom, win the hearts of the people... Lorenor felt the breeze swirling through his clothing as he stood there. There was a dispute that occurred between two of the townfolks. Someone had attempted to shoplift an item from one of the various open stalls in the market area of Amber Gem. Lorenor was listening to the arguments of both sides, as a Constable and defender of Radasanth's laws. The old, rustic town would be one of the last few bastions of Radastanth's freedoms in the coming war. Lorenor knew that. He was trying to play on the winning side, but he also knew there would be coming casualties in the battles ahead. For now, he had to train himself to be powerful.

"He's a bloody thief!" The merchant was saying. By then, a crowd of gawkers had gathered and were attempting to instigate the incident. "He tried to lift it in broad daylight!"

"I ain't took NOTHING." The accused party was saying. "I was simply comparing the items before you assumed that I was TRYING to take it. I ain't no bloody thief, and you should be ashamed of yerself for thinking such!" The accused man was saying.

Lorenor listened very carefully to the details. His eyes were closed and his mind processed the details quickly, effectively. He was a problem solver, and there was a problem that needed to be solved. As he listened to the parties involved the gathered crowd attempted to instigate matters further so that there were only be people hurt. Lorenor had to prevent that at all costs. Because of the lack of any real government in Radasanth, the people were on edge everywhere you turned. Lorenor had to help diffuse the problems that arose in Amber Gem as quickly as possible. There was only a fickle peace, and he knew that to be the truth. Lorenor was the long arm of the law, and he had skilled people backing his decisions up. However, things were not easy and there were always those parts of the involved parties that were left offended. Disgruntled. Lorenor knew that came with the territory, it was human nature to never be completely satisfied.

The merchant turned towards Lorenor. "Constable. What say you on this matter? You here to arrest this THIEF?!"

"Everyone be calm." Lorenor said, his voice profoundly baritone as he commanded those around him. He had a commandin presence, and a commanding voice. "I'm going to need people to relax as I make a decision based on the evidence at hand." Lorenor said calmly. There were whispers in the crowd as the onlookers watched the constable work. His mind had already come up with an adequate solution, but he wanted to be fair to both parties at once. When justice was invoked because of a perceived wrong doing, Lorenor had to tread extra carefully. "No crime has taken place here. The item has not been damaged, or taken, rather the item was being examined." Lorenor said. "I will ask that unless you intend to make a purchase of said item or items in general that you return the item in question. And do so in a quick and timely fashion." Lorenor had spoken.

The law had spoken.

Immediately, the man who had the item in his possession returned the item back to it's owner.

The item was placed back on the stalls. The merchant turned to look at the constable. "Constable, may I have a word with you once the crowd disperses?" The merchant asked.

"Aye, Jonas." Lorenor said to Jonas the Merchant. "We may speak." The man who was accused of thieving was man named Lankin, he recently moved into town to work Concordia Forest as a logger. He was one of those roughneck types. Lorenor walked over to Jonas's stall.

"You let him go...?" Jonas asked, there was a hint of frustration in his voice.

"He'd done nothing wrong. It's easy to overreact with all the tensions of late." Lorenor smiled softly and looked at Jonas square in the eyes. "We all have to guard our freedoms with the same care we would use to guard our lives. There are forces at work attempting to steal our freedoms from us, and we must rise against those forces." Lorenor said, he sincerely meant that.

"I am aware of the troubles in Radasanth, Constable." He shook his head, he was clearly displeased by Lorenor's decisions. "I don't have to like the way you do things sometimes, but you are the acting Constable." The merchant suddenly got a very serious expression on his face. "Next time though, be more strict with those thieves." He said. "You'll be hard pressed to earn the trust of the folk 'round here if you keep allowing petty criminals to go."

"I understand your concern, Jonas." Lorenor said and continued. "The legal system's resources are sparse and we need to keep our sacred laws intact. If I can handle things on the spot, I will. I prefer not to make an arrest if necessary, I want people to experience the weight of Justice fairly and with an open mind and heart." Lorenor continued. "The right choice was made, Jonas, you will have to leave it at that. If the item in quest was in fact harmed or damaged, I would have decided otherwise."

Jonas sighed and shrugged. "Very well, Constable. I will leave it at that. Are you gonna purchase any of my wares today?" He asked.

Lorenor smiled. "Not today Jonas, I have duties to attend to."