View Full Version : Potions Purchase

04-05-14, 07:51 PM
This is a request for pricing on several potions, throwing or otherwise, that are detailed in my profile but Ill put bellow also for convenience.

x2 Fire splash potions
x2 Acid splash potions
x1 Smog vial of Smog poison
x1 Combat Draught

Effects in the spoiler.

Acid splash potions contain a highly corrosive substance which can eat through simple materials and metals fairly quickly, depending on the thickness and quality. While obviously handy in combat, they also have a variety of every day uses, dissolving through locks for example.

Fire Splash potions contain a highly combustible substance which ignites as soon as it makes contact with open air. A standard vial, when thrown, will cause an fiery explosion between 5-8 feet in square diameter.

Smog, Etrius' special brand of poison has two main properties; when coated onto a weapon and introduced into the bloodstream, the target will suffer from nausea, dizziness, and will be severely weakened. The interesting thing about the compound is that when introduced to water (or any almost any liquid really), the poison will evaporate into a thick, dark mist that, when breathed induces the same effects as stated before. In addition, it can also be absorbed through the eyes in this form, adding blindness to the symptoms. A standard vial contains enough to create enough mist to fill a 5-10 foot square radius. Due to the effect liquid has on the poison, wounds made with a coated weapon tend to let out small amounts of the mist itself.

Combat draught Is a simple yet strong mixture of various painkillers, anti-coagulants, and amphetamines. The overall effect is that it slows or stops bleeding of minor to medium wounds, and helps deal with pain and fatigue, temporally giving the user the ability to continue fighting, or give him one last little boost in order to flee. Either way, this potion is best only used in emergencies, as not only is it very addictive, but once its worn off the user suffers from what could equate to the 'worlds worst hangover'. This 'come-down' lasts between 14-36 hours, the combination of the wounds received in combat and the potions sides effects leaves the user weakened, and unable to defend himself. Do NOT use more than once in 24 hours.

I'd also like pricing on ingredients for crafting them myself as Alchemy is a char Ability.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
04-14-14, 02:36 PM
40GP for the acid splash

40GP for the fire splash.

75GP for Smog poison.

75GP for Combat Draught.

As for the ingredients themselves, I ask for your patience; I will be discussing this topic with Dirks next time I catch him in Chat.

04-14-14, 02:49 PM
kewl, then I'll take 1 Acid, 2 Fire and 1 Smog Poison please shop keep'!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
04-14-14, 02:52 PM
Transaction Complete.

195GP to be deducted from Soap's account.

04-15-14, 10:12 AM
Soap now has less cash.

Account deducted from 200GP to 5GP.

Transaction complete.