View Full Version : Out of town & Columbus Althanas Con!

04-09-14, 03:52 PM
Apologies to all who wait on me for posts, it's spring con season and that means I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off. For the next several days I'll be out of town for a comics show and while I'll still be stopping by the site occasionally, it won't be reliably.

For part of that time, I'll be staying with my lovely friend Melody (you may know her as Pepita), who coincidentally happens to be married to Christoph now. It'll be like a mini Althanas Con!

Otto, if the group wants to finish the DnD-inspired quest without me, I understand –– I don't want to hold everything up. Just be sure to avenge Rez and torture Tobias for me. ; )

I'll be back in action on Tuesday... hopefully. Probably. Anyway, the next trip isn't for a few weeks, so I'll likely catch up on posts when I return!