View Full Version : Dowfalling and Degrading - Episode I

The Muri
04-13-14, 06:34 PM
SOLO! I don't know how many of these I'm going to release, but these are short background threads about how Kaida/ Jetta came to Althanas. I plan on using these to level up and give Kaida her endurance and willpower abilities I have in mind, then from level three out I'll be giving her actual powers. Also, throughout this entire thing you'll see Kaida Jetta use powers I never even placed into her profile. Guys, this is a BACKSTORY thread which explains her history in detail. She has a lot more powers here, but after she's transported to Althanas she looses them all except for some of her natural abilities. So please do not count this against the score.


"I hate you all..."

The group around Jetta just laughed and laughed. They laughed at her. Saturday night was a great way to get away from training and just plain have fun. In Sunday, there was no school or additional training classes so this was the only day of the week that anybody could stay up late. At the dining area at sector 387 of the atomic space ship heading towards Gliesa 581, Jetta was hanging around with the rest of her trainee squad just eating pizla and having a great time. However, Jetta was unfortunate to have another teenager, Jason, spill soda over her blond hair and down her back. Everybody else, even Jetta's best friend Enya, were all just laughing and rolling at their table. Jetta pulled some of her now wet hair over her head and resorted to sulking.

Enya, who was sitting across from her, giggled in additional amusement, "Aw, c'mon, Jetta! You have to admit that was funny- especially your face when it happened!"

Jetta just glared at her, "Not funny..." and she picked up one of the triangle slices of pizla up to her mouth again.

Jetta walked into the section of sector 95 where her family's quarters were. Jetta's family consisted of Jetta and her father Geht Well. She walked into the neat quarters which looked like any other quarter. The grey walls were as bland as cardboard that hadn't been scribbled on and looked as dead as a space rat. Jetta's clothes were stained with the brown pop and her hair dye was ruined. She stalked over to the short-quartered room where the rather small restroom was - she was taking a shower!

Before she could however, she heard a familiar voice behind her, "Well look at you!"

Jetta turned around to see her father leaning against the doorway to his bedroom... literally, all there was was a bed and a nightstand - barely even room to walk on. The arching doorways were smooth as milk, Jetta hated them. Her father was snickering at her, and she knew why.

"Dad, don't ask."

She chuckled lightly, "What else can I expect, you're a teenager." He pushed himself away from the sliding door and walked up to her, "You smell like Pepsi..."

Jetta growled, "Yes, dad, yes I do..."

He full out laughed this time, "Well then, go freshen up so you don't stay that way."

Jetta rolled her eyes, "That's what I was doing..." And without any more words she stalked into the restroom and pushed the button that closed the door behind it.

The Muri
04-13-14, 06:51 PM
Jetta stood in line alongside the others, today was that awful Monday...

The trainees were all in the training HQ, standing in front of their teacher Natasha. Natashi was a militaristic woman who's jet black hair was tied back into a tight bun and was wearing strict army clothes. While most students hated her, Jetta looked forwards to every session with her because she focused on training more than anything. Jetta knew that with this teacher, she would become extremely strong. Each year, a new teacher was assigned to the trainee group, this year had just begun and already students had formed strong opinions about this one, Either they slightly liked her or loathed her... all except Jetta.

Jetta kept a formal pose as Natasha lashed out her orders, "Okay, ladies and ladies, you are going to prove your abilities to survive tough climates on rough, terrestrial planets. In today's live board you will be climbing a rocky cliff similar to those found on a freezing planet. Due to the reality of such planetary conditions, you will be wearing a real life space suit. I do not want to hear complaints like 'I'm tired' or 'Can we stop now'" the mimicry she put into it made everybody who behaved in such ways sound like cry babies, "You are soldiers, not kids! I expect perfection from every single one of you!"

All the students, including Jetta saluted her, "Sir, yes, sir!"

Then everybody walked over to where they would change into their heavy space suits, which looked like the basic 21st century space suits. Enya sighed and whispered into her ear, "I love how she works us out, but I hate how she speaks."

Jetta continued suiting up and whispered back, "No talking behind her back. Let's talk after we do this, okay?"

Enya humphed, knowing not to argue with Jetta during training, and simply suited up.

The Muri
04-13-14, 07:25 PM
Jetta and Enya were walking together down one of the major sector hallways, Enya was just plain on ratting away to her. "What the crap they don't even let you take a freaking break this year! What the heck I demand an explanation to this! Oh my f... ..." On and on.

But Jetta wasn't listening, she was day dreaming about her father. Geht Well was a hero of the ship who saved everyone from the possibilities of being destroyed from several humongous rocks throughout the asteroid belt. Geht was a war master, a guardian, a protector. Jetta had been very young, but she still loved her father and was extremely proud of it. She had sworn to become just like him and since then, had worked extremely hard to be so. She burned the midnight oil and even the three-o-clock oil studying and training. So far, she was rather strong for a human of her age, and she was also quick and agile. She had even been nicknamed "the Jet" due to her extraordinary physical fitness. Jetta was hard boiled, boiled as leather, and always paid attention to any classes she was in.

"...m it! And it annoys me so much that they freaking- HEY, are you even listening to me?!"

Jetta blinked

Not done. I'M GETtING ICE CREAM!!! ^_^