View Full Version : Price Check - Magic Bag

Fox Owen Xavier
04-15-14, 09:24 PM

Would like a quick price check on a magical bag that allows pretty much anything to fit inside of it and be weightless. For appearance, I was thinking leather, hide, or something somewhat durable and hopefully doesn't stand out too much (Not good to have everyone trying to kill you for your magical item). Sizewise... Could I have a few different prices maybe one for a pouch size, a larger bag, and maybe even an expandable size one that could stretch enough to put a human or something like that inside?

I guess one other thought on the bag is maybe having it link to some room or something in another dimension but I think that might be a lot more expensive?


Edit: Also, how much for a teleport stone? One use per day, requires 10 or so minutes of concentration to use (so no in battle use unless opponent wants to sit there for 10 minutes without distracting user). For range, ideally anywhere (more of a traveling device to get to different countries and places quickly. Finally, would this be considered an ability?

Thanks again.

Edit 2: Guess I'll just do a list view if it is easier to see what I would like

Magical Bag

Properties - Stores unlimited amount of stuff, weightless
Sizes - How much for pouch, bag, and either an expandable or just large sack that could fit a person inside
Material - Something durable but doesn't attract unneeded attention and ideally cheap I suppose
Does it cost extra for having it link to a warehouse or something on another plane? (Basically a private storage area only accessible through the bag)

Teleport Stone

One use per day
Range - Anywhere the user has been
Time required to use - 10 minutes of concentration on place desired
Does this count as an ability or not?

Fox Owen Xavier
05-01-14, 05:10 PM
Okay, talked to Aure in chat a bit about these items. Sounds like I might change up the magical bag idea into something else and probably go questing for that.

I'm still interested in the teleport stone. It sounds reasonable from the quick calculations that Aure did however, I would like to know if it an ability or not to ROG...

Aurelianus Drak'shal
05-01-14, 05:18 PM
I quoted Fox at 115 GP, just to have it on record here.

But aye, if someone from RoG could check if this will be deemed an ability, that'd be magic.

Max Dirks
05-02-14, 01:59 AM
Adding the concentration element makes it an ability, but without it it's fine.

Fox Owen Xavier
05-02-14, 08:43 AM
Okay, after talking with Hysteria and reading Dirk's reply, I think this version works?

Wandering Stone: Once a day the stone can teleport itself and the holder to a desired location. The holder pictures the location, and after five seconds is teleported.

If so, can I have a price? I'm guessing it might be a bit different then the one above.

Thank you,

Aurelianus Drak'shal
05-02-14, 08:55 AM
Just to be clear, are you still going for bronze as the base material, or are you changing it to stone?

Fox Owen Xavier
05-02-14, 09:02 AM
Whatever is cheapest :)

Aurelianus Drak'shal
05-02-14, 09:20 AM
Alright, apologies about this but I calculated the price wrong in Chat.

I've re-done the math, and looked back at my previous work with teleporting stones. Now, for one teleport a day, and a bronze object, I can still do the item for 188GP.

Fox Owen Xavier
05-02-14, 09:41 AM
Okay, sounds good. Do I need to do a midlevel update or something to add it to my character sheet when the purchase goes through?

Aurelianus Drak'shal
05-02-14, 09:48 AM
Don't quote me on this, but most people I've seen just put a link in their signature until their next level up, then put it in to their sheet.

Will there be anything else?

Fox Owen Xavier
05-02-14, 10:01 AM
Believe that is all. Thank you for the help.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
05-02-14, 10:03 AM
[i]Transaction Complete[/b]

188GP to be deducted from Fox Owen Xavier's account.

05-02-14, 11:21 AM
Gold had been deducted from 1,250 to 1,062 GP.

Transaction complete.

Please link this thread in any relevant profile updates.

Max Dirks
05-02-14, 11:30 AM
This transaction is invalid. Please contact me in private.

Fox Owen Xavier
05-02-14, 01:33 PM
Okay, could I have my gold refunded until we figure it out how to go forward?

Thank you.

05-02-14, 01:51 PM
Though it is mundane, I have adjusted your GP as though the transaction never happened. You again have 1,250 GP.

Fox Owen Xavier
05-02-14, 01:57 PM
Thank you Lye. Not really a big deal but sometimes people forget stuff and things get lost (I lose so many things) so figured it would be best to take care of it so no one has to worry about something being forgotten.

Fox Owen Xavier
05-06-14, 08:44 PM
Well, sounds like the price is going to be 1500 gold for one teleport per day (like Zack's stone I think). Since I don't have that much at the moment, I guess I'll ask this thread to be closed as incomplete. Maybe in the future when I have the money I'll end up buying it (had some ideas for uses).

05-06-14, 10:39 PM
I will front you 250 GP if that is needed to fund a 1,500 GP stone. Let me know if the quoted price is more so I can yay/nay the final total.

Fox Owen Xavier
05-07-14, 03:36 PM
Okay, so I guess I'm going to go ahead and buy the stone. Mind if I roleplay it out? If so, should I create a new thread or do it here?

@Lye, Dirks stated the price is 1500 gold unless I heard him wrong. I decided just to copy the teleport description from Zack since the wording seemed to be clear for other people to read and understand how it works.

Teleportation Stone: A copy of the infamous teleport stone that Zack Blaze won in the Adventurer's Crown. It allows the holder to teleport anywhere on Althanas once per day, so long as the person has the image in his/her head.

Alyssa Snow
07-23-14, 11:47 AM
I'm going to close and archive this thread. Fox, if you want to go through with a purchase, IC or OC, please open another thread and link this one for reference to agreed pricing.