View Full Version : Breaking Blades

The Muri
04-16-14, 11:22 PM
Closed to Hysteria. Brief, light bunnying approved at my end.

Well, here was fight number two.

Having just exited a first fight with a mysterious, black cloaked stranger I was shocked to immediately be invited to another. I was given no information on my opponent, by I was kind enough to take their offer. I still had no idea who I was and where I came from, I woke up on a beach and from there on out just tried my best to find my way. Perhaps getting a name through the Citadel would be a good puzzle piece to place in. I, Kaida, would fight my hardest.


The room I entered this time was in a round room with a dome roof made of metals. In the very center of the room was a glass cylinder that reached all the way up to the ceiling. The entire thing was enriched with dark, orange flames which gave the entire room a dark color. The floor was carpeted in an elegant red design which covered the entire ground. The walls and roof were made of some common metal - probably steel. I could instantly tell that the glass containing the fire was extremely strong. Outside that there wasn't anything to note about the small room. It was an interesting place, much better than the shabby barn from last time.

I pulled my backpack off and placed my armor, iron shoulder and leg plates, on. I also clipped my throwing knife kit to my belt. I took off my wires and cables and stuffed them in my backpack, finding no use for them here, and I zipped up the bag. After throwing it into a corner I turned and looked around, waiting for whoever opponent I should face.

05-05-14, 08:13 AM
I lifted a hand instinctively as soon as I entered. The light was not dazzling, but it was sudden. The heat less so, a dull warmth radiating off the centre column of glass encased fire. I couldn't help myself but turn wide blue eyes to the roof. Plated metal, smoothed by what I guessed were a easily a thousand strokes of a buffing rag. My eyes twisted across the structure, mouth slightly agape at the impressiveness of the setting until they fell on my opponent. I closed my mouth, suddenly feeling foolish at my amateurish approach to the battle. Was I getting careless? Did it not still hurt to die? Doubt was the killer. One pause leads to death. Perhaps mine, more likely others.

Back in control I faced the woman, giving myself only a brief opportunity to glance around at the rest of the room. It was impressive, but I didn't let my wonder show again. My face went back to the careful crafted smile and easy going, if not slightly bored, looking eyes.

“Guess I'm fighting a kid.” I bathed in the irony of my words. My opponent looked a few years older than me. Was she? Was I? I let my smile broaden at the internal joke. I looked barely thirteen, and a short-ass even for that. My black hair hung limply in front of my eyes, partly obscuring their sapphire hues. I had to admit I liked my eyes. They were the one thing about myself I never changed. Like two pools of water surrounded by the pale white sand of my skin. I felt connected when I looked in a mirror. I felt real.

I didn't waste too much time on formalities. The Citadel was the Citadel after all. A place to blow of steam, to see what skills lay outside the isolated world that was the Ixian Knights. My shirt hung loosely from my small frame, unadorned by any weapons. The shirt, a pair of black pants and a dopey smile. These were enough. I lifted my arm and motioned for the girl to attack me. Any more cocky and I'd be Zack Blaze.

The Muri
05-05-14, 08:41 AM
I scoffed at the birst remark. He looked younger than me yet he dared to say that he was facing a child. I rolled my eyes in a sassy way and said, "Speak for yourself..." This boy already was getting on my nerves, I hoped he wouldn't case too much trouble before I'd kill him. I was a bit curious about him as well. Who was this boy? Where did he come from? I wished to know before the end of this.

I reached for my throwing knife kit and unzipped it. I drew out a knife. The throwing dagger had plentiful amount of rigged edges which almost made the knife look like a Christmas tree. The sharp edges were indeed painful, more painful going out then going in. In the close range I was at, it would be easy for me to thrust the iron weapon with enough force for it to fly very fast towards him - and of course, I would not use all five of these up immediately. However, this throw was to simply see what he was made of.

Within the interesting room, there was no room to run in the open; just enough room to run in circles around the glass structure of fire. I walked over to where I was standing at a good place for ranged combat (which was still several yards away from him) and lifted my arm into a position where I could throw my knife with ease. I blinked, wondering if I looked too young... I then asked him, "What's your name?"

Then I flung the spiked throwing knife at him.

05-11-14, 07:57 AM
I let my eyes wander across the girl as she pulled out the knife. Something always bugged me during these fights. Was there some sort of pre-ordained fate to the battles? An unseen, guiding hand that forced two people to cross? The question would likely never be answered. Fate was one of those things that people sold on shop corners like any other drug. They promised control, I knew such a thing didn't exist.

The girl was arrogant; I liked arrogant. I lifted my hands up, just a shrug in response when she asked for my name. There was that pesky arrogance again. Raising its head and pushing me treat my opponent as less than an equal. The next second was a blur. I relied on my reflexes more than my sight. A melding of perception and action without any pesky thoughts to interfere. I twisted to the side, my left hand trailing out behind me as the blade whizzed passed my ear. The moment was over, the first attack thrown. I lifted my hand up, the girl's knife clasp between my fingers.

“My name?” I asked, straightening up and turning the blade over in my hand. I pretended to gaze at the metal work. In truth I could care less, “My name is Talen. Of whom do I have the privilege of defeating today?”

I flicked the blade into the air, catching it by the handle as it fell. Perception in battle was always more important than fact. I shoved my other hand into my pocket and relaxed my shoulders. I almost felt as if I was channelling the the persona of the jerks in my life. If I started laughing I'd be that dick Jensen. Who knows? Maybe I was already on my way. With a flick I threw and caught the blade again, showing off the knife the girl had attacked me with.

The Muri
05-16-14, 02:59 PM
I scoffed when he mentioned my defeat. Really? Did he think that already? I still felt myself smirking. I drew Calcator and clasped it with both hands. "I'm Kaida - and who said you were defeating me?" I smiled and raced towards the man, Talen, who actually was an epic name; and aimed a heavy swing towards his chest. My sword, as awesome as it was, was extremely heavy. I could control it well, but I have to admit it still strains me...

I knew that it wouldn't work with a simple swing, I knew that. Thus, I already had a plan in mind. As soon as the blade had passed - whether it hit or not - I would send a heavy kick straight into his head! Yes... into ... I hate being cruel, but sometimes I just can be that way...

Hopefully, one or the other would work.

The awe drawing map around me felt faded out. I was concentrated, determined in fact, to show this kid what I was made of! My feet pounded against the red carpet, each and every time the weight of my sword growing harder to handle in my mind as I charged. I was itching to just get up to him and swing! I also had to put the proper coordination into my sword - another setback - as I came up to him, I found myself growling instead of grinning. Let me just land a hit already! I couldn't take all day perfecting my attack...

08-03-14, 08:31 AM
The girl made another move to attack. The sword seemed too big for her, but I'll admit she used it well. It sliced the air, the cut audible in the the small space. I placed my right foot behind me, bracing it against the red carpet. Her sword met her dagger in my hand, a ring of metal on metal. I couldn't help but let a grin spread on to my face. Jesus, perhaps I was becoming Jensen. I made to push forwards against her sword and overpower the girl. My weight shifted, but so did hers. I stumbled forwards slightly as the resistance fell, but as her leg lifted and her boot struck my face. One moment I could see the girl, the next only black and weight of her body against my nose. The darkness receded and I could feel the velvety embrace of the carpet under my head and arms.

I opened my eyes, blue and now bloodshot. For a second I thought there were two girls, but my vision focused. She was smiling, wait no she was growling. I kicked the ground below me, my body rising as it moved away from the girl. I floated like leaf on the breeze; backwards until my feet were under me again.

I didn't bother with a verbal retort. I could feel blood running from my nose down my face and neck. It was more than that, her boot treads left a clear series of marks across my face. I charged back towards her, my steel spear burst forth from darkness into my hands. The knife was forgotten, sent skidding across the carpet when I had fallen. I twisted as I ran, pivoting on the spot in three full rotations. Each one I swiped at the girl, effective releasing a series of horizontal slashes towards the girl's waist. I struggled to maintain my balance with the normally easy manoeuvre after the strike to my head. The flashing light on one side and the brilliant metal on the other didn't help.

The Muri
08-21-14, 08:33 PM
As he came towards me, I could see that I had caused good damage to his head - and perhaps his aim too. Despite this though, when he pulled that spear out of nowhere and stabbed at me, I could tell he was still very in tact with the battle. I'd never fought with a spear, and never fought against someone with it either. This weapon never created the same click that swords and even guns had created in me. Clicks that somehow allowed me to use them with expertise upon my first time using them... Obviously, I'd never used anything like that arrowhead on a stick....

Thus, dodging immediately became a challenge. No matter how many times I stepped back, even with my acrobatic skills at hand, he kept pushing towards me. I knew better than to turn tail and run, as h could simply throw that pointy stick at me and *boom* it's over! It wasn't until he finally drove me to the wall that I was forced to turn to something else. As I felt my back meet with the metal wall, the rough but flat texture of the wall against my leather jumpsuit, I tightened my grip on Calcator and prepared to throw it towards him again.

I pulled my signature sword up and aimed for the part of the staff close to my opponent's hands. If anything, the shock of this attack would cause Talen to lose his grip on the weapon and he would be disarmed. I had been surprised that he had been able to counter my massive and heavy sword with only a tiny knife, so I knew aiming anywhere else was useless; I had to cautiously disarm him. - And quick if I was going to save myself from getting stabbed with that thing!

08-24-14, 05:08 AM
I pressed the attack as Kadia retreated. My spear sung as it cut and swiped through the air. Each attacked failed to hit, but rather pushed her back until she was against the wall; both figuratively and literally. I didn't let the smile drop from my face. I could taste the coppery flavour of my blood flowing from my nose and seeping past my lips into my mouth. I flashed a toothy smile, each normally white surface etched with my own crimson blood. There was little else for Kadia to do now but go on the offensive, and the woman did just that.

Her sword flashed up, catching the shaft of my spear. I felt it shift to the side and I let it slip through my small fingers. As it flicked away my secondary hand further down the shaft was thrown wide with it. I didn't need the weapon in that moment, but held on as I wasn't done with it just yet.

My now free hand shot out in front of me, my palm facing down. With a flourish I ripped it towards the roof, a cascade of darkness erupting from the ground around Kadia and I. It towered over my small frame and that of my taller opponent. The shadowy streams twisted and hardened, and where the floor had been empty a moment before now four writing tentacles formed a semi-circle around the cornered Kadia, with me making the final point in the cage.

I ripped the spear back towards my target. My face was a twisted portrait of what I had looked like when I entered the fight. A deranged grin, blood dripping down my mouth and chin and bloodshot eyes focusing on her. To my sides the tentacles lifted above my small form. With a crack of intensity I brought the spear around and stabbed it forwards. With the movement the tentacles ripped to life, lashing with wild fury towards Kadia. It was a moment of anger and violence; I was intent on ending the girl.

The Muri
11-22-14, 06:18 PM
A guy with tentacles... there's something you don't see everyday.

As he lunged at me, I dodged the spear, ducking low. As I ducked, I clicked the chainsaw part of my sword on. As it buzzed, the sound echoing across the entire room, I rose and cut the nearest tentacle off. I found myself smirking, this was great!

Just when I thought I was out though- *smack!*

I flew several feet away and landed against the wall, then the floor.

... "Ouch."

My arm and legs felt a bit bruised, but after several moments I got up. I reached over and took the hilt of Calcator, turning the chainsaw part off. I sighed and pulled my weapon up, holding it with two hands.

I rose, one eye half closed. I certainly could feel several bruises forming. I glared at my opponent, not knowing what to say about his tentacle... thingies.. whatever they were.