View Full Version : Yes, or no?

Vampiric Angel
09-20-06, 01:15 PM
Okay, I've been fiddling around with an idea for a new character. It wasn't something I expected to come upon, but as usual, I had a visualization of an awesome scene. Now the character, name as of yet unknown, is a dwarf and from reading a lot of R.A. Salvatore's material, I think I could play it off well. This char. might have more backstory compared to Anenfel, a dark past and whatnot, and I'd love to RP with him, but I just don't know. Seeing how my activity has been lately I might not be able to put forth 100% of my writing to him. So this is what I'm asking, should I make the char. and, for the time being, forget about Anenfel, or should I just wait until my activity goes up?

09-20-06, 01:25 PM
It really depends. If you feel that you really hit the wall with this character, then maybe you should let him go dormant for a while. However, building a character only around a scene that you have in your head could backfire. What happens after you play this scene and have nothing to do with him anymore? Then again, maybe that's not such a bad thing. All characters don't have to reach high levels and be in hundreds of different stories. So yeah, I think you should go for it.

If for no other reason, then because we basically have no active dwarves on Althanas. :P

Vampiric Angel
09-20-06, 01:29 PM
Yeah, I had that same idea. I mean, I could probably list five different things that Althanas is lacking in. Then again, maybe that's what makes it so unique.

09-20-06, 01:51 PM
Dwarves are awesome. Especially the ones R.A.Salvatore created and how he writes about them. So yeah, I would say go for it! It might not be wise to create another character with lowered activity, but who says you have to be in 25 threads at the same time? You could work with both characters at the same time if you divide your time right. Maybe even only write solo's with one of them so you don't have other people nagging you about making another post :)

Almost convinced myself of making another.

Cyrus the virus
09-20-06, 03:40 PM
Bruenor Battlehammer?


Do it.

09-21-06, 08:29 AM
He's done it.

Hide his axe. Quick.

Bearded Gnome
09-21-06, 02:46 PM

09-22-06, 09:23 AM
Yeah man. Time to totally go dwarf all over everyone's asses.

09-22-06, 06:06 PM
You should develop your older characters first.