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04-29-14, 11:28 AM
Meeting newcomers into the organization was always something that fulfilled him.

It was a Tuesday afternoon, April, the twenty first. Elthas looked at his old stopwatch to read the time. The hour was exactly 4:05 P.M. standard Althanas time. The small township that The Trading Company established in Corone was a basic hunter/gatherer community. People worked under the banner of The Trading Company, and they were safe from the beasts of the wild, or the rebellion in Radasanth. War was erupting everywhere, Elthas knew that. Corone was threatening to tear itself apart. Something needs to change. And we will profit off the wars that are coming as great men do. Elthas stood on the streets outside of his simple house. It was standard Elven architecture, post Demon War in design. Elthas had very particular tastes in art, and a flare for the dramatics. He smoked cannibus herb, it was a sweetly scented herb. The simple and well polished pipe he smoked from was stained a cherry oak color. Smoke swirled upward from the lit embers that carried the cannibus scent with it. Anybody that could smell effectively would recognize that scent. It was a unique herb, and only certain people liked smoking it. It was like drinking a fine wine, or bedding a handsome woman. The taste was sophisticated, and Elthas had knowledge of how to grow the herb on his property in his garden. He hired a few gardeners to work for him on his lot. He paid them entirely out of pocket. Elthas was a good man with a dark past.

That day, he wore a basic businessman's suit. His fancy fedora hat was tipped at a slight angle that cast a shadow upon his handsome face. He was an Elf, his features were slender and quite handsome. He had green hair, it was long and quite elegant. He was prideful of his hair and his appearance, always maintaining a clean look everywhere he went. He had sharp, intelligent eyes that observed with a ferocity, all things around him. Most important, he had a thirst for knowledge. Elthas had grown powerful. His knowledge was in demand and when he was not working for his companions in The Trading Company, he was busily painting or drawing something. He was known in Corone's underground art movement as one of the more progressive artists. He painted and sculpted, oft controversial and frightening images. Elthas pulled a long pull of the smoke from the pipe, and exhaled with his nostrils. He was getting just a little impatient. I don't like it when they are late... He was normally quite patient, but there was a lot of work that needed doing. A whole NATION needed repair. Radasanth had become rotten and ugly. A broken husk of it's former self.

Elthas's cloak swirled in the wind. He always wore it when he ventured outside. It carried the emblems of The Trading Company upon it's surface. Just like his signet ring and heirloom necklace. Elthas was one of the most sharply dressed fellows on the street of The Trading Company town. The town consisted of a residential and commercial district. With many rustic buildings all featuring common Radasanth Hume (Human) architecture. The rustic appearance had a certain charm to it. Busily, people went to and from various shops and stalls, and their everyday business with The Trading Company. The township proper lacked any real name. It had grown and prospered as a result of the corruption in Radasanth. The leaders of The Trading Company were very adamant about keeping the town a hidden gem in Corone. A refuge point for those who had lost so much during the endlessly going civil war in Corone. So people from far and wide ventured into the small town, and the community grew. In a few short years, it had doubled in sized from it's original roots. A simple town of workers. With Investisto, and Elthas at the center of the township, and the other leaders of The Trading Company, Elthas felt proud of what they had accomplished.

"Late." He said quietly. "I'm sure she has a good reason." Elthas had a small suitcase with him that contained the latest recruit's dossier. Further, it contained the offer he was prepared to make her for joining The Trading Company in the first place. After all, he'd grown into a fine businessman. Contracts were necessary for The Trading Company's dealing. Once she gave her consent, Elthas could proceed in training her. From reading the dossier, and memorizing it, Elthas knew that the girl had some combat experience. She would be a valuable asset, and they needed to retain those who were combat ready. For the coming wars. Not just the war in Radasanth, but those around the world. The Trading Company's active roster knew they could deployed anywhere around Althanas. Ethas smoked, he felt unusually nervous. Maybe it was the humidity in the air that was oft a signal for rain. "Won't do good for hunting if the weather turns south." Elthas would wait as patiently as he could until the latest recruit arrived. All members were an important part of The Trading Company. Everybody was expected to do their part and work hard. Elthas was no different...so he stood there, smoking, smoking and waiting.

Green Gwendolyn
04-29-14, 12:29 PM
Gwendolyn wasn't the kind to join organizations - especially after how the last one had treated her...

... Yet something told her that this one would be different.

Instead of dedicating their time to war, bloodshed, and destruction, they dedicated their time into peace, constructing, and rebuilding. Instead of dedicating their lives into bringing peace into the world at war, they dedicated their lives into bringing peace to a world with no change (as in money change). And best of all, most of them were crafters; people who like her didn't need to buy weapons in supplies because they made them themselves. This was the kind of group Gwendolyn was interested in, this was the Trading Company.

There was a problem with what she was going through though. What was that problem? It was that she almost never stepped foot into towns or cities. All her life, she had roughed it in the wild - and enjoyed it. This was the first time in about an entire year that she had stepped foot in a town. Now, just because she barely made it to civilizations did not mean she was a savage. She knew everything about trading and talking to the crowd. She just didn't prefer to ... and up to a certain point her father excepted that.

Given so, the combination of family memories and the disadvantage of barely knowing how to make it through a cluttered town was making it extremely hard to find the point where she was supposed to meet her client. Sometimes walking, sometimes running through a clean but cluttered town just trying to find one man, it was driving her crazy. At one point, she had stopped mid-walk juts to growl and stomp her foot. But it was then that she finally spotted him.

He was another member of the Trading Company, the symbol he wore on his shoulder gave that away instantly. He was an elf, but it was obvious that he was still much older. He had unnatural green hair, sparkling blue eyes, and was quite tall compared to her. He was wearing robes fit for a merchant, and somehow that sight had scared her. However, she was indeed relieved to find the person she was looking for. So the young elf swallowed then walked up to him without a single word.

04-29-14, 03:36 PM
He spotted her quickly.

She had a sort of rustic, all terrain type of demeanor. Reminds me of me when I was her age...so many lifetimes ago. Elthas spotted the pointy Elven ears, just as the dossier report had stated. Good. This ought to go well. Elthas looked at her for a long moment and noticed that she seemed a little hesitant. There was an air of nervousness about her too. Elthas took a deep inhale of her perfume like scent. "You are nervous." Elthas said calmly. "There is no need to be, you are amongst friends here." Elthas took out the small device he would use to put out the embers he was smoking into his lungs. Then, he took one last pull of the smoke. Pausing a moment or two, he replaced the smoking pipe, still filled with cannibus herb, in his pacsks. He had a special container for it he crafted himself. The pipe itself was a gift from a friend from long ago. Once the task was done, Elthas motioned to the girl to join him at a table that was neatly positioned on the front porch of his house. Elthas's house was the only house in the residential district that had Elven aesthetic and quality to it. The rest were Hume or Dwarf make. Elthas picked up his briefcase and motioned for the lady to follow him. Then he walked over towards the table.

He placed the briefcase, very methodically, upon the table and opened it. "Standard practices." Elthas explained so she could hear him. "Initiates undergo basic training. Martial skills, and crafting skills you see? Things of that nature. Once you complete Initiation you can get work from me or the other officers." Elthas took a folder out from briefcase. It was labeled with the girl's name in neat common tongue. Gwendolyn Rose. His connections had not told him there was another aspect of her name. Elthas looked at her quite carefully. "These are legal documents. All Initiates are required to sign these papers so we can adequately protect you. And in exchange, you protect us." Elthas probably had skipped too far ahead. "My apologies. My name is Elthas Belthasar." He nodded politely to the woman, and tipped his hat to her. "I'm what you would call a Recruiter around these parts. Recruits mean fresh workers for The Trading Company. We take all new hires quite seriously. Legal proceedings you know. Though Radasanth is in a screwed up state at the moment, we still abide by Corone law." It would be Elthas's duty to explain to Gwendoly how The Trading Company operated. In layman's terms, so that she could understand and he got the legalities out of the way.

Standard procedure. Elthas took out a fancy ink bottle, and a quill pen. He placed those neatly on the table next to briefcase. "I suppose it is time to explain what we are." Elthas motioned for her to sit down at the table, and assumed she would. He, after all, was quite tired of standing. He took a quick stretch and sat down at the table looking at her the whole time with those piercing blue eyes. "We're a group of business folk you see. Times are hard, and people just want to earn their keep. So we provide them their upkeep. Jobs. Work. Monetary value, and a rudimentary education. We crafters are a skilled lot. Haidia, I could show you a thing or two out of my personal notes anytime you wanted to learn. But that's only the surface you see? Places need rebuilding all over Corone. People hurt, displaced. We deal with 'em. All of 'em. Take 'em in you see? Provide a hot meal, and a bath. So long as you do work, you're covered. Mind you, nothing illegal like. Jobs come through the pipeline. From all sorts of sources. You seem kind of tired, lass. You could rest at my place until you're more situated." Elthas pointed to the house behind him. "I got work and training lined up based on this." He pointed to the folder labelled Gwendolyn. "You're skilled. There's no doubt. But we can help you get better, help you GROW. That's why you're hear, isn't it?"

Elthas realized he probably had just put a lot on her. He was gonna give her time to absorb it all. "You're probably hungry. I can get one of the Chefs to make you something, or I could fix you up something myself. Totally up to you." One thing that was immediate about Elthas, was that he appeared VERY kind hearted. Further, he had a very serious demeanor. He didn't smile much, but he had kind eyes. The sort of person you could trust. The sort of person you'd want watching your back in a scrap. The only shadow on his face was from the fedora. As he sat down, he removed the fedora and placed it in the table. Shaking out his long and vibrant hair. After he was done, he spoke again. "So what do you think? Did I loose you, or are you still interesting in hearing MORE? When you're ready to join us, we can get started on your training later this eve. You can choose which you prefer. I can have you craft something at our crafting station tonight or we can go catch ourselves dinner for some basic supplies. Again, totally up to you. I will respect your decisions either way." Strangely, Elthas found himself thinking back to the night, over a hundred years ago, that he saved Seth Terrentius. That was a chapter of his life that he did not want to revisit. But it was all right. All's well, ends well. He kept the contract in his sight at all time, it still sat in the briefcase. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you need anything, feel free to ask. I'm supposed to make a certain offer to you. But that's for after you've gotten situated." Elthas smiled softly. It was a subtle gesture, but it was there. Gone quickly, like a leaf in the wind.

Green Gwendolyn
04-29-14, 04:37 PM
Having been rushed onto with words, smacked in the face with them, dragged to the porch of a stranger, and given papers. This Elthas certainly seemed trustworthy, but he was way too talkative! All Gwendolyn could do was stare with wide, awkward eyes for several moments, "O-Okay? ..." Then she looked down to her papers.

Gwendolyn Rose.

"Uh..." Gwendolyn pointed to her paper, her finger almost on the word 'Rose'. "... I don't go by the surname 'Rose' anymore..."

She hoped that she didn't sound rude correcting her name on the papers, however she simply hated the 'Rose' name now. Her father, a Rose, had betrayed her. And now she refused to follow his branch. He broke her heart, so she would break her connections to him. Now, she bore the name 'Stormhollow' wherever she'd go and whoever used her former surname in these papers had made a mistake. Seated at this table, her legs crossed and one of her palms dug into her knee; Gwendolyn looked extremely messy but elegant here. She had her blue cloak on, her hood fallen to the back of her head. Tangled, blond hair covered her back and front alike, covering her arms and some of her chest which bore a leather shirt. Her eyes were shadowed with exhaust, a form of mental tired from various things - not just from Elthas' speech... It was her surname and her father that troubled her. Too soon from her heartbreak had her old name come up again; she wanted it out of her sight and out of her brain now.

04-29-14, 09:43 PM
"Oh..." Elthas suddenly said. He was a man of strict mannerisms, and a professional code. He had only JUST realized that perhaps he'd gone a tad too fast for her to handle all at once. And also, she reacted to something she saw on the dossier folder in fact, pointed to it. "I was unawares of you severed ties to your clans." I must be more careful with my information gathering. People have feelings too... Elthas saw that she appeared VERY tired upon closer inspection. A shadow seemed to tug behind her eyes. Elthas subtly caught it, but he would not pry. I was once a Syndicate member, who am I to judge someone of a bad past? Elthas wondered. The Trading Company had taken him and made him one of their own, and in essence, Elthas found redemption. Elthas saw her reaction to the word "Rose". He would not pry. He simply took the folder in his hands, to be honest he had never learned her currently undertaken surname. It was an oversight in his web of information gathering. A mistake, it will not happen again... Elthas would remember to redouble his efforts on information gathering. He had a lot to learn still, and the folder had bits and pieces of Gwendolyn's life stored as organized data. Facts. Though there was not a coldness about it all.

Elthas placed the dossier folder in his briefcase after removing the contract and placing it on top. He smiled softly. "You're tired." He said calmly. "You've probably come a really long way to speak with me and my associates. It's going to rain and we should probably get indoors. I can fix you up some tea, or coffee. Then I'll have a cook prepare some dinner for us to eat." Elthas said the part about rain matter of factly. He could smell the rain with his acute Elven senses, and the clouds were already overhead. The first few drops were already beginning to fall. He spotted various Trading Company workers heading indoors as well, in an attempt to avoid the coming storm. His own personal staff already fenced up the animals in the yard that could be put out of harm's way, and had ventured indoors. Elthas closed the briefcase and gathered his belongings. Then, he opened the door for her to follow. "I will be certain that I do not make the mistake of saying that name again, Gwendolyn." He was clearly speaking of the name Rose which had obviously offended. Elthas would be more careful from then on in. He held the door open for the lady. His fierce blue eyes were locked on his person and the door's brass handle felt cold against his skin. He wanted to be indoors. His ears caught the sound of thunder in the distance, barely audible. But there. "Storm's coming." Elthas said casually.

Green Gwendolyn
04-29-14, 09:56 PM
Gwendolyn immediately accepted Elthas' apology. Who was she to hold a grudge on somebody who made a simple mistake? As she heard a storm coming in from a distance, the older elf told her to come inside and apologized again. Gwendolyn smiled, the smile was natural and youthful, full of life. "No worries," the elf reassured him, "And you can just call me 'Gwen'."

She then entered the house as he opened the door for her. She then looked to the outdoors, her smile fading from leaving this place, even in the rain, then she turned to Elthas with another smile, finished her transition through the elegant, elvish door.

05-05-14, 01:39 PM
(Sorry for my delay I am having serious net issues atm. I have to buy another device for my computer to hopefully resolve my problems. Thank you for being patient.)

Elthas put his gear down in an appropriate pace then went to the main living area of his house. It was a basic house decorated with Elven features. Elthas was a very artistic individual who had a flare for the dramatics and it showed. Paintings and tapestries, some original work done by his hands, were everywhere. Even the chairs were of fancy make. Elthas carefully looked at Gwen and sat down, taking a load off. Inside his home, the entire demeanor of the forest Elf changed. He seemed to literally take a huge weight off his shoulder after he'd undergone the initial briefing with Gwen. He removed his trench coat and placed it on a coat hanger. After that, he sat down in a completely relaxed fashion. His clothing seemed to move with him, a part of him. Everything about Elthas was done in a calculated fashion. He was intent on creating a very specific image about himself. He looked at Gwen for a long moment, and then focused once more. On the briefcase, he sat that on the small coffee table in front of him. He notably, did not open it again. The coffee table was constructed of simple cherry stained oak. It was carefully constructed asides from being the only simplistic item in the room. There were several workers in the house who were attending to various matters. The fireplace was lit, and the flame emitted a natural warmth that filled the room.

Elthas turned to look at the fire for a moment. Relaxing as he sat on his chair. There were several chairs about, carefully placed around the coffee table. Elthas motioned for Gwen to take a seat. "Feel free to sit down. We don't have to talk about Trading Company business. We can just talk and help you get situated." Elthas again noticed that Gwen appeared very VERY tired. As if she recently had undergone some sort of an unspeakable trial. He sighed for a moment. A worker walked over towards Elthas. He was also dressed in a suit, and appeared to be a middle aged man. Hume origins.

"Master Elthas." The man said with a heavy Yarborough accent.

"Jake." Elthas said in response. "Gwen, this is my friend Jake. He is one of the most trustworthy people you will ever meet." Elthas explained. "He's worked under my care for a long time now. Isn't that right, Jake?" Elthas asked.

"About ten years now, it's been." Jake responded casually. "The kitchen is already in full service, Master Elthas. Feel free to request anything of us."

"Just some coffee and mint tea for now." Elthas said. "We'll get dinner later. Right now the lady and myself have a lot to discuss." Elthas smiled as he looked at Gwen. There was a sincere kindness about Elthas. He wasn't trying to over exert himself, or have a clashing of wills. He simply WAS. And that alone was a tell tale sign that he'd gone through tremendous amount of difficulties in his life. Elthas observed Gwen for a long moment, and a few minutes later, Jake brought a two pitchers filled with piping hot coffee and tea. There were some mugs present and various spices and sugar for the tea and coffee. Elthas immediately was given the serving dish, and he placed it on the table. "Thank you, Jake." Elthas said casually. He looked at Jake and nodded. Then he returned his attention to Gwen. "I am someone of considerable resources, Gwen." Elthas explained. "I can help you get situated here in town. ALSO you can stay here if you like, I have several bedrooms here you could pick from. You'd have access to the house workers." He never used the word: SERVANT or maid/waiter, he preferred to call ALL members of The Trading Company what they were. WORKERS. They were all there to perform a specific set of duties. Under the guidance and protection of The Trading Company. "Feel free to have a drink. Fix it however you like, with some mild spices or extra sugar. I personally love tea with some extra spices." There were several containers of spices and two sugars. Brown and white sugar. Elthas sat in a relaxed position as he drank the mint tea with some spices added. The flavor went down his throat smooth.

Green Gwendolyn
05-07-14, 10:28 PM
Gwendolyn had looked around the house in complete awe when she first came into the room, she had stopped her constant gazing whenever Elthas or a 'worker' spoke to her, and Gwen had gotten up to go make herself coffee in the kitchen, but whenever anything caught her attention it had caught it.

Paintings, tapestries, wallpapers, furniture. Gwen observed it all and the vast beauty it held. Only once or twice Gwen had ever stepped indoors; this happened to be the only time she was actually enjoying it.

The kitchen even was fancy, big, and neat. This felt like a king's house with all its splendid glory. Gwen was slow to actually finish her coffee, which was dark and had a large amount of milk to add flavor, and come back to the living room. Gwen sat down across from fellow elf Elthas and took a sip of coffee. She held the cup with both hands and then asked, "What's on our agenda for my contact?" She then remembered herself and added in, "-A-and tha-ank you for your hospitality, Elthas. This is the best I've been treated in the longest."

05-12-14, 04:19 PM
"We will rest up for tonight. I am sure you have come a long way, I have some matters to attend to." Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "As far as your contract goes, we will be testing out your martial skills." Elthas explained very calmly. "I trust you know how to fight yes?" Elthas asked. He assumed she knew how, the average Althanian was capable of defending themselves from basic monsters at least and some bandits. A flash in Elthas's mind. Elthas remembered the night he saved Seth Terrentius so many lifetimes ago. He frowned briefly as he thought about Seth and his days as a Syndicate operative. Times have changed... He shook his head in an attempt to banish the thoughts that were in it. He didn't like thinking about those days, they distracted him an made him think about things that were better forgotten. "We can start later tonight, or tomorrow evening. Whatever is most convenient for you." Elthas gathered himself quickly and decided it best to get things moving along. He was certain she had skeletons in her closet as well. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable by asking her about her past, whatever she was running from.

Elthas took a long pull of his coffee. It felt good. Warmth flowed down his throat and he relished in it, allowing the substance to warm him up. Drinking such beverages calmed Elthas down. There were many duties to attend to, Gwen's training being one of the most prominent of duties. He took another long pull of the coffee. He observed for a moment how the steam swirled upward from the pitchers of coffee and tea. He had overwhelmed her with talking too much all at once earlier, so he decided to take things bit by bit from then on in. She is probably not used to having to discuss such business matters. Elthas thought as he observed Gwen. Better remember my place with her as well... He waited for her response. The drink smelled delicious, and the warmth of it really relaxed him. He felt like it took a weight off his shoulders as he drank it. He looked towards the window in the living area and saw the rain was already coming down hard.

"Storm's here." He said calmly. "We should try to wait it out unless you want to brave the rain. It's totally up to you." Elthas said as he was trying to get a sense of her. "I have picked out a spot in Concordia which will be suitable for our purposes."

Green Gwendolyn
05-14-14, 07:10 PM
Gwendolyn coolly sipped her coffee then set it down in her cupped hands which casually lay on her lap.

"If you don't mind," She asked in a quiet tone, "Could we set out tomorrow?" Her eyes suddenly softened, her mouth holding an embarrassed smile, "I've kind of had a long week." She chuckled, "I do need my rest."

Then she laid back in her comfortable chair and let out a heavy sigh. That one sigh let out a mass of emotions. She had gone through so much, she felt numb. She hated to be rude though, and she could only hope she wasn't. The room she was seated in was so neat and organized compared to her messy self. It was another thing which made her feel a bit embarrassed. She opened her eyes again and pulled herself into a proper sitting position, setting her cup onto the masterfully beautiful table in front of her. "Please?"

Sorry for the short posts. I too hate them... I wrote a lot of these on moble though so it's hard for me to make good sized ones.

05-17-14, 04:20 PM
(Don't worry about post length too much at this point. Worry about consistency in your posting. That's what is most important :D and also having fun. )

Elthas listened to her speak.

He absorbed every word, every aspect of her speech and dialect. He learned a great deal about her in those first few words. She HAD indeed been traveling for sometime, and probably was running from something. She will need protection. That can be arranged when the time comes... Elthas thought carefully as he rubbed his chin. Then she said the word PLEASE. For all of his demeanor and poise, Elthas was a simple man. That word put an accentuated mark in his mind, and had solidified his opinion of her. She knew her words well, and she knew when to use them. Elthas nodded.

"Of course we may rest for the night. It is probably too dangerous in Concordia because of all the rain. Not an ideal hunting environment." Elthas said calmly. "That being said, let me show you to your room. I will arrange for a dinner to be sent to your room a little later." Elthas didn't know what types of food she liked, but he would learn everything in due time. It was nice being near one of his own kind again. He'd also had bad interactions with his own people in the past...however, he'd learned a great deal about them as well.

Elves were an eccentric lot, especially the Forest Elf variety.

He remained seated for a moment longer. He looked down at his briefcase. The contract awaited, but he would worry about that matter the next day. He didn't want her to feel pressured. He took a long pull of his drink, it was good and still quite warm. The cooks in town were easily amongst the best that he'd ever sampled. And someone like Elthas made sure to be QUITE learned and cultured. Elthas put his warm mug back down on the table. Then he looked at Gwen.

"Right this way if you would." Elthas said calmly, then he had a mischievous look in his eye. "Please." He said after that first part and motioned for her to follow him. He had just the right room in mind for his guest to stay in.

Green Gwendolyn
05-17-14, 10:09 PM
Gwen sighed in relief when he told her yes. He then told her to follow him before gaining a cocky look and repeating her own last word.

The very young elf grinned in a cheeky matter and then followed him to the room.

While they went down the masterworks and treasuries of the decorated and oh so neat hallways, Gwen felt her exhaustion growing. Her circled eyes were half shut, her posture was a bit off, and just as they stopped at a doorway she let out a sleepy yawn. The entire time here, the blond had been trying to push... thoughts... out of her mind. Memories. Memories of what you ask? Those were on storage, locked in Gwen's working head; and they would haunt her like a ghost in an old house forever.

Gwendolyn looked up at Elthas and smiled. It was a weary smile which shed thanks to his hospitality.

"This is it?" She asked the older elf.

05-26-14, 02:41 PM
He lead her to one of the guest quarters.

It was a newer built house, very true, sporting many of the more modern Elven touches. Elthas opened the door for the young lady and nodded with pleasure towards her. She is agreeable. I hope we can work well together. Elthas thought to himself. He noticed that she was straining to stay awake, and his guesses were probably accurate. She's been running a long time...I'll have to take that into consideration as I train her. Elthas rubbed his chin as he stood there thinking carefully about what else she could possibly need. "If that will be all, Gwen, I have matters to attend to. You have a good night. You are very welcome to use this room for your personal effects for as long as you remain here in my house." Elthas sincerely meant that. With that, Elthas politely bowed towards the girl then went off to take care of said matters. He was certain she was tired anyway and they could talk the next day...


Back in his office, Elthas considered very carefully all that had transpired in the day before.

He did have matters to attend to, and that was tying up his personal connections in various areas of Corone. Someone had misled him with the information regarding Gwen. He fancied keeping up to date dossiers on his companions and potential members of The Trading Company. Elthas sat at his table in deep meditation. He was going over documents previously, investigating weaknesses in the chain of command. Whatever weaknesses that did exist would have to be professionally dealt with. He extended courtesy to all members of The Trading Company, for they all worked hard to keep The Trading Company afloat. "I'll have to figure out how that was overlooked..." Elthas knew he was referring to the discrepancy with Gwen's last name. She had reacted a certain way towards the name on her dossier folder. I will never allow that to happen again... Elthas prided himself on first impression. He was meticulous to all ends, and such an oversight would not happen again.

There was a knock on his door.

"Come." Elthas said.

It was the young woman named Alice.

Alice worked under his employ as a courier, performing various key duties for The Trading Company with great skill and vigor.

Elthas opened his eyes. He kept his hands folded together and under his chin. "Do you have what I asked for?" Elthas asked. He appeared to be a bit tired, he was thinking carefully about the days events and trying to figure out what went wrong. He never even considered the fact that Gwen's dossier error could have been a simple coincidence. Elthas tried to hold back a yawn, but he failed at that and ended up yawning. It had been a few days since last he slept. Alice nodded and walked over towards Elthas's desk. She placed the parcel on his table.

"The hunting grounds are ready for field use for tomorrow." Alice said carefully. "The documents for the young lady are all there."

Elthas nodded. "Good. And this is for you. Sorry it was a little late this week that was my fault." Elthas handed Alice a small pouch. It contained a month's pay for her. Elthas made sure that all Trading Company employees who worked hard received their dues.

"You've been really busy of late, Master Elthas." Alice said. "I know you will get it done as soon as you are able to." She took the pouch in her hands, and attached the pouch to her belt. "You should sleep, tomorrow will be a busy day for you." Alice said. "Scouts report Angors out on the east ridge lately, nasty buggers they are."

"Angors you say huh? That would likely be the training target." Elthas said and stood up off his chair. He walked over towards Alice and hugged her. "You be certain to get some rest too. I'm going to retire to my own bed now and try and get some sleep."

Green Gwendolyn
05-26-14, 04:02 PM
It didn't take long for Gwendolyn to throw off her cloak and change from her leather shirt to a simple cloth one. She was now barefoot and was sitting on the side of the bed. She was holding something in her fingers and constantly twiddling it in her hands... a gold ring.

The red gem on it seemed so bright, it reflection Gwen's face. She sighed as she glanced into it. She suddenly spotted a man in the ring though that replaced her own reflection. He had a hood over his head, green eyes, and long blond hair. Gwen's eyes widened in that flash of the moment, she threw the ring onto the sturdy floor and cried out. She stared at the ring where it lay on the floor. The landing had sounded like it had come from a million pound weight, not a light ring. Gwen just starred at it... it had belonged to that man. Her father.

Gwendolyn stepped onto the floor with her feet, no creaking was heard under the floor... yet she felt like it would give in and she would fall through any second. She rolled her eyes and paced in circles around the room, trying to get her father out of her head. She had made no progress when she finally went back to the bed and pulled the blankets over her. She rolled onto her stomach, her preferred sleeping position, and buried her head into her pillow... then began to cry.

Father, why? She asked internally, Why?!?


In the darkness of the forest, Gwendolyn delicately pushed some hovering branches aside to spot a light colored deer. This would be her third kill of the day, the other two being taken away from her by those bullies who called themselves rangers. Quiet as a mouse, Gwen pulled her yew bow out and placed an arrow it in. She was very far away from the camp now, it was impossible for any rangers to come around here and take her prize!

Within the shrubbery of Concordia, Gwendolyn was about to pull her arrow out and shoot - but a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder. Gwendolyn's eyes widened and she instantly dropped what she was doing. She pulled her bow and arrow down and turned, shocked, to see who had crept up on her. At the sound of one of her feet on a branch, the deer galloped away. However, for once Gwendolyn didn't care as it was her father who was behind her... and he didn't seem happy.


Sweating, Gwendolyn tossed and turned in her sleep. her arms being thrown up left and right... this was a bad memory she was enduring.


"W-What??" Gwendolyn asked in disbelief.

Her father pointed at her with rage, "I... Don't need you anymore."

Gwendolyn's eyes popped wide, she gasped, "Wh- Wha- I..."

"I of course needed someone to hunt for me and keep me alive, but now I have an army... these rangers by my side." He smirked, "You are insignificant to me now... A burden."

Gwendolyn felt tears stirring in her eyes, they blurred her vision. "F-Father??"

The elder elf sighed, "You do not belong here." He pointed away from the camp, "Leave."


Gwendolyn turned onto her back, whimpering... Why had this memory come back to her?


"Father, please? I- !" Gwendolyn was barely able to dodge an arrow.

"No!" Gwendolyn's own father readied another arrow, "Get lost, girl!" And he shot again.

Gwendolyn's head flew to the right, while the arrow flew past the left. Salty tears were streaming down her face. Her best option now was to flee. She pulled back her still readied arrow behind her yew bow and shot loosely at him, not meaning to hit him, and turned to flee. What was her own father doing? Why was he doing this? Didn't he watch her with a nod and a smile on his face her entire life? Didn't he care about her? "Father," Gwendolyn tried to reason, "Why!? What happened to our time together??"

Her father laughed, "I pretended to care for you." He replied as he pulled another arrow back, "So you wouldn't feel like you were the slave you were." He shot at her again. This time, it was pure luck that caused the arrow to smash into a tree behind Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn just cried, "I was... your slave... my entire life??"

The man she could hardly recognize now chuckled, "And a blindly loyal one at that."


Gwendolyn jumped out of her bed, instinctively reaching for a dagger which she had once kept in her belt, "No!"

She was shocked a relieved when she noticed she was not in the forest anymore... but in Elthas' quest room. She sighed, lifting her arm to her forehead to wipe off the dripping sweat. It was sticky and made Gwendolyn feel no more less exhausted than last night. Indeed it was morning now. The sun shone in brightly through the one, crystal clear window at the other side of the room. She sunk back onto the bed, feeling terrible and messy. She was actually feeling worse than last night... and some new questions for Elthas had come into her messed up mind.

06-07-14, 11:56 PM
Elthas sat in his bed the entire night. The glow of a soft candle kept his chamber partially lit. His eyes were closed and he was in deep meditation. He didn't sleep. Elthas's chest rose up and down as he breathed in silence. There were paintings in his room, paintings of the woman named Hylda Terrentius. His first and only wife. He'd been loyal to her whilst they were together, and in the end, The Syndicate had placed a cold steel dagger in his spine. It was methodical really. Elthas had to sit back and appreciate the level of betrayal that The Syndicate had placed on his shoulders. For his efforts of honouring the old alliances and saving Seth Terrentius, Hylda's associate in The Syndicate, Elthas nearly paid the ultimate price. He'd been exiled from The Syndicate and that was the ultimate form of betrayal. Elthas could not understand the way Hume (Human) minds worked at times. He was far more comfortable around his Elven kin. There was a grand father clock that tocked and ticked throughout the whole night. In his mind, he was counting off the seconds until the sun broke through the celestial heavens.

Elthas considered the events of the day as he sat there, his mind often a complex mixture of various images, feelings and thoughts.

Elves were oft immortal folk, and they were tidal waves in the many and ever-changed epochs of time. He carefully considered his current duties given to him by Invetisto. I have to train the girl and make sure she is able to perform Trading Company duties. Elthas managed to place that solid thought in his mind. In his state of deep meditation, Elthas oft saw things. These visions were fleeting however, and quickly vanished in their umbral origins. Before he knew it, time passed and the temperature began to change. That was the subtle hint that the sun was rising. He could feel the heat and warmth of the sun as it pierced through the veil of darkness. Elthas's eyes opened in the dark. He was an early riser the rare times he DID go to sleep. That night was one of those times. He heard roosters singing their morning songs and that was the signal that the hour was upon him to perform Trading Company duties. Elthas slid out of bed and got dressed quickly. He would have his breakfast with Gwen whenever she was awake. He checked the time on the old clock. The hour was six seventeen in the early morning portion of the day. The rain from the night before still clung to the plants and grass blades outside. Elthas got dressed so he could begin his day.

He was eager to get Gwen's training underway...

Green Gwendolyn
06-08-14, 11:11 AM
Gwen had washed herself over with clean water before putting on her boiled leather shirt and her pants. She walked down the stairway with her longbow on her back, but now quiver or arrows. She was barefoot, as she liked to be a lot, and her hair was brushed but still long and messy. It was about seven in the morning.

She rubbed her eyes after such a night of nightmares. A darkened dream in a darkened night. She looked around for Elthas, because one: she as hungry. Two: she still had her questions...

What was the Trading Company like? Did they view their members as people or tools? Did they allow anyone of any kind in, or only a certain race? How much fighting happened here? Gwen could do with a good fight here and there, but she still wanted to live a more peaceful life as she always had. What would she get in return for helping them; hate, exile, pain? Gwen's previous year with the rangers came back into her head over and over again. Was joining the Trading Company a bad idea? Would Elthas be truthful in answering these questions, or was he too a liar?

06-14-14, 05:10 PM
(Gwen, minor use of bunnying in this post to move the story along. I hope you don't mind too much.)

By the time everybody woke up, Elthas Belthasar had already completed various Trading Company errands.

He worked diligently, in a highly controlled environment. He was someone who got things DONE. That is what mattered the most, getting things simply done. In a world gone completely crazy, men like Elthas simply did what needed doing. Elthas was not a self-righteous person, instead, he was a hard worker. Since his early youth, back home, in Concordia Forest. Elthas favoured working hard and getting his hands dirty. He was the type who rolled up his sleeves. The grinder, the businessman. He made the machine work when no others could. That's what he was currently working on, adding another spoke to The Trading Company's growing influence. The Trading Company was a different home than most other Guilds on Althanas. It was a guild comprised entirely of hard workers, all working hard. Throughout history the folks who labored to build empires were seldom rewarded for their hard work. The Trading Company was trying to change those views on skilled crafting. Elthas was at the forefront of that.

He prided himself in working hard.

(Minor bunny if it's okay Gwen)

As Gwen wandered about the large house, a Trading Company worker, a woman, spotted her. The woman was a shorter girl with raven black hair and wore a fancy dress. She had light brown coloured eyes and olive skin colour. She was pretty. The folds of her dress seemed to move with her as she spotted Gwen walking about. "Oh there you are lady Gwen." She spoke in a kind fashion. "Sir Elthas wanted you to come directly to his personal office. He had some matters to take care of this morning, but he's gotten most of it done. He wanted me to tell you that you would begin your training with Elthas as soon as you were ready and to meet him right away. That is all." She bowed curtly and guided Gwen to the office.


Elthas saw Gwen approaching with the girl named Eunice. "Ah Eunice. Thank you for bringing Gwen for me." Elthas finished going over the various maps and other topographical data he'd been researching. Concordia Forest was a living organism and oft times, was a creature of chaos. It had it's own agenda, and it wasn't always a friendly one. The creatures that Elthas would introduce Gwen to were known as Angors. They were brutish little devils that had a quick temper but were suitable for their training purposes. Elthas had chosen a hunting spot that would be more or less safer for the both of them. He'd jotted down some notes on a map of Concordia Forest that was rather complete. Insofar as Concordia went, there were still many mysteries that were not known even to the Elves of Ruild. Eunice bowed to Gwen and Elthas, and headed out of the office, keeping the door open. Elthas preferred and open door policy with all of his business. He stood up when he saw Gwen. He nodded his head gently with respect.

"I trust you slept well?" Elthas asked. He had a serious expression on his face. "One of the workers told me that they heard extensive screaming from your room last night." Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "There is something that I have to know..." He remembered her reaction towards seeing her family name of "Rose." He was certain, with his sharp mind, that her reaction had something to do with why she was tired. "You've been running for a long time, haven't you?" Elthas had to know...

Green Gwendolyn
06-25-14, 12:41 PM
The bunny is fine, and sorry for replying so late.

Gwendolyn rubbed her sleepy eyes while Elthas talked to her... but she froze stiff when he asked her about her past.

Gwen looked up at Elthas, trying to hide the fear and pain in her eyes... but she could not hide it at all. The young elf sighed and walked over to a chair. This was a perfectly neat office, the only not-so-neat thing about it was the papers scattered around. However, the furniture, floors, and walls were completely elegant. True to the fashions and cultures of those elves who did not completely dwell on the forest and wildlife. Gwendolyn was free of these things, she preferred getting her own hands dirty in her own dirty work and roaming the wild barefoot! It was the best way for her to escape everything Elthas had just questioned about.

As Gwen sat down, she closed her eyes. The chair make a slight squeaking sound under her weight which caused Gwendolyn's eyes to open in a flash. Butterflies raced around like a school of small fish in her stomach; and she felt so weak and terrified. Gwen's hand once again fell to her finger, the one with the ring on it. She blindly took it off and glared deeply into it with a completely blank expression, but even this face contained the scars of brokenness. Gwen looked up at Elthas with a deep glare of anger - no at him though, but at somebody else.

"This ring," The blonde started, "Was once my father's. He gave it to me at a young age and I treasured it for the longest..." Gwen suddenly felt a bolt of tears swelling up and quickly closed her eyes again to prevent them from falling. "I lived with my father my entire life, out in the wild roaming freely. He taught me everything I know - how to make weapons and accessories out of even plain wood and how to perfectly hunt... the entire time I mistook his care for love."

She felt the tears inside her own eyes finally dry and she opened then again, she clenched the gold ring in one of her sweaty hands. "I thought he loved me, I thought he cared for me... but I was proven wrong when he forced me to join a group of rogue rangers in Corone..."

Anger burned deep in her voice, pain crackled within her words, "... For the year I spent there, it was hell! The rangers held no respect for me and I was forced to be an outsider. And my father didn't even help me. He left me at the outskirts of the camp, feeding and defending myself when the others weren't stealing my catches for me... It was hell." Gwen lifted her palm up to her face, digging her elbow into her leg and letting her forehead rest on her hand. These memories were all too terrible, "Finally - one- n-night..." She began to shake, she was way too tired and undernourished to tell the story without weakening. "M-My father turned on me. He fina-a-lly told me he hated me and I was a b-b-ur..." She couldn't even finished the sentence before she started to cry. She hated crying, she felt guilty because of it, yet she could not prevent it. She looked back up at Elthas, "Well, now you know everything!!" She growled at him, "He chased me away and I'm on my own!" Even while her face was covered in salty, warm water, she slipped the ring back onto her finger. She stopped weeping but tears still fell, "I keep this ring", her voice was much softer now, "To remind myself never to go back to him again..." And she closed her eyes again, the very emotional teenager having finished her story. She could just hope she wouldn't be kicked out of the Trading Company for looking like a weakling now.

06-28-14, 11:51 AM
Elthas felt bad for having had to hear her story, but he needed The Trading Company work force to be in synch with itself. Like a well oiled machine. He watched her weep, and for the first time in a really long time, something happened in Elthas's heart. He felt true sympathy for the young Elf. He instinctively did the only thing that felt right. He began to sing. He sang in the tongue of the old Ruildians (Concordia) it was a powerful language in spoken form. In song format, it was said to be able to move the heavens. Elthas openly wept for her while he sang. It was a song of forgiveness and redemption, that would have powerful meaning for them all. Elthas's workers knew that he was a very artistic man. He loved to sculpt, paint, and from time to time he would sing for those causes that moved him. Elthas had a soprano's voice and could achieve high decibels with singing. However, at that point he felt that a lowered singing voice would be appropriate and a more mellow song was likely the call of duty.

(Translated from High Ruildian)

Ancient ones,
listen to my call, l implore ye,
on the old battlefields of the ancient high heavens, on winged backs,
ol' Valkyrie, bless my blade for the honour of my house, and let it strike true to my enemy's heart,
ol' All Thayne, listen to my call, listen to my decree,
Of forgiveness, I beg of ye...

True and true, Elthas was a Bard. He sang when things were at their toughest, when things were at their hardest. He sang for the young Elf before him, in hopes that his words could help her find her way during her time of darkness. Elthas continues to sing the song, and then stood up. He walked over towards her very slowly and nodded to her.

"Forgive me young one. I did not know, but sometimes it's better to simply have someone there to listen. Sometimes it is important to not allow the dark to consume us. We are not weak in times of weakness and humility. These moments are what makes us Elves. I am thankful that you were brave enough to share this moment with me."

And then, Elthas hugged the young Elf before him. He did not let her go.

Sometimes all one needed was a friend to be there.

Green Gwendolyn
06-28-14, 02:25 PM
Brief bunny of Gwen pushing Elthas' hug away if it's okay.

Gwen was attempting to stifle her tears, then Elthas broke out in song. It was a sad, mellow song that reflected that Elthas perhaps, was sympathetic for her. Gwen watched him silently the entire time, tears still falling. After his short song, he stopped and spoke to her. Apologizing then letting her know his thoughts. And Gwen's brown eyes opened wide. Did he really think she was brave for letting him know, even if it drove her to tears. She remained silent, wondering what form of 'bravery' this was. But she was even more shocked when he hugged her. He hugged her and did not let go.

Gwen only blinked once, and it was just a silent reply as all her the events and her thoughts were still processing. At first, the hug was awkward to her. She wasn't used to hugs by anyone, not even from her father long ago. But Gwen somehow felt comfort in it, a simple act of friendship. And it was here that Gwen's questions were suddenly solved. Elthas and the rest of the Trading Company in fact were friends. They would be there for her whenever she needed it, and they would help her grow stronger. Strong enough to move beyond her past and march on towards whatever future did await her. Somebody had her back, and Gwen was proud for it. She let out a slow sigh in Elthas' arms and finally lifted hers up to give him a tight squeeze back before pushing him away from her.

Gwen shook for a moment before wiping her tears away and closing her eyes briefly. And it was here that Gwen sincerely told him, "Thank you. I- I kinda needed that..."

Then she let out another sigh, pushing her issues with her father to the back of her mind, and she opened her eyes. "Looking past that," Gwendolyn moved things along, "What's for breakfast before we start the day?" And briefly, just briefly, a smirk crossed her face. This smirk reflected the other side of Gwen's personality: strong, feirce, and of course stubborn... Really stubborn. Most people here had left to see this side of her, but having gotten her family issues off her chest that side would be showing through more and more...

06-30-14, 10:17 PM
Of course, when she pushed he moved with her action.

He knew she wasn't trying to be rude, so he did in fact, release her. Elthas wiped his own tears from his eyes, and looked at her calmly. When she mentioned food, he suddenly realized that he hadn't eaten breakfast either. He sighed with a somewhat sheepish expression on his face. Then he spoke to her. "Traumas in our past do not make us weak. They make us strong for facing our past with humility and courage. You have the potential in your heart to someday shake the very pillars of the celestial heavens." Elthas finished wiping the tears from his face. Then, he grabbed his fedora. Rotating it skillfully in his fingers, he placed it atop his head. A makeshift crown that belonged to a proud member of The Trading Company. Elthas looked at Gwen. "Let's go see about breakfast, shall we?" He said casually. And offered her his hand so she could stand up from the seat. "I was looking at various maps of the area searching for a suitable hunting ground to test your hunting skills with." Elthas gently helped her stand.

He started to walk and assumed she would follow.

"Let's see what Estelle is preparing for breakfast today." He mentioned the house chef, they were excellent cooks. "On par with some of the finest cooks in Radasanth. Sometimes we get Akashiman cuisine, it's really quite delicious." Elthas liked small talk. He wasn't sure why some folk felt discomfort in social settings, he could talk all day. About this, that and the third. Elthas didn't want to overwhelm Gwen again so he left it at that, giving her bits and pieces of information regarding The Trading Company. He remembered her reaction at the dossier fiasco, and he didn't ever want her to feel discomfort like that in his presence ever again. He walked towards the house kitchen area, and various delicious smells filled the chamber. Cooking pots of various quality were present and they filled the room with the scent of various tasty pastries, breakfast sausages, and other common breakfast items. The first order of business though?

"Ah master Belthasar." The head chef, an elder Human woman that was named Estelle. She had dark blue hair, and steel grey eyes. She wore a dress that was quite colorful. It was cut in the standard Radasanth style of the time period. She nodded towards Elthas and Gwen. "Busy morning so far. Lot's of good food for all today. What will you and the lady be having?" Estelle asked.

"The usual for me." Elthas responded. "Prepare a full course for Lady Gwen. I am certain that she is quite famished after her long trip over to become a fully fledged Worker for The Trading Company." Elthas said with a sly smile. He looked at Gwen, and for the first time, he saw her as not just a fellow Elf, but an equal.

Green Gwendolyn
07-07-14, 05:19 PM
Full course?? Man, Gwen was beginning to feel spoiled by Elthas! The mentioning of become a full fledged member though caused Gwen's brief flattery to go away. She blinked, smiling a bit, and looked around the large kitchen. The sweet smells of such varieties of foods were causing Gwen to become even more starving! She sighed and looked up at Elthas, her hands landing on her hips. "Thanks." She then smiled again. "So... Shall we talk over our Trading Company business while we eat?"

07-20-14, 07:40 PM
"Of course." Elthas said calmly.

The cooks worked a long work day, keeping The Trading Company members well fed. "As you know we are a trade organization." Elthas explained. The workers prepared their food, and Elthas walked with Gwen back towards the dining area of the grand old house. Elthas took a seat, and looked at Gwen as she sat. He allowed himself a chance to relax, and the cooks brought some food out to the dining table. He knew the ridge where the Angors lurked were a ways off from the town. They both needed to have their strength and energy reserves up for the challenge ahead. Elthas ate quietly as he sat there, his mind thinking on the task at hand. "We're a trade organization. Our job is to protect workers at large. As you know things in Corone aren't too stable right now. The Trading Company is out trying to protect the rights of workers." Elthas explained. "You'd be one of many company workers." Elthas explained. "We teach you how to effectively survive off the land, and how to, in turn, produce what you acquire from the land."

Elthas let her absorb everything he was saying. "We offer education and pay, and housing." Elthas suddenly became very serious. "The only thing we ask for in return is loyalty to The Company. From time to time, myself or one of the other officers, or our Boss, Invetisto, will ask you to take up various tasks for The Trading Company." Elthas said. "We expect all of our workers to handle these tasks in accordance to the rules of The Trading Company. Further, we expect you to adhere to to the code of conduct of The Trading Company and it's practices at all time. Honor is of the utmost importance and the safety and protection of all of our workers. We make sure that our workers have safe environments to learn and grow in." Elthas explained. He was getting to the core of WHAT The Trading Company was. In essence, it was Althanas's FIRST worker's union. A union of people who were for the workers and by the workers. The people of Corone needed someone like The Trading Company to step up during Corone's darkest hour.

Elthas explained that they were a group of skilled crafters from ALL walks of life. The chain of command, including Elthas, dreamed up various projects called JOBS and sent those down the pipeline to any company teams willing to get the jobs done. Elthas was excited as he explained what The Trading Company was, and what they did. In the end, it would be up to HER if she signed up as a full time worker or not. Workers were the life blood of the company, without skilled workers The Trading Company would not thrive. Elthas ate as he explained the basics to her. The cooks brought various dishes out to the dining table, and drink to consume. It was all food and juices, ale, etc acquired from workers in the locale areas of Corone. It was the spokes of a complex machine, a machine that would usher in a new era for Althanas. Elthas was going to be at the forefront of the technological age of Althanas.

He thought about a lot as he explained the rules and practices of The Trading Company to Lady Gwen. It was a LOT to grasp in a very short time. Elthas knew, but he explained it with great care. As HE was explained the rules of The Trading Company before her when he first joined. As a long line of new The Trading Company workers would be trained AFTER Lady Gwen became an extravagant member of The Trading Company. But first, they had to eat and drink and discuss the various matters that needed to be discussed. "I have a training regimen planned for you. But first, we eat and relax. If you have questions...NOW is the time." Elthas said softly. He liked Gwen, she was an agreeable lass. In time, she would become an irreplaceable ally. Elthas spoke with the same energy that he spoke with when Lady Gwen and he had FIRST met. It seemed as if he would never tire of explaining things, he LIKED small talk. He would also answer all the questions she would inevitably have for him. "When you're ready we'll head out to the Western Ridge and discuss our next move." Elthas explained. He waited for her to respond.

Green Gwendolyn
07-20-14, 08:02 PM
It was easy for Gwen to be carried away in most areas, but this time she was able to pay attention to every word Elthas said. She enjoyed the concept of every person being single, having been discriminated for her youth and gender multiple times. Gwen also knew she could probably get a hang onto the "worker" thing. She was a good woodcarver and cook, she could enter the woodworking business and provide people with anything from coffee tables, to cups, and to perhaps animal figurines.

After Elthas finished, Gwen recited all the comments she had made in her head during his speech. "Hey, I know exactly how to survive on the earth and stuff! I've been a wild-life huntress all my life! And thank goodness you treat everyone like equals, I haven't found myself being treated that fairly as of late. And-" Gwen paused for a moment. Even though Elthas had already gained her trust, and even though he stated several times that everyone indeed was equal here... Gwen still was traumatized enough from the recent year spent with the rangers. "-I..." She sighed and placed the cup she was holding down, "I know you stated this enough times already, but... You will treat people more like people and not objects, right?" She had said that with an extremely nervous smile on her face, as she half knew the answer already. "S-Sorry, I..."

If she was able to get past this question without being shunned, Gwendolyn would be moving onto the whole wood-working business that was still working around her mind. But as of now, her recent question was hanging in the air, waiting for response.

07-25-14, 05:00 PM
Elthas considered her hesitation very carefully. I will have to work with her a lot so she can gradually move on from her past traumas. I just want her to become as skilled a member of The Trading Company as possible... Elthas was thinking, he hesitated for a brief moment as he sipped on some hot coffee. The questions did in fact linger in the air as the two consumed breakfast. Elthas was trying to word his response in his head as well as he could possibly come up with such a response. As he thought about that he took a pull of the good tasting hot coffee. It warmed his throat and filled his belly. Elthas considered his next move, and then put the coffee mug back on the table that sat between himself and Gwen.

"Freedom is the right of everyone." Elthas explained. "We here at The Trading Company believe in the prosperity and equal rights for all workers." Elthas did not speak like someone who had a brain washed ideology. HE BELIEVED what he was saying and would fight and die for the cause of The Trading Company. Elthas knew someday he would have to defend his very way of life, and he was prepared for that. What he wanted was other like-minded individuals ready to fight for that way of life as well. Someday. For now though, they had to build the foundation of The Trading Company and Elthas firmly believed that Gwen would become a firm part of that foundation. Elthas allowed his words to sit in the air between them while he waited. He was an elegant Elf and he behaved in a very agreeable fashion.

His entire method of operation was something that Elthas prided himself in having at all times. As he sat there and ate he considered the events of the day, it would be time to hunt soon. Elthas knew that the Angors were not TERRIBLY dangerous but could be if they were in large numbers. They would have to hunt the strays. Elthas had skinned a few Angors in his time working for The Trading Company and knew they were satisfying kills of adequate challenge level. There were plenty of game in Concordia Forest that they could hunt, but Elthas figured that Gwen NEEDED to be challenged. He could see the look of hunger in her eyes, she was wanting her own purpose in life. With time and training, Elthas would help her find it.

Green Gwendolyn
07-25-14, 07:34 PM
Elthas' answer hung in the air, soothing her. Even though she only knew Elthas since yesterday, Gwen realized that she could trust him. If he said that this was what they were, this was what they were. Elthas reminded her of the dad she used to have. His voice was honest and his eyes shone with truth. Somehow, Gwen knew she could trust him. So trust him she would.

Gwen leaned a bit over the table, placing her hands on table, folded casually. "Thank you."

Gwen blinked up at him and smiled, "I'm a good hand at carving wood. I could make weapons and figurines for the Trading Company if you like." Her voice was now bright and cheerful, yet still serious. "But," She pulled her hands down to her lap again. "You mentioned a 'hunt' ... it sounded like a challenge."

Gwen could tell the direction this was going to. This was most likely the initiation for her joining. If all went well, she could join... and join she would.

"I like a good challenge here and there."

07-28-14, 09:26 PM
Elthas listened to her.

She already had some knowledge of crafting in general, that would be a good addition to The Trading Company. As he listened, he took a pull of his coffee. It tasted pretty good. He ate various breakfast items, concentrated on scrambled eggs especially. He liked eggs in general, it was a rather delicious item. There was sausage and some other meats present, and several other items like bacon. Elthas took a piece of toast, and rubbed butter on it. It was warm toast, the butter slid right on. He munched on his food somewhat slowly, taking his time.

Everything about Elthas was measured and carefully conducted.

He took everything he did and everything he said VERY seriously.

As he ate, he listened and watched her. In silence, allowing her ample time to get everything off her chest that she needed to. Elthas ate quietly, his expression was fairly neutral. His eyes seemed to glow with the vast intellect that he had at his disposal. Once Elthas had his fill, he leaned forward very slightly. She was done talking, and he needed to address her. The Trading Company needed skilled workers, and it was clear that she had SOME skill. Elthas would show her the rest of the way she needed to traverse.

As he sat there, he realized the leather of the couch felt quite comfortable against him. He leaned back against the soft leather, his body felt like it was sinking into the couch subtly. As he prepared what he was going to tell her, he took a long pull of his coffee. Then, he replaced the mug back on the table. He spoke.

"That right there is the makings of a skilled worker." Elthas began with a compliment. "I have a few people skilled with carpentry here in town. And also...I can sculpt. But that's a subject for another day." Elthas winked at her. Elthas was a SKILLED artist, and some of his work was featured in galleries all over Radasanth and Corone in general. He was quite proud of the works he produced with his Elven aesthetics. "I will help turn your skill into knowledge and wisdom." Elthas explained. "We will head out to the western ridge when you are ready. There's a long day ahead for both of us. The sting of the angor tusks are a bit painful if you catch my meaning." Elthas waited for her response, and when she was ready, they would leave.

Green Gwendolyn
07-28-14, 10:16 PM
Gwen had been eating the entire time Elthas spoke, so Gwen was only at a few bites of light and fluffy eggs when he proposed their mission. Gwen stuffed the remaining eggs into her mouth, forgetting that she was eating in a house and not inside a rough forest. She then gulped down an entire cup of milk when he finished. Gwen put it down and whipped her mouth, a slightly overconfident smirk on it. "As soon as I collect my things, ready!"

Even without waiting for it, Gwen stood up from the table and raced to her quarters. She changed from her simple shirt into her brindigine. She then placed her leather gauntlets on, threw her green cloak over her back, and finally pulled her quiver of thirteen arrows over her back. She placed her metal bow in her hand and kept her oak longbow on her back. With her bag slung across her waist, with a packet of twelve healing herbs in it, she stuffed her feet into her leather boots then raced out the door again and got back into the dining area where Elthas hopefully still was. The only thing that seemed indoors worthy for her was the golden ring on her finger, however she was actually quite lively now. All she had needed was the time to awake and a proper meal, her blonde energy was heated to a boil.

Gwendolyn Stormhollow was ready.

07-30-14, 09:06 PM
Elthas gathered a few belongings whilst she readied her stuff.

He took with him only what he needed, his gentleman's suit and his sturdy masterwork steel daggers. He strapped his gloves around his hands, to be certain they fit, and he wrapped a hooded cloak about his person. Emblazoned upon it was the marking of The Trading Company sigil. Elthas was waiting right outside of the house, one of the servants would tell Gwen where he was, he'd made certain of that. His daggers were placed in their scabbards at his side. The elegant handles were constructed of a fine and comfortable combination of wood and bound leather. The daggers had long curves about their physical structure and were quite beautiful works of art by themselves.

Elthas adjusted his fedora as he stood there.

He wore his same suit, it was a full Radasanth cut suit. The basic cuts and trimmings were all modern era fashion, and they had a certain flare to them. Elthas wore his hair long and wild, it was green. However, he kept his hair completely clean to the point where it nearly shined. His cannibus smoking pipe hung at an angle as he waited on the front porch. The sweet smell of the cannibus herb filled the air from the position of Elthas's pipe. He was a smoker, he really enjoyed smoking the herb since it had a relaxing quality to it. He needed to be focused and completely alert for the task at hand.

Luckily for them, strategically speaking, The Western Ridge was not too far away from The Trading Company's small base of operation. Currently, the township had no name, it was just understood to be The Trading Company's turf. It was an open township and anybody who wanted to work for TTC could come live there and have housing and steady work. Elthas thought about what they'd been able to accomplish in a short amount of time. They had a proper village, and that village would someday become a city in it's own rights. Someday. The dreams of Elthas were grand and he was always thinking about what tomorrow would bring. Tomorrow's innovations required the current day's thinkers and geniuses. And Elthas was a genius.

His mind saw things the way that Elves saw them. When gifted with Immortality, the gift of his people, time moved different. You saw many things across the various ages, and started to connect the various historical events. One man's failure was another's victory. And with that was created the long chain of epochs that comprised history. Elthas looked forward to achieving TRUE AGE and help bring about what tomorrow held. For now though, he thought about Lady Gwen. He thought about what he needed to do RIGHT THEN to help her realize her own potential. Elthas had already put her on the company payroll, she just needed to start producing, Elthas knew. He rubbed his chin as he smoked and waited for and soon heard her arrive. He smiled and moved across the porch towards Gwen. She looked ready to pull the ears off an angor.

"All right Gwen. We're moving over towards The Western Ridge. The objective will be to use our skill to slay Five Adult Angors." Elthas explained. "We can talk as we walk over there."

Green Gwendolyn
07-30-14, 09:38 PM
Gwen nodded at Elthas with eager eyes, but a serious face. After he finished though, she smirked and walked on past him. "Okay then, so we are headed to Western Ridge which is... is..."

She then turned back to Elthas, only several feet away from her. Her confident smile faded into an innocent glance of questioning in less than a second. "East or west?"

Gwendolyn was so used to carrying around on her own, even with her time with the rangers she was left to find her own way. She had been able to to recognize their territories in a very short while, however she could not recall the Western Ridge. It was awkward and even a bit scary for her to have to ask for directions. However, Gwen was indeed foreign to this area. It was an entire different story of its own of how she was even able to find this very town they were in at this moment! Gwen sighed then toyed with her ring, a common quirk she had when feeling uncomfortable. She could feel the sun beating hard on her despite the storm from yesterday. The hot sun was already drying up the muddy world around them.

The smell of wet grasses and the brisk weather still made her quite cold though, which made the young huntress thankful for her cloak. Gwen found it easy though to pay attention to Elthas though as she was used to too many mornings similar to this. She simply welcomed the sun heating her blond strands into fire and switched from her ring to pulling her cloak over her skinny body as she listened further to her older and wiser friend's words.

08-08-14, 05:25 PM
"Follow me." Elthas said calmly.

He then started walking in the general direction of the western ridge. The temperature was good since it was early afternoon. Elthas looked up at the sky for a moment, only a few clouds decorated it. The temperature was comfortable, Elthas adjusted his fedora for a moment as they walked. His mind was concentrating on the task at hand. Angors, all though they were smaller monsters, were still dangerous in large numbers. Elthas wanted to pick a creature that would likely give Gwen and he a good work out routine. Elthas knew that the Angors could be salvaged for various items, including their tusks. He was interested in their good quality pelts. Adult Angor pelts sold for a good mint on the open market. It was an excellent source of rudimentary income. Elthas walked in silence, thinking largely of the hunt ahead.

His eyes studied the horizon ahead as they made their way to the western ridge. It was a short, uneventful walk later. Elthas explained various Trading Company practices along the way as they walked. The walk took approximately twenty minutes or so. Elthas guided Gwen towards a hill that overlooked the expanse of the western ridge. It was area right outside of Concordia Forest, home. It was an open, grassy field with various visible hills. A wind came in from the North. It helped keep the temperature comfortable from an otherwise warm and pleasant day. Elthas noticed the packs of Angors that were out on the field that day. They were always in numerous supply. He wanted to avoid a situation where too many would just gang up on Gwen and he. Elthas surveyed the field ahead for a long moment in silence. He had explained to Gwen that he hunted often and had grown quite comfortable surveying hunting grounds. Then, Elthas noticed something that disturbed him very deeply.

We are not alone. He noticed a small group of vagabond that were also out on the Western ridge hunting. Only they were taking far more than their fare share of food and supplies. Elthas immediately realized what they were: poachers. Further, they appeared to be dressed in that kind of rogueish sort of way, bandits likely. Of course, the day I try to train Gwen, there are these fucks out there...great. What can we do to salvage this?! Elthas looked at Gwen with a very serious expression on his face.

"Gwen." Elthas began. "We have a problem." He pointed towards the pack of poachers and noticed that they were still relatively minding their own business. There were roughly six VISIBLE poachers. Elthas considered that there could have been many more hidden out there. Elthas explained why poachers were serious business. "They know the lay of the land, and further, they might be working for The Thieve's Guild." Elthas rubbed his chin. He was carefully considering what they could do to salvage the hunting session. "I recommend we head back to town and gather some reinforcements. From there we round up the poachers and get them off our land if need be." Elthas was rubbing his chin as he spoke. "However, I will leave this choice up to you. Company members have to decide what is best for the mission at hand all the time." Elthas mentioned. He wondered what Gwen would say. "What do you, do we head back to town, or do you want to go round up some poachers?" Elthas asked. He knew it would be risky, but he was confident that Gwen and he could handle a few miscreants like those.

Green Gwendolyn
08-08-14, 09:32 PM
Gwen eyed the poachers with a sense of fear building up within her stomach. Her cloak was hanging over her body and her hood was up. Covered in green, Gwendolyn observed the situation. She was used to the ways of thieves and crooks due to her time with the rogue rangers - yet she did not want to meet any again. She hugged herself while she thought it over. It had taken a good twenty or so minutes to get here, she didn't want to head all the way back again just to get more people to argue and be uncooperative with (since Gwen was hardly the social type.) The child sighed and leaned closer to Elthas. "I just want to avoid these guys all together..."

The girl sighed though, her mind now being made up, "But meeting up with these goons could be unavoidable. They're further back than us - w-we could take advantage of the situation!" Her finger pointed up with a 'big idea' pose. "I know how to work around with wildlife and such. If I could set from traps and stuff, we could illuminate a lot of the challenge before it even reaches us. That way..." Gwen then patted her bow, "I don't get my bow cut up by their swords."

The young elf then slightly turned red as she confessed another weakness of her's, "I would prefer this method over any attack cause well... I can pick out multiple targets with my bow and arrow, safely set on top of a good perch to snipe them out- yet. Yet I... kinda... Suck. At melee combat..." It was true, Gwendolyn was an expert with her bow and arrow, yet she couldn't last very long when in a spear or sword fight even for a minute. Several seconds perhaps, but not a minute. Gwen still had her other arm wrapped around her body, still uncertain of the overall situation. She could take these guys out if she put her head into it, but she didn't want to overdo it. She just wished these men hadn't showed up...

But hey, a ranger has gotta do what a ranger has gotta do... Maybe we could pull this off still...

08-31-14, 04:57 PM
Elthas thought very carefully about what Gwen had just presented.

Going back to get reinforcements may take too long...and this could be the only window to stop them in their tracks. Elthas rubbed his chin for a long moment and then came up with a suitable plan. As he considered the possibility of dangers, he was thankful that he had shiny new daggers to experiment with. They would be adequate tools to use for the task at hand. Elthas looked at Gwen with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Gwen." Elthas began. "See them trees over there by the poachers?" Elthas pointed very carefully so she would catch his meaning. "Those look like an ideal ambush spot. Take position out there in the trees. Work your way around them, I am confident in my own skill. I'll provide the distraction you need to start taking them down. Remember, we're not here to kill these guys as odious as they might be. We can have the local jail take care of them." Elthas was fully intending on knocking them all out. Elthas looked at Gwen for a long moment. "I'll take them on directly to provide you time." Then he nodded. "We should both get going."

Then, Elthas started to make his way back down the large hill they'd been on. He moved quickly, there was an open field up ahead and the Angors would have to wait for another day. Elthas readied the daggers he'd modified in his recent Bazaar transactions, and rotated them in his hands. The feeling of the augmented daggers felt good in his hands. He moved quickly through the field, his eyes scanning the horizon for the nearest of the bandits. He would attempt to TALK to them at first, and hopefully attempt to provide a peaceful resolution to the situation at hand. HOPEFULLY. As he made his way towards the nearest of the group of poachers, he didn't bother attempting to hide. He didn't bother using any form of stealth, he was leader of The Trading Company, and he had to start to act as such.

Elthas saw the first of the poachers skinning one of the Angors nearby. There were three visible others. Elthas walked confidently towards the skinner of the group. Then he addressed him with a slight nod and inclination of his hat.

"This ain't no show, Elf." Came the sudden response. "We're working here, what do you want?" The man said gruffly.

Elthas paid attention to the way the man spoke. They were Jadet origin, not Radasanth or it's neighboring townships. Elthas wondered why a Jadet outfit would be operating so far away from Jadet. There has to be a reason. "Hey. That's a fine specimen. 'Bout middle age, good pelt. Fetch ya a mint. You got a buyer?" Elthas donned the mantle of a professional businessman. It was an act of course, but Elthas was an Elf of many talents and skills.

The man's eyebrow rose high atop his crown. Elthas sheathed his daggers and knelt down towards the fellow who did not recede in any way. "Tusks look good too."

"You know your Angors." The man said plainly. "How much you want for the pelts, we've netted a few of them since earlier this week. Good hunting range out here."

"That is precisely why I am here. You ever heard of The Trading Company?" Elthas asked.

"Yeah who hasn't 'round these parts?" The man's mood turned sour really quickly.

"I'm here to make you an offer." Elthas had not started attacking yet, he was hoping where ever Gwen was that she would hesitate in the same way he has. "See, I represent The Trading Company's new management." Elthas stood up at that point, keeping his eyes on the fallen Angor. "You're hunting on The Trading Company turf. BUT, rather than have you all arrested for doing so, I have a proposal for you guys."

"Go on." The man was clearly interested with the promise of money involved.

"The offer is simple. Join us. You'll be legally contracted workers with standard rates of pay, benefits and all that. But there's one extra benefit."

"What benefit is that?" The man asked only partially interested and raising his eyes up towards Elthas's own.

Thoughtfully, Elthas folded his arms across his chest and rubbed his chin. He was trying to be as diplomatic as possible, they were just guys looking for extra coin. And happened to infringe on The Trading Company turf. Elthas suddenly became very serious. "You'll prevent yourselves from getting hurt, badly, I might add." Elthas saw his goons stiffen at the threat, and the man before him flinched as if struck by a fist across the face. "This is nothing personal, you must understand. I would just rather do this diplomatically than have to resort to throwing your lot a sound beating." Elthas was not playing games, he was leader of The Trading Company and would ACT that way from then on.

"Look, Elf. I don't know what's crawled up your ass and died...but you are making a very poor decision here. You might be representing The Trading Company on it's turf and what not, but I see you alone out here. I can call upon another twenty of my companions out here in a matter of moments..." The man said.

Elthas visibly sighed. He really didn't want to have to use force against the poachers if it could be avoided. "Listen. I am making you a more than generous offer. It is in your best interests to accept the proposal for your own safety. I don't want to have to get serious on you..." Elthas explained.

"Stop." The man suddenly said. "You don't know who we are do you?"

"Doesn't really matter, I know you're from Jadet and your lot shouldn't be out here by yourselves..." Elthas said.

"The people we represent offer enough protection as is. I don't believe we need protection from a sorry ass group of business folk like yourself. Fucking nobles. You all think the world revolves around you. You don't even realize that a DIFFERENT Faction has moved into your turf right under your pointy nose." The man grinned darkly. "We're members of The Thieve's Guild, Elf. Spare us your words of diplomacy, we talk business or you can run on home to your fancy Lords and Ladies. Ain't no way we're turning our backs on The Thieve's Guild." The man put down his skinning knife, and suddenly stood up, at that point revealing his massive size. "Name's Garron." The fellow said carefully. "We're here to take your shit away from you. The poaching operation was just meant to draw you out into the open to engage you. You're on OUR turf now, friend. I suggest you get a move on unless you're prepared to defend your turf." Garron said.

"Garron." Elthas began. "You're making a serious mistake for you and your benefactors." Elthas learned one critical piece of information though, The Thieve's Guild was back in operation, also under new management...The Trading Company had a new enemy.

Green Gwendolyn
10-10-14, 09:28 PM
While Elthas spoke to the men, Gwen found it easy to slip into the foliage close by. Once there, she got to work! It didn't take long for her to strangle some branches together to set up a set of traps. One of them consisted of a strangling "rope" hanging several feet from the ground. As well as that, there was a camouflaged branch hanging low amongst the green leaves.

Another trap was a already dead tree, it was hanging by a thread of branches, with the ending one alone supporting it from the tree Gwen was now stationed at.

The archer herself was camouflaged, her body and head covered in her green cloak. The blond elf already had her longbow out, properly stringed and pulled back with an iron arrow. Her wood axe was stick into the heavy branch she was perched high on, right between her and the thread holding the dead tree up. Cut the rope and the skinny tree would fall onto anything below it.

The ranger watched as Elthas communicated with the men. No way could Gwen hear, but she could tell the poachers were hostile. Both the wind and the sun were against her back, so the elf was gifted with good sights, enough to pick up hints that a battle was starting up...

Gwen aimed with her bow and arrow to the closest rogue to her, waiting for anyone to make violent moves before firing.

10-14-14, 06:26 PM
At that point, Garron got serious.

Elthas saw it as it happened, and simply reacted quicker. Drawing his elegant knives, Elthas pointed one of his weapons right at Garron's throat. He did not move to kill, he simply was moving to get his point across. Elthas moved with supernatural grace and reflexes, and he fully utilized them at that point. He knew he would not have to hold back against the members of the Thieve's Guild. He carefully kept his dagger half an inch away from the man's Adam's apple. Elthas wore a very serious expression on his face as he addressed the gathering troops.

"Any of you take a step closer and you risk me having to harm your boss." Elthas said loudly. Elthas's muscles were completely tensed up as he pointed his knife towards Garron. His arm was fully extended and his other hand was also wielding a similarly elegant weapon. Elthas had spend a considerable amount of money upgrading his combat knives. He was then surrounded by four of Garron's troop. They all brandished weapons but did not attack right away. They are smart, probably former military... Elthas knew that Gwen was out there, watching and waiting. But he did not concern himself with that matter for the time being. Gwen was his ace in the hole. BUT, Elthas did not doubt his own growing skill and power. Elthas kept his eyes directly in front of himself and they moved towards Garron from time to time to be certain he didn't try anything stupid.

"Take a step closer and he'll pay the price." Elthas said again. He was bluffing, of course, Elthas only killed if it was an extreme circumstance. He preferred letting people live. He didn't like having needless blood on his hands. One of Garron's lackeys was well within striking range, but they were still waiting for something.

Finally, Garron spoke.

"He's serious." Garron said. "You're pretty fast, I'll give you that." There was no fear in Garron's eyes, none.

That simple fact concerned Elthas greatly.

"It'll take more than a speedy Elf to usurp power from my employers though." Right then, Garron finished the movement he was attempting to make earlier and drew a well constructed broadsword. He moved into a tight combat stance, his eyes never leaving Elthas's own. Garron looked down at the dagger that was pointing at him. "I'm calling your bluff, Elf. I know you're serious but you don't got enough blood on your hands to get the job done." Garron took a look at his nearest companion. He nodded the order. "Take him down, boys."

Elthas did not loose his composure, he'd been in bad situations worse than the current one he was in. Garron's lackeys moved in for the kill, but Elthas was ready for it. His ultra lightweight daggers rotated in his hands easily and were used for their primary purpose. To exact change on the world around him. The daggers were made for combat and warfare, yes, but Elthas would use them to someday change Althanas for the better. As he rotated his weapons in his hands, he moved to one of his tight combat stances. He moved into his stance of the piercing talons. It was a unique combat stance, one that was a mainstay of his tribe.

Garron was not amused with the way that Elthas moved. As Garron reacted, he seemed to be a step or three BEHIND Elthas every time that he moved. Garron saw the Elf shit into his combat stance expertly, and he didn't see it at the same time. It was as if he'd always been in that combat stance, only it just registered in his head. Garron growled and blinked a moment or two, before he gathered his wits. He knew the boys around him likely experienced the same effect that Elthas gave off.

Garron struck first.

He used his mighty weapon in a extravagant middle-position cut. He was aiming for Elthas's middle portion of his body in an attempt to cut him in two pieces. Garron wore a scowl on his face the entire time. As he swung his weapon, he noticed one critical error. Elthas was not there where he was a few seconds ago. Instead, Garron hit nothing but air and he did not have any idea where Elthas had maneuvered to. "Where is he?!" Garron yelled in confusion as his men reacted in the same sort of way, they also struck at air.

'He's over there, behind you!" One of Garron's men suddenly yelled.

Elthas had simply dashed through an opening in the tight line of skirmish. As he was now at an advantage he proceeded to slice, cleanly through one of the lackey's armour sets. It was the back side of the fellow. A cloak swirled at the last possible moment as the man tried to react to the speedier Elf. He moved at best speed, quickly overwhelming two of the lackeys before they could even react. Sometimes a cool head, and wits was all one needed. Elthas moved to a normal combat position having used his ability once. The increased agility served to buffer his already impressive reaction time. Elthas rotated his his daggers, in a span of a few seconds, he'd disabled two of the lackeys. He turned to look at Garron a moment later. "I warned you not to underestimate me!" Elthas yelled.

Garron reacted with confusion. At first it seemed like he would attack again, but he hesitated.

Elthas noticed a different emotion burning in Garron's eyes. FEAR. Garron was clearly afraid at that point, but Elthas would give them the chance to leave quietly. Elthas allowed himself a moment to relax, but kept his muscles tensed up as he took a momentary breath. He looked at the closest of the remaining lackeys. Then spoke. "Garron. Call your men off, I don't want to exert needless effort when you know I am capable of defeating all of you." Elthas said calmly. He was deadly serious though, just a lot calmer at that moment after he'd disabled two of Garron's boys.

Garron hesitated for a moment longer and then relaxed his combat stance. He kept his weapon drawn. "You win the day, Elf. But know this, we will come back. With greater numbers. The Thieve's Guild always repays those who seek to disrupt it." Garron looked at his companions. "Don't forget those two, we'll be heading back to base now." Garron said to his companions. The others only hesitated for a moment and proceeded to grab their fallen allies whilst looking at Elthas. None of them removed their eyes from Elthas's person.

"Know this, Elf. Someday we will be back to cut you." Garron said angrily.

"I will be waiting for you." Elthas responded. "Tell your masters this is Trading Company territory. Your kind are not welcome here, conduct your business elsewhere."

With that, Garron and his forces quietly left for the time being to plot and scheme another battle another day...

Green Gwendolyn
10-14-14, 08:53 PM
Right around the same time Elthas and a man drew some weapons, and Gwen ready to fire, did the young elf hear the cracking of a branch close to her.

From the corner of her keen eyes, Gwen saw that another archer had been attempting to sneak up to her from the edge of the cluster of trees.

The blond replied to the sight instantly. She turned the bow towards the man's direction and spoke to him, "I wouldn't step carelessly around here if I were you." The child's mind had been stolen away from Elthas' battle, she was now focused on this single man. He looked surprisingly young, maybe only a year older than she. She was unable to see his race under his thick, black hair, but he had an oak shortbow and a knife at his side. Rugged, sloppy clothes and a tide up robe were slung on him. Gwen noticed eyes that were bleak and empty - similar to herself.

The man spoke with a painfully scratchy voice, "C-caught m-e-e..." And he lowered his bow. Gwen found herself unwilling to strike the tired looking boy, she only stared at him for several moments before asking a question.

"Are you with them?" She was referring to the poachers.

The boy stared back at her with heavy, weary eyes before turning tail and running. Gwen reacted by blindly shooting her arrow. The boy was still running, and didn't stop when Gwen's arrow shot his robe right off him. - He only dropped his half rotted quiver full of twelve arrows.

Gwen swung off her tree, letting the poor guy go. She was happy to see he'd dropped two crucial things while fleeing: extra arrows and rope.

Gwen made sure her hood was over her head before swooping low and sweeping up the supplies, dropped not too far from her hiding place, and racing back to her hiding place.

Once back up in the tree, Gwen swooped around replacing the loose roots with the rope, thus better securing her traps. She then looked back out to see...

... the rest of the poachers backing away from Elthas slowly.

Gwen plucked one of the bumpy, black arrows from the barely held together quiver. The iron arrow held some poorly forged writing engraved in it. It read "Theifs Guild."

10-24-14, 02:38 PM
(Conclusion Post. Gwen, go ahead and do your own conclusion and feel free to bunny Elthas if need be. I'll submit this when your conclusion post is up.)

Elthas was almost certain they would try something. He kept his guard up the entire time they walked away with their fallen comrades. Elthas sighed. But kept his muscles tensed up ready to pounce at a moment's notice. For a moment, however fleeting, he felt the desire to back stab the backstabbers. It would have been an irony, but he knew he'd already instigated The Thieve's Guild enough. It would add insult to injury that their members were left alive. This will likely not be the last time we encounter them...they will be back with a greater threat someday. Then he wondered why Gwen hadn't attacked the entire time, but was thankful she hadn't. It would have made matters more complex.

Elthas felt the wind coming in from the west. It was somewhat warm, and the training exercise for Gwen would have to be held another day. Either way, she'd passed the initial stage of her training. Elthas turned to look at Concordia Forest. No. Ruild. And try to pick Gwen's movements out in the near area, with her own natural grace it would be difficult to spot her. Elthas narrowed his eyes and tried to focus on finding Gwen. A few years nearby, he did see her in the field picking something up. He also saw one of Garron's lot heading off in the other direction. He sighed again. Once he was certain they were out of ear-shot, Elthas proceeded to make his way quickly towards Gwen. He knew he could NOT leave her by herself out there with members of The Thieve's Guild about. Elthas finally caught up with Gwen and looked at her general direction.

"Lady Gwen, are you harmed?" Elthas had to ask. No other matters concerned him at that point, only her safety and well being. Elthas knew that she was an initiate seeking training and she had to complete the training. Elthas looked about with his sharp eyes, and attempted to spot if there were anymore cleverly hidden Thieve's Guild people. Elthas saw the object that Gwen was picking up earlier, and it seemed to be an arrow of low-quality and make. "Gwen it is not safe here, we should head back to town and we can discuss our next move there." Elthas continued. "By the way you have passed your training." He tipped his hat in her general direction as a sort of greeting. Maybe a blessing. "We can hunt for Angors another day, for now though, we gotta get out of here." His eyes were darting about as he was studying the foliage around them. He didn't want to get caught off guard again with a company initiate under his wing. Elthas narrowed his eyes once he was satisfied that they were indeed alone. He started to walk back to their town and assumed that Gwen would follow. Keeping his hands on the handles of his daggers, Elthas hadn't felt that scared in a long while. Not for his own safety, but for the safety of Gwen and his people. He looked at her as they walked back to town.

"By the way, good work. You will go far with The Trading Company." Elthas felt he should say something else, but that was probably enough. They needed to plan ahead for a potential conflict with their new enemy. Elthas's cloak swished about his body as he walked, his mannerisms and external expression were quite serious. I tried diplomacy and that didn't work, those men are dangerous and desperate. I will have to hold a meeting to figure out our next move. With that, Elthas walked alongside Gwen. His mind was troubled, but focused. In the nearby distance packs of Angor beasts moved across the field and occasionally pack hunted other critters of the forest...such was the hunter's game.

The game of life.

~The End.