View Full Version : Looking for any crafters/questers for various projects. (Story Teller for hire)

04-29-14, 11:37 AM
Hi gang.

I'm basically game for whatever, and I am always around.

I'm a little tired of soloing and having threads get stagnant on me. (Not meant at anybody in particular, don't worry guys) So here is what I propose. I'm offering my services as a non-staff member ST (Story Teller) who wants to just tell STORIES lol. I'm game for anything. Quests, Social Threads, massive sweeping epics, battles, whatever. You name it. I'm looking to start getting this character (Elthas) and Lorenor up to higher levels. Those are my main two. Elthas is a knife fighter Elf, and Lorenor is a Paladin. So that's basically the deal. You guys want stuff to do, hit me up. And we'll get the ball rolling. This is a project I want to undertake OUTSIDE of my involvement in The Ixian Knights (Lorenor) and The Trading Company. (Elthas) So if you guys need a Story Teller for your projects, or if you want to do an entirely NEW project, let's get it done! I'm willing to rp with ANYBODY (Especially you newer folks, and those I have NOT rped with) and I just want to start helping are newer folk get to higher levels.

Anyway Althanas, what do you say? Let's bust out those levels!!!


04-29-14, 12:56 PM
Hey man PM me. I have a few ideas:)

04-29-14, 01:56 PM
We have never RP'ed together before, and I am always up for the weird and wonderful projects.
I have on offer Philomel, the lovely assassin whore faun, and her half-brother Leaf, the adoptive father of three fighting/truffle-hunting pigs and a famer.

04-29-14, 03:12 PM
Hey kudos you two for your rapid responses. I can do separate threads for you guys or one with both of you, it's up to you. Though I -personally- prefer to work on a more individual basis. Should be fun either way. I am gonna work with both of you guys on different threads me thinks. Hit me up with your ideas and such. Anyway, I should have intro's up for you two tonight or tomorrow!!!

04-29-14, 04:19 PM
I am also trying to get my new character Leaf off the ground. So I am able to do two. Maybe one with each of your characters if you like?
I am pretty much up for anything. Phi can fit into almost any story. Leaf... he has just arrived in Radasanth. Maybe a misadventure in some pub or other where he tries, but fails, to fit in?

04-29-14, 09:26 PM
Phil-either idea could work. But I'd rather have you use your main character first and we'll work it from there. Then I'll do a thread after for your Leaf character. So that could work too. Just tell me where you prefer rping and we'll get it underway.

P.S.-Iodar your im box is full. But it's cool we can also talk on here. Let me know where you want the thread to take place in and I will have it done real soon :D . Anyway guys I look forward to working with both of you.

04-29-14, 09:47 PM
Ok sorry bout that, I was thinking Eluriand in Raiaera. Possibly finding some sort of catacombs under the Istien University. I feel it fitting as the Necromancer war was waged there some time ago.

05-02-14, 11:26 AM
Okay guys I apologize for vanishing these past couple of days. I ran into some internet problems that have been resolved. I'll be posting the posts I owe this weekend. Again, my bad. I didn't want anybody thinking that I was neglecting them. Anyway, I will be posting up as soon as TESO (I recently got this game :P ) finished patching. That should be SOMETIME today. Hahah. Anyway guys thank you all for being patient with me. Ioder, expect a Raiaera thread from me this weekend at SOME point. Let's make it a good one :D .

05-03-14, 04:39 AM
Elthas, I was so sure I replied to your earlier post. Sorry.

Assuming my level two/level three almost upgrade is accepted, I would like to start a thread with Philomel where she firstly begins a telepathic connection with her familiar fox earth-spirit Veridian, and then learns her minor earth magic (creating small dust-storms).

Maybe set in Concordia wood somewhere would be wonderful. Philomel can be tracking some deer for wood and her and Elthas can come across each other?

05-05-14, 01:40 PM
That sounds brilliant since Elthas is originally FROM Concordia Forest. I don't mind working with any ideas you guys might have. I will try really hard to post everything up today that I owe you two :) . Let's get this party started.

05-10-14, 05:13 PM
Okay Philomel, I got off my lazy ass and posted the thread for you. It is amongst my finest work so far. Enter however you want to enter in the thread. Note, by the time your character, Philomel actually stumbles upon the wagon, there should be a fire set on most of the wagons. You can opt to rescue Elthas if you so choose. Its up to you. Let me know what you thought of my intro :D . Ioder, I will posting in our thread tonight.

~Alpha and Omega~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27411-Closed-An-End-and-a-Start)

06-21-14, 03:40 PM
Okay this project is still ongoing folks.

So anybody who needs GM (Story teller) for their projects, feel free to request a thread or project from me.

I am always around and able to rp with anybody.