View Full Version : Loa

05-01-14, 08:59 AM
Hey everyone,

As terrible as it is to do this, I have to take an LOA for school (which rules me with an iron fists -_-) I have to catch up on several courses since I moved so I won't be on for about two weeks (of torture.. for me)

So yeah, I will not be replying to most threads, maybe I'll be peeking on and replying an OOC thread off and on but nothing ICly. And that goes for aaallllllllll of my accounts.

I am sorry for this and thank you for understanding,
~ BlueGhostofSeaside

05-01-14, 02:40 PM
But, but, your avatar and sig ratings!

And yea, school sucks, have a nice course catchup session, etc, you'll be missed!

Andy, also, now you can get your peace from Avatar/Signature rating