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09-20-06, 03:54 PM
Ok so... I'm back. No profile issues, just waiting for the updates to actually hit my account. So I took some time to consider what I was doing before Althanas crashed and I got busy, and what I was planning to do. I realized a few things.

Firstly: I seriously lack interaction with other characters so I want to get into more quests involving at least one other person.

Secondly: My prefered style was First Person, and its the style I'm best at... I tended to get higher judgings with them. The problem being is its hard to roleplay with someone who writes in first person when the other person doesn't. Naturally this is somewhat of a problem.

From what I see I only have two choices.
A: Switch back to Third person and see if I can improve there.
B: Stick with First person and try to find a way around it.

Anyone have an suggestions to help me along?

09-20-06, 05:16 PM
Roleplay with people that rp in first person? I do half the time... so I'd jump in something if you need me too...

09-21-06, 06:00 AM
Trruee, but that can limit the feild of people I play with. So doing both wouldn't hurt depending on who I was rping with I guess...

09-21-06, 06:20 AM
I'd suggest going with what you are good at, and keeping with it. Nobody is going to fault your for writing in first person while they are writing in third, that is your preference and therefore how you write. If you feel that the difference is too much than I would suggest switching to third, but otherwise stick with what you are good at and know you can do well.

09-21-06, 07:56 AM
You don't have to write third if the people you write with do so in third. I read several threads where one of the participants wrote in third and the other in first. And while it is a bit strange to read a story that constantly switches from different styles, it's not that confusing. I suggest you stick with what you feel best with.

09-21-06, 08:28 AM
Hey, ask around. I know Master Raven can do fine in First.

If he ever puts enough thought into it, that is. But he's done one and it came out fine by me.

But, yeah. Like what those two old folks say. Stick to the style you are best at unless you want to try around new styles. It could help, or it might not. It's all up to you, really.

09-21-06, 05:37 PM
Old folks XD. I dunno... maybe I'll experiment with styles and see how it goes. My last first person was a 71 score, my highest ever. My last 3rd person was 40ish... but like I said. Maybe I'll try both and depending on how things go if the scores are close to the same I don't think it'll be a problem.

09-21-06, 05:53 PM
meh don't worry about the scores, do what's fun. if you like first better than write with first and if you like third bettter than write in third. Shouldn't let the scores force you into something less fun.

09-22-06, 07:36 AM
I enjoy both. Its fun and getting higher scores is part of Althanas, its how I know I'm improving. I won't do something if I don't enjoy it.