View Full Version : Eiksalt War Round 2: Wolf Oden Luka Frekad Vs Doge

Silence Sei
05-05-14, 01:36 PM
Battle of the Anti-Bitches! Which Dog (Or Doge) is better?!

Matches will begin Tuesday, May 13th at 12:01 AM Central Standard Time and last for two weeks. Good Luck!

05-16-14, 09:12 PM
The day was grand. Sun hanging in the sky like some sort of lazy pineapple, the ground covered with a thin layer of snow that had caused my feet to go numb several hours ago and the fresh air carrying the crisp smells of war. I paused for a second, smelling what I guessed was a burning building some miles off. As I said, it was truly a grand old day. The sort of day this intrepid dog found simply glorious. Today I was a hero, mighty strides taking me deeper into the icy nation where I might aid the people caught in this horrible struggle.

It had been several hours since I had left the Sand Princess and the girl with the red shoes with the other refugees. The roads had twisted and turned but I followed my nose, ready to deal canine justice to any fiend that dare show him or herself to me. None had appeared however, and I had spent most of the time eating something I think was fish from one of those containers people put free food in and leave on the street.

It was only a few minutes after the free fish that the incident occurred. I was walking down the road, tail swishing through the air as a sign of my just cause. I reached a corner, turned it to find the burning building my nose of justice had led me to. It turned out to be only two hundred or so meters from where I had smelled it, but none the less I had found it. The flames were huge, licking up the side of the wooden walls much like stray cats do to my fur; insentient and without asking first.

“Woof!” I announced, signalling that I was here and ready to save lives.

My tiny golden paws pressed into the ground, sending my similarly golden body forwards like some sort of golden bullet. I reached the doors valiantly just before they swung open. The wood zipped in front of my face, causing me to courageously flinch. Several men ran from the flames, screaming all sorts of odd words.

“Run you son's of bitches its a monster!” Said the man bringing up the rear as the others darted around my proud cowering form, “Leave the others and the blasted weapons!”

The men disappeared down the street, leaving me with the task to save the others they had spoken about. The trust they placed in me was a gift I would not waste, and I leaped into the building. Flames were not as thick inside, rather a few were poking through the cracks in the walls, threatening to break through soon enough. I did not know it then but the building had been set alight by the forces seeking to overtake the throne. A mercenary sent in to destroy the forwards weapon stores and ease the nefarious advance of the evil doers. What I did know though was there was one dog that wasn't going to take a random burning building in a strange city full of people I didn't know, nor care about lying down!

My keen, slightly squinting eyes took in the building. It was more a tower than I had given it credit for outside. Two long stair cases ran up each side of the building to the three floors. The center was empty, allowing me to see up to the very top. Each floor was little more than a narrow corridor lined with lockers on the outside wall. Given the conversation of the men I assumed that is where the weapons were located. High above I heard cries of help, and a scream of terror or two. I bolted to the closest stair case and started my ascension.

Wolf Oden Luka Frekad
05-21-14, 09:45 PM
“Am I lucky or unlucky?” I questioned the lifeless body in front of me. The target was clearly dead, but someone else from the organization must have done it as the unfamiliar arrow indicated. “Well, either way, I best be getting out of here. Seems like the higher ups are panicking slightly and stepping on each others' toes by sending people from different teams to the same missions.... And if another assassin stealing my mission wasn't bad enough, seems like a third person or team was assigned to burn this building to the ground.”

Quickly, I took the dead man's ring for proof of his death and to sell before rushing to the stairway. I made sure to stay in my human form to hopefully past unnoticed by the other people trying to escape although I doubt they would have even noticed if a bear was behind them in their current state. As I pushed through obstacles, I made sure to stay low and use a cloth as a mask to block the increasing smoke.

The mission was done for the day. All I needed to do was escape, rest, and move onto my next target. This next victim on my list really made me question the commanding ability of my superiors. For whatever reason, they had assigned me to capture a dog. A golden furred dog! Was my commander some kind of crazy dog lunatic? Well, my job was to carry out orders, I wasn't going to question the ones who paid the bills.

05-22-14, 06:26 AM
I ran up the stairs, mighty legs bolting forwards as I bound up the stairs. I made it to the first flight, twisting quickly to ascend up the next. My nose must have been effected by the smoke as I came across a man without the warning my impressive sense of smell would normally afford. At the time I thought the man was a survivor and I skidded to a halt, lifted my bright, helpful eyes towards the man.

“Woof!” I said, successfully pressing upon him that I was here to help, and that if didn't realise the building was on fire. I twirled on the spot, a quick three sixty to show that I was ready to help him escape, he need but ask. Of course the standard twirl and gaze could also have been translated as wanting him to throw a stick, but given the circumstances I felt it would not be interpreted as such.

“Woof Woof!” I added, this time my poetical use of assonance pressing him on the need to find any others that needed to escape. Humans I had found were often dreadfully daft in circumstances like this, and I was at that moment sure my bright eyes were soothing his tormented and scared soul. For the moment I had to wait for the man to gather his wits, and so waited for a response.

Wolf Oden Luka Frekad
05-26-14, 08:30 PM
“Well, would you look at that. Maybe my luck has taken a turn for the better,” I thought to myself as a golden dog stopped in front of me. For some reason it seemed to be trying to communicate with me. However, stupid human dogs can't speak proper wolfish and thus I could only guess at what it was trying to speak.

“Guess this stupid mutt would be prefect. Now, I just need to confirm orders and figure out how to quickly catch it before this building burns to the ground,” I muttered to myself as I tried to keep an eye on the dog while pulling out a slip of paper with the mission on it.

“Ugh... I have to deliver it to 'that' demon? Seriously, he might call himself a half-demon but if the rumors are even a quarter true, he is just as bad if not worst than any full blooded one....” I felt a small pang of pity as I scanned orders. But I immediately pushed aside this feeling and set my eyes on a nearby sheet of fabric that seemed conveniently in the storage room next to me. If the idiot dog would just stay here for a minute, I could grab it and hopefully use the narrow stairway to catch it.

Silence Sei
05-29-14, 09:36 AM
Doge, do to having the better character and more frequent posting, gets the victory in this one.

Doge advances

Wolf Oden Luka Frekad is eliminated.