View Full Version : Another's Fairy Tale

05-06-14, 11:04 AM
This thread is relatively open. BlueGhostOfSeaside and Fox both expressed interest but pretty much anyone can join. The original recruiting thread can be found here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27354-Alive-and-Oinking). Its based on the theme of "folk tales", Leaf himself taking the characters of the three little pigs.
Basic storyline: Three pigs and their great friend, Leaf, are building a shelter in the wood. A particularly boisterous bear comes along (or similar. I have left it open for someone to just... do what they want) and smashes it to the ground. Other people come in, perhaps a bear hunt enshews, all the way (hopefully) to a strange castle in the middle of the wood...

It was the middle of the night. Depths of winter. The cold was enticing - but piercing - to touch. Curiousity gave itself a bad name in this world of icicles and snowflakes, one that sent fear rippling through the hearts of men. It whispered their deepest secrets in their frozen ears, wrapped itself around their frozen toes, and slipped down contendedly their frozen throats, until it turned to ice the insides.

So quickly, quickly, the pigs and their faun companion worked. The mighty miniature-boar Thor with his muscles and stamina assisted Leaf in constructing the structure. Cookie stood back a pace, showing them through the images in his mind what he wanted the hut to look like. Before him was a diagram drawn in the snow with a front trotter, the defined marks of it scratching as deep as the dirt. The female of the group, the sow Popsy, ran back and forth from the nearby trees, bringing in many twigs and small branches that she could carry that would serve as coverage.

Popsy found a particular gorgeous snow-tipped flower and offered it to Cookie with a squeal of glee. She then proceeded to shiver in a perfectly adorable way but the alpha micro-pig was not amused. His snout turned to her and an angered snort came from it, sending a flurry of snow her way. She jumped in fright, and as she landed slipped on the white ground. Little trotters went scurry-flying and in a second she was on her back, oinking with surprise.

Looking over, Leaf stopped, and stared. His eyes rolled a little as slowly, he sighed. Stretching his legs as he did, he strode over, and then bent to right the sow into her proper stance. The snow still fell thickly and icily, and it was discomforting to see Popsy's legs tremble still - but not with fear, with cold.

Mournfully he tucked the sow under his arm and strode back to the shelter. His hands moved fast, and his mind worked overtime. Assessing the situation and communicating with all three pigs through a series of thought-patterns and noises, he told them that they should just end now. Placing Popsy directly into the depths of the structure, he then waved to Cookie to get in as fast he could, saying that he would finish himself.

Thor rather enthusiastically shook off the excess snow from his body and ran full sprint under the cover. Cookie, however, kept his rigid stance, and even raised his non-existant hackles in a sign of determination. He sent one thought to Leaf, and that was a definite "NO".

Sighing once more, the faun shook his head and turned to leave the pigs. He strode some way away, telling them that he would not be very far. From here he knew roughly where there were larger leaves to create a temporary roof, one that would at least last a few hours. The master-pig - that was what ginger Cookie tried to call himself anyway - remained behind, although protested until the last. As warm as his hairy legs could make him, Leaf paced away, grumbling to himself.

"Pigs," he muttered, "Who can ever understand them?"