View Full Version : Price Check on an Enchanted Glass Eye

Quentin Boone
05-11-14, 11:59 AM
How much would it cost for a masterwork glass eye (made of cillu; masterwork to make it clear-ish) that is enchanted to give visual feedback to the user?

First quote would be for an enchantment that simply gives the same feedback as an actual eye. The idea being to give Quentin 3-D vision again.

The second quote would be for an enchantment that gives sight to the user, but also creates an outline around individual people.

I know these will probably have to go through RoG, but that's fine.

Thanks in advance.

05-11-14, 02:59 PM
A Masterwork Cillu Glass eye with an enchantment to give Quentin 20(perfect in one eye) vision in that eye will be 450 GP.

The same glass eye will cost 600 GP if it is enchanted with the ability to outline other people.

No problem.

Quentin Boone
05-13-14, 10:09 AM
I'll buy it!

And to confirm: The glass eye gives Quentin 20/20 vision in his left eye and outlines each individual within Quentin's field of vision. The range is the same as any normal person's vision and only works for the things Quentin can actually see. So, no outlines through walls or anything. This is per a chat conversation with Erikar.

Does this need to go through RoG?

05-13-14, 12:24 PM
No. Just make sure to list it in your Equipment section of your next level update, along with it's abilities and effects.

Looks good to me.

600 GP is to be deducted from Quentin Boone's account.

05-13-14, 12:27 PM
Beep beep, boop.

Quentin Boone goes from 632 GP to 32 GP.

Transaction Complete.

Please post a link to this thread where proof of purchase is applicable.